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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2022-10-31 7:31 已读 774 次  


https://www.history-a2z.com/americans-these-are-the-cheapest-countries-for-you-to-live-in/13?xcmg=1 美国人,这些是你住的最便宜的国家 2022 年 9 月 16 日 | Ofek Hagag |这篇文章最初出现在我们的姊妹网站:science-a2z.com 在脸书上分享 生活在海外的幻想常常被许多人浪漫化,但很少能实现。然而,不知何故,它总是让人觉得只有当你年纪大了、财务状况更稳定时才能负担得起。 存在Shutterstock 好吧,我们有什么消息要告诉你。以下国家是美国人居住最便宜的国家,所以看看清单并开始打包吧!这些国家是使用 GOBanking.com 分析选择的。该分析基于四个指标: 当地购买力:以该国典型的平均工资可以购买多少。它越低,您可以用该薪水购买的东西就越少,反之亦然。 租金:不同国家的平均租金有多高或多低。 杂货:不同国家/地区的典型杂货价格有多高或多低。 当地商品和服务:公用事业、服务和商品(如交通、餐馆等)的价格有多高或多低。不同国家的所有指标都与纽约市的指标进行了比较。 秘鲁 秘鲁是一个拥有古老印加历史的国家。其色彩缤纷的街道从东部令人惊叹的安第斯山脉延伸到西部令人眼花缭乱的海滩。 存在Shutterstock 秘鲁最有趣的地方是库斯科和马丘比丘。前者是印加首都,后者包含古代遗址和古董。为了加入生活在这个南美瑰宝中的 3200 万人,您需要学习西班牙语。如果您完全爱上了这个地方并且也想学习一些土著语言,您可以从盖丘亚语和艾马拉语开始。 当地购买力下降 58.8% 租金便宜 82.77% 杂货便宜 63.83% 本地商品和服务便宜 60.53% 跳过广告 爱沙尼亚 爱沙尼亚曾经是苏联的一部分。现在它与俄罗斯、拉脱维亚和波罗的海接壤。 存在Shutterstock 爱沙尼亚于 2004 年加入北约(北大西洋公约组织)和欧盟(欧盟)。从那时起,其 190 万人口的经济得到了很大改善。爱沙尼亚人讲俄语和爱沙尼亚语。 当地购买力下降 31.52% 租金便宜 86.02% 杂货便宜 63.26% 本地商品和服务便宜 50.5% 肯尼亚 如果温暖的天气对您来说是理想的选择,那么肯尼亚就是您的理想去处。肯尼亚共和国位于印度洋沿岸的赤道上,享有与其他国家不同的自然景观。风景和野生动物吸引了巨大的旅游吸引力,但遗憾的是,这些都多次受到不同恐怖袭击的威胁。 存在Shutterstock 肯尼亚有 5300 万人口,分为众多种族。肯尼亚人主要讲英语和斯瓦希里语,但有些群体有自己的土著语言。 当地购买力下降 69.1% 租金便宜 90.32% 杂货便宜 62.35% 本地商品和服务便宜 61% 伊朗 伊朗伊斯兰共和国以前称为波斯,是近 8400 万人口的家园。这些人中的大多数人说波斯语(波斯语),但走在街上你可能还会听到一些不同的方言。 存在Shutterstock 伊朗丰富多彩的市场和独特的风土人情是任何其他国家无法比拟的。但在您收拾行装出发之前,请考虑一下该国有限的言论自由。伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉阿里哈梅内伊控制着一切——从军队到媒体。 当地购买力下降56.82% 租金便宜 82.95% 杂货便宜 66.47% 本地商品和服务便宜 61.74% 斯洛文尼亚 经过多年成为南斯拉夫的一部分,斯洛文尼亚终于在 1991 年独立。该国现在是欧盟和北约的成员。在过去的 10 年里,斯洛文尼亚经历了经济低谷并从中恢复过来。 存在Shutterstock 该国拥有美丽的湖泊和山脉,200 万人口讲斯洛文尼亚语。这个欧洲国家与奥地利、意大利、克罗地亚、匈牙利和亚得里亚海接壤。 当地购买力下降 21.77% 租金便宜 85.94% 杂货便宜 56.52% 本地商品和服务便宜 46.76% 阿曼 这个国家的主要经济支柱是石油工业,但它也依赖渔业和旅游业。阿曼拥有 500 万人口,一侧是沙漠山脉,另一侧是阿拉伯海。 存在Shutterstock 这个伊斯兰国家位于中东阿拉伯半岛,官方语言是阿拉伯语。 当地购买力高出11.86% 租金便宜 72.08% 杂货便宜 50.66% 本地商品和服务便宜 47.41% 克罗地亚 克罗地亚是一个与斯洛文尼亚、匈牙利、黑山和波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那接壤的欧洲小国。首都萨格勒布市到处都是美丽的古老的奥匈帝国建筑,您根本看不够。
Americans, These Are the Cheapest Countries for You to Live InSep 16, 2022 | Ofek Hagag | This article originally appeared on our sister site: science-a2z.comShare in FacebookThe fantasy of living overseas is often romanticized by many, but rarely gets fulfilled. However, somehow, it always feels like something you can only afford when you’re older and more financially stable.
Shutterstock Well, have we got some news for you. The following countries are the cheapest ones for Americans to live in, so take a look at the list and start packing! The countries were selected using GOBanking.com analysis. The analysis was based on four metrics: 6park.com

Local purchasing power: How much you can buy with an average salary typical to the country. The lower it is, the less you can buy with that salary and vice versa. Rent: How high or low the average rent is in different countries. Groceries: How high or low the typical grocery prices are in different countries. Local goods and services: How high or low are the prices of utilities, services, and goods such as transportation, restaurants, and more. All metrics in the different countries were compared to the ones in New York City.


Peru is a country rich with ancient Inca history. Its colorful streets stretch from the stunning Andes mountains in the east, to dazzling beaches in the west. 6park.com


The most interesting places to see in Peru are Cuzco and Machu Picchu. The former was an Inca capital and the latter contains ancient ruins and antiques. In order to join the 32 million people living in this South American gem, you will need to learn Spanish. If you fall in love with the place entirely and want to learn some indigenous languages too, you can start with Quechua and Aymara. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 58.8% lower Rent is 82.77% cheaper Groceries are 63.83% cheaper Local goods and services are 60.53% cheaper [iframe][/iframe][iframe][/iframe]  [iframe][/iframe] [iframe][/iframe]  [iframe][/iframe]  Skip Ad[iframe][/iframe]


Estonia used to be a part of the Soviet Union. Now it shares its borders with Russia, Latvia, and the Baltic Sea. 6park.com


Estonia joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the EU (European Union) in 2004. Since then, its population of 1.9 million has enjoyed a much-improved economy. The people of Estonia speak Russian as well as Estonian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 31.52% lower Rent is 86.02% cheaper Groceries are 63.26% cheaper Local goods and services are 50.5% cheaper


If warmer weather is ideal for you, Kenya is the place to go. Located on the equator along the shores of the Indian Ocean, the Republic of Kenya enjoys natural landscape like no other country. The landscape and wildlife make for a great tourist magnet, but sadly, those have been threatened many times by different terror attacks. 6park.com


Kenya has a population of 53 million people divided into numerous ethnic groups. Kenyans speak mostly English and Swahili, but some of the groups have their own indigenous languages. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 69.1% lower Rent is 90.32% cheaper Groceries are 62.35% cheaper Local goods and services are 61% cheaper


Formerly known as Persia, the Islamic Republic of Iran is home to nearly 84 million people. Most of those people speak Farsi (Persian), but walking the streets you might hear some different dialects as well. 6park.com


Iran's colorful markets and unique customs can't be matched by any other country's. But before you pack your bags and go, consider the country's limited freedom of speech. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader, controls everything – from the army to the media. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 56.82% lower Rent is 82.95% cheaper Groceries are 66.47% cheaper Local goods and services are 61.74% cheaper


After years of being a part of Yugoslavia, Slovenia finally became independent in 1991. The country is now a member of the EU and NATO. In the last 10 years, Slovenia has experienced an economical low and healed from it. 6park.com


The country enjoys beautiful lakes and mountains, and its 2 million population speaks Slovenian. This European country borders with Austria, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, and the Adriatic Sea. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 21.77% lower Rent is 85.94% cheaper Groceries are 56.52% cheaper Local goods and services are 46.76% cheaper


This country's main economical pillar is the oil industry, but it also relies on fishing and tourism. Oman's population of 5 million people enjoys the desert mountains on one side and the Arabian Sea on the other. 6park.com


Located in the Middle Eastern Arabian Peninsula, the official language of this Islamic country is Arabic. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 11.86% higher Rent is 72.08% cheaper Groceries are 50.66% cheaper Local goods and services are 47.41% cheaper


Croatia is a small European country that borders with Slovenia, Hungary, Montenegro, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The city of Zagreb, the capital, is full of beautiful old Austro-Hungarian buildings you just can't get enough of. 6park.com


The country has a population of 4 million people that mostly speak Croatian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 39.29% lower Rent is 89.91% cheaper Groceries are 60.09% cheaper Local goods and services are 52% cheaper


The first thing that comes to mind when we think of China is busy streets full of people. Seeing that China has a population of 1.4 billion, we wouldn't be wrong, but this country has a lot more than that. 6park.com


It is a place where the old world meets the latest modern developments. The nation's capital, Beijing, is home to many fabulous markets to wander through, and the rural countryside is also great to explore. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 32.16% lower Rent is 81.33% cheaper Groceries are 52.26% cheaper Local goods and services are 55.24% cheaper


This beautiful Mediterranean island has fabulous beaches and warm weather. This explains why it is such a tourist magnet. 6park.com


Cyprus is divided into two parts – the Turkish part in the north, and the Greek part in the south. While the people of Cyprus speak Greek or Turkish, you should find your way around there pretty easily as an English speaker. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 4.08% lower Rent is 87.72% cheaper Groceries are 55.94% cheaper Local goods and services are 45.93% cheaper


This Eastern European country is home to some breathtaking architecture and cultural centers. People who dream of traveling Europe should definitely put Budapest (the capital) on their lists, even if only to enjoy the nightlife and mineral spas. 6park.com


Unsurprisingly, the official language in Hungary is Hungarian, but since the country borders with Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia, it wouldn't be hard to find minorities that speak Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 52.48% lower Rent is 87.33% cheaper Groceries are 66.38% cheaper Local goods and services are 57.23% cheaper


Becoming a part of the EU in 2004, Slovakia used to be a part of Czechoslovakia. Now, it is its own country with its own identity and a growing economy. Slovakia's border neighbors are Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, and of course, the Czech Republic. 6park.com


Slovakia's official language is Slovak, and it is spoken by its population of nearly 5.5 million. Other than beautiful architecture, Slovakia is also home to some of the world's best ski slopes. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 35.25% lower Rent is 83.51% cheaper Groceries are 61.16% cheaper Local goods and services are 55.1% cheaper


Once a war-stricken dictatorship, Uganda can now take pride in itself as an independent country with a stable economy. It is home to nearly 46 million people, whose official language is English. 6park.com


Uganda's terrain, flora, and fauna make it true heaven on earth. It is home to Lake Victoria, the Rwenzori Mountains, and a great variety of wildlife. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 80.58% lower Rent is 93.17% cheaper Groceries are 70.59% cheaper Local goods and services are 65.86% cheaper


Belarus may not have beaches to enjoy, but this European country has a lot of other things to offer, such as picturesque villages, diverse wildlife, and stunning hiking trails. 6park.com


Once a part of the Soviet Union, this country borders Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Latvia. Its population of nearly 9.5 million speaks Belarusian or Russian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 63.57% lower Rent is 87.79% cheaper Groceries are 72.81% cheaper Local goods and services are 66.16% cheaper


Montenegro is home to Mount Lovćen, a part of the Dinaric Alps mountain range, which is covered with so many pine trees and greenery it almost looks black. This mountain is the reason behind the country's name - the black mountain. Other than the famous mountain, this Balkan country is also known as the home of the Tara River Canyon, which is the deepest one in Europe. 6park.com


Montenegro's population of a little over 600,000 speaks Montenegrin. However, just like in many other European countries, you're sure to stumble upon people who speak the languages of the bordering countries as well. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 53.39% lower Rent is 90.46% cheaper Groceries are 68.9% cheaper Local goods and services are 60.65% cheaper

Sri Lanka

Every surfer's dream, Sri Lanka has some of the best beaches in the world. This stunning island is located in the Indian Ocean, in the south of India, and houses no less than eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 6park.com


With its tropical climate, Sri Lanka has vast rainforests with unique wildlife to explore. The nation's population of 21.4 million has known war and hardships, but it's happy to host tourists and newcomers and show them around its beautiful home. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 69.72% lower Rent is 91.26% cheaper Groceries are 63.21% cheaper  Local goods and services are 66.53% cheaper


Another former member of the Soviet Union is Armenia, which became independent in 1991. This Euro-Asian country is located in the south of the Caucasus Mountains, which mark the land border between Europe and Asia. 6park.com


There are nearly 3 million people residing in Armenia. Officially, their language is Armenian, but some minority communities speak Russian, Greek, Assyrian, and Yazidi Kurdish. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 67.12% lower Rent is 90.09% cheaper Groceries are 73.17% cheaper Local goods and services are 66.13% cheaper


Taiwan's relationship with China is problematic, as the latter refuses to acknowledge the former's independence since 1950. 6park.com


This Asian country is famous for its hi-tech industry, there is a lot of nature to explore there as well. It is places like Taiwan's lush forests, canyons and beaches that earned the country its reputation as "Ilha Formosa" – the beautiful island. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 18.57% higher Rent is 85.2% cheaper Groceries are 27.11% cheaper Local goods and services are 38.62% cheaper


Syria really is cheap to live in, but it is a package deal. Along with cheap prices, this deal contains the outcomes of a brutal civil war. Many survivors of that war are now taking refuge in other countries. 6park.com


Once this Middle Eastern nation gains its strength, those who visit it could enjoy the Mediterranean beaches and mountains. It would be wise to learn some key words in Arabic prior to your stay there, as it is Syria's official language. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 85.92% lower Rent is 94.02% cheaper Groceries are 73.28% cheaper Local goods and services are 71.69% cheaper


Bolivia has pretty much any kind of terrain you can imagine. From mountains to rainforests, from desert to tropical climate, it's all there. Spending a day exploring colorful markets and then another day exploring the Amazon rainforest is right within your reach. 6park.com


This country's multi-ethnic population counts about 11.6 million people. Their official language is Spanish, but some indigenous communities speak less familiar languages, such as Guarani or Quechua. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 53.26% lower Rent is 88.93% cheaper Groceries are 67.87% cheaper Local goods and services are 61.35% cheaper


This South American country enjoys the shores of the Caribbean Sea as well as the Pacific Ocean. Colombia's 50 million inhabitants have indigenous, Spanish, and African roots, which make for an intriguing ethnic blend. 6park.com


While this country is known for inside conflicts between its authorities and drug lords, things have been significantly improving on that front in the past decade. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 62.37% lower Rent is 89.31% cheaper Groceries are 71.24% cheaper Local goods and services are 65.55% cheaper


Bangladesh's population of 64 million can pride itself on its beaches and ancient temples, among other things. Sadly, it's unique location by the Bay of Bengal means that the country could get badly hurt by natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, and global warming. 6park.com


This beautiful country has borders with India, Burma, Bhutan, and Nepal. The people of Bangladesh speak Bengali. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 63% lower Rent is 94.39% cheaper Groceries are 67.29% cheaper Local goods and services are 63.9% cheaper


Morocco is a melting pot of different cultures: European, Berber, Arab, and African. This mix, along with the country's dazzling Mediterranean and Atlantic beaches, make for quite a desirable destination to many. 6park.com


The country's 36.9 million people have Arabic and Berber as their official languages, but it is common to hear other languages such as Spanish and French spoken in the streets too. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 58.8% lower Rent is 89.56% cheaper Groceries are 68.49% cheaper Local goods and services are 64.47% cheaper


Also a former member of the USSR, Azerbaijan is located between the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea. 6park.com

Alamy Stock Photo

The country's capital is Baku, and that may be the only place where you will have a chance to find one or two people who speak English. The country's population of 10.14 million are mostly Azeri/Russian-speaking Muslims. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 69.2% lower Rent is 89.34% cheaper Groceries are 77.07% cheaper Local goods and services are 72.24% cheaper


The Philippines' climate is usually sunny and warm, which makes it a great destination for backpackers looking for nice hiking trails with agreeable weather. Unfortunately, the thousands of islands making up the country can also be severely affected by typhoons and monsoons. 6park.com


English speakers will be happy to know that English is one of the two official languages spoken in The Philippines. The other official language spoken by the 109.5 million residents of this nation is Filipino. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 64% lower Rent is 92.68% cheaper Groceries are 66.05% cheaper Local goods and services are 65.29% cheaper


Whether Turkey is a part of Asia or Europe has yet to be determined. Despite the country's wish to become part of the EU, it remains out of it for now because of the Turkish government's controversial acts. 6park.com


Among Turkey's 84 million inhabitants, there are small communities of American immigrants who moved there to enjoy the affordable prices. They are, however, concerned about the high rates of domestic violence in the country. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 44.36% lower Rent is 89.44% cheaper Groceries are 66.54% cheaper Local goods and services are 61.4% cheaper


This Balkan country has access to many bodies of water, such as the Danube, various rivers, and the Black Sea. Driving along the borders of Bulgaria you will see Romania, Greece and Turkey. Bulgaria used to be a USSR ally, but now it is part of the EU. 6park.com


The Bulgarian culture feeds from different influences, such as Slavic, Persian, Ottoman, and Greek. Those different influences have had a lasting effect on Bulgaria's traditional arts. The country's population of nearly 7 million speaks Bulgarian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 48.6% lower Rent is 91.09% is cheaper Groceries are 69.51% cheaper Local goods and services are 63.51% cheaper


Located between Russia and China, Kazakhstan is quite a melting pot, bringing together Uzbeks, Russians, Chechens and Koreans under one flag. 6park.com


Its 18.7 million residents enjoy a stable government and economy, as well as clear lakes and crisp, white ski slopes. The official languages are Kazakh and Russian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 55.16% lower Rent is 88.73% cheaper Groceries are 75.17% cheaper Local goods and services are 69.26% cheaper


As you would expect of a country that is mostly located in the Sahara Desert, Algeria's climate is not for those who enjoy the cold. This country is the largest one in Africa, bordering with Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, Tunisia, and the Mediterranean Sea. 6park.com


Once a French colony, Algeria became independent in 1962. These days, the country's stable economy relies mostly on gas and oil. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 63.34% lower Rent is 93.17% cheaper Groceries are 67.5% cheaper Local goods and services are 67.62% cheaper


For such a small country, Albania has a lot to show. It boasts the beautiful Albanian Alps, and since it's located on the Balkan Peninsula, its beaches offer its tourists a dip in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. 6park.com


Albania's capital is the city of Tirana – a welcoming, colorful city, full of historical landmarks and archaeological sites – a great source of pride for the country's population of nearly 3 million. Local purchasing power is 65.51% lower Rent is 93.7% cheaper Groceries are 73.93% cheaper Local goods and services are 67.58% cheaper


Famous for its vampire myths, Romania has quite a spooky reputation. Especially when you take in all the medieval buildings and castles around it. Other than being a great set for Dracula-themed movies, this country also has an impressive Black Sea shoreline. 6park.com


There are nearly 20 million people living in this Eastern European country, and their official language is Romanian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 46.56% lower  Rent is 90.41% cheaper Groceries are 70.95% cheaper Local goods and services are 64.37% cheaper


Serbia has a very rocky history. It used to be part of Yugoslavia and then went on to be part of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro. It finally became independent in 2006. This landlocked country is neighbor to Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Romania and Bulgaria. 6park.com


Serbia is now officially an EU member. Its nearly 9 million residents enjoy the country's affordable cost of living. If you learn a few words in Serbian, the local language, you might be able to enjoy it too. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 59.2% lower Rent is 92.75% cheaper Groceries are 75.04% cheaper Local goods and services are 66.21% cheaper


Georgia has been wanting to become an EU member for a while, and if it wasn't for Russia, it would have been a member already. Up until 1991, Georgia used to be part of the USSR. It still has a border with Russia, and the two countries rarely see eye to eye. 6park.com


Freedom of speech is protected by the Georgian constitution and the Georgian media often uses it to criticizes its government. There are close to 4 million citizens living in Georgia, all of whom speak Georgian or Russian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 66.97% lower Rent is 91.43% cheaper Groceries are 77.74% cheaper Local goods and services are 72.63% cheaper


Located in Southern Africa, Zambia is home to a population of 18.3 million. Locals and visitors alike can find plenty of hiking trails and wildlife to explore. As English speakers, you would be happy to know that Zambia's official language is English. 6park.com


This country is landlocked, but when it can brag about being home to the famous Victoria Falls, why would it ever need a beach? 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 10.07% higher Rent is 78.06% cheaper Groceries are 66.17% cheaper Local goods and services are 55.27% cheaper


This country is located in South Asia and shares a border with both India and China. The local economy is in bad shape and it mostly relies on tourism. This means that as foreigners, your dollars can get you pretty far here. 6park.com


With eight of the highest mountains in the world within its borders (yes, Mount Everest too), Nepal is heaven for hikers and climbers. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 74.91% lower Rent is 96.64% cheaper Groceries are 73.62% cheaper Local goods and services are 69.98% cheaper


This Eastern European country also used to be a part of the Soviet Union. Now, it is its own country, which shares a border with Romania and Ukraine. 6park.com


Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe these days. It faces both high unemployment rates as well as poverty. As an outsider, your American dollar will go a long way there. If you learn a few words in Moldovan or Russian, it might go even further. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 70.62% lower Rent is 92.15% cheaper Groceries are 78.03% cheaper Local goods and services are 71.63% cheaper


This country was mentioned as the neighbor of several other countries in this list, and now it gets to take center stage. This country, too, was once part of the Soviet Union, and now stands independent, sharing a border with Russia. 6park.com


A big part of the country's population of 43.7 million lives in Kyiv, the capital. Travelers love to explore the country's Black Sea shoreline and forested mountains. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 73.07% lower Rent is 90.64% cheaper Groceries are 80.13% cheaper Local goods and services are 73.78% cheaper

Czech Republic

In 1993, after Czechoslovakia turned into two separate countries, the Czech Republic was formed. From its location in central Europe, this country borders with Austria, Poland, and Germany. This well-established democracy enjoys a stable economy. 6park.com


The 10.7 million residents of the Czech Republic speak Czech as their main language. Their capital city is Prague, which is famous for its historic buildings and landmarks. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 23.78% lower Rent is 85.17% cheaper Groceries are 64.16% cheaper Local goods and services are 58.78% cheaper


Can't decide between rainforests and beaches? Good thing Malaysia has both. Located in part on the Malay Peninsula, this country's territory also includes a part of Borneo Island. There are about 32 million inhabitants in this Southeast Asian country, most of which are either Malay or Chinese. 6park.com


The cultural mix in Malaysia includes local influences as well as foreign, such as Indian, Chinese and European. European architecture is quite common in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, but this city is home to modern buildings as well. Local purchasing power is 26.66% lower Rent is 88.81% cheaper Groceries are 57.56% cheaper Local goods and services are 59.76% cheaper


As a country that survived many brutal wars, Poland has very much evolved over the years. It is now a member of both NATO and the EU, and enjoys a stable economy. Neighboring on seven other countries, this European powerhouse also has peaceful beaches at the Baltic Sea's shores. 6park.com


There are nearly 38 million people living in Poland, calling the city of Warsaw their capital. Much of the city's beautiful architecture has been hurt by wars, but thanks to professional restoration work, you could never guess it. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 28.25% lower Rent is 86.07% cheaper Groceries are 70.31% cheaper Local goods and services are 61.85% cheaper


The two main pillars on which Libya's economy stands are oil and sand. This sunny country is located in North Africa at the shores of the Mediterranean. It has borders with Chad, Niger, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Sudan. 6park.com


The capital of Libya is Tripoli. The city is home to a little more than a million people out of the country's nearly 7 million residents. Most Libyans speak Arabic, but don't be surprised to hear some Italian too, as the place used to be an Italian colony. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 32.65% higher Rent is 81.2% cheaper Groceries are 52.99% cheaper Local goods and services are 54.15% cheaper


After detaching from Yugoslavia and surviving a three-year-long war, Bosnia-Herzegovina is not doing well economically. Its request to join the EU from 2016 is still pending. It does, however, have a neighboring country with such membership: Croatia. Aside from Croatia and a small stretch of the Baltic Sea's shore, Bosnia-Herzegovina also has borders with Serbia and Montenegro. 6park.com


This country has captivating landscapes of lakes, forested areas, and quaint little villages. Its population stands at a little over 3 million people, who speak Bosnian, Croatian, or Serbian. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 48.71% lower Rent is 93.78% cheaper Groceries are 70.24% cheaper Local goods and services are 64.95% cheaper


It took Yugoslavia's disintegration for Macedonia to be formed. This little country has around 2 million people living in it, most of which speak Macedonian or Albanian. 6park.com


Macedonia is located in the Balkan area, but thankfully, it hasn't seen as many ethnic wars as its neighbors. This country has borders with Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 60.15% lower Rent is 93.98% cheaper Groceries are 74.59% cheaper Local goods and services are 69.07% cheaper

South Africa

This country used to be torn apart over an apartheid regime, but is now one of the most successful and modern democracies in Africa. 6park.com


Nearly 60 million people live in this sunny country. They come from a large variety of ethnic backgrounds, such as descendants of European colonizers, Zulu, and dozens of other indigenous communities. English is only one of this nation's 11 official languages. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 1.04% lower Rent is 83.67% cheaper Groceries are 63.73% cheaper Local goods and services are 56.88% cheaper


Located at the coast of the Mediterranean and bordering on Libya and Algeria, this country is a true North African gem. Tunisia's stunning beaches and islands are just one reason why tourists can't get enough of the place. Other than tourism, this country also thrives on its booming agriculture industry. 6park.com


Formerly a French colony, this predominantly Islamic country is home to a population of 11.8 million, most of which speak Arabic as well as French. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 59.81% lower Rent is 93.9% cheaper Groceries are 72.42% cheaper Local goods and services are 71.26% cheaper


Bordering on Afghanistan, Iran, and India, this beautiful country has a lot of natural landscapes to offer – snowcapped mountains, rushing rivers and green valleys. Pakistan is home to a population of 220 million. 6park.com


Pakistan came into existence after Britain retreated from holding India as a colony, and the Muslim population there sought its own country. This nation's official languages are Urdu and English, but other languages in use there include Punjabi, Pashto, and Sindhi. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 60.05% lower Rent is 94.97% cheaper Groceries are 75.17% cheaper Local goods and services are 72.82% cheaper


Egypt is located on the point that connects Africa to the Middle East. It enjoys the beaches of the Red Sea as well as the Mediterranean. On land, it has borders with Sudan and Libya. 6park.com


Famous for its pyramids and other monuments, Egypt has archaeological findings that can't be found anywhere else. In ancient times, this country used to house scholars and a highly advanced civilization. Nowadays, it is home to a predominantly Muslim, Arab-speaking population of 102 million. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 70.61% lower Rent is 94.97% cheaper Groceries are 80.99% cheaper Local goods and services are 77.64% cheaper


In the north, Mexico is bordered by the US. In the south, it is bordered by Belize and Guatemala. This Central American beauty is also sandwiched in between great bodies of water – the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Gulf of Mexico in the East. 6park.com


Mexico's unique terrains includes mountains as well as beaches, and big cities alongside picturesque villages, all housing nearly 129 million people. The Peso is the local currency, and since its value isn't very high, American dollars can get you a lot of it. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 39.92% lower Rent is 91.63% cheaper Groceries are 71.94% cheaper Local goods and services are 70.19% cheaper


Seaside tourism in Belize is nothing new. When a country has Caribbean Sea beaches with exotic marine life, it would be foolish not to show it off to visitors. Other than that, Belize used to be home to the ancient Mayan empire, and it has the ruins to prove it. 6park.com


The climate, wildlife, and low cost of living make Belize ideal for Americans to move to if they ever feel like a change of scenery. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 34.33% higher Rent is 88.65% cheaper Groceries are 50.65% cheaper Local goods and services are 44.2% cheaper

Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is famous for its wealth – wealth that is mostly sourced in the country's oil industry. This Middle Eastern country has an Arabic-speaking population of 34.8 million. Given that the country follows Islamic law, it is important for visitors to be aware of it and behave accordingly when staying there. 6park.com


The capital of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh, which is the Arabian Peninsula's biggest city. If you ever get there, make sure to check out the Burj Rafal – one of the tallest buildings in the world. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 38.05% higher Rent is 85.64% cheaper Groceries are 59.46% cheaper Local goods and services are 51.63% cheaper


India is so big and has so many people that it has earned the status of a subcontinent. Despite it being one of the biggest economies in the world, the cost of living there is, in fact, the world's lowest. 6park.com


After years of being a British colony, it is now its own democracy, with a population of 1.3 billion. Its colorful markets, unbelievable landscapes, and intriguing traditions make it a definite must for this list. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 23.27% lower Rent is 93.23% cheaper Groceries are 74.8% cheaper Local goods and services are 74.92% cheaper 


Not only is this Southeast Asian country a fascinating place, with ancient history, a diverse culture, and natural landscapes, but it's also a really cheap country to live in. With its exotic beauty and heritage cities aside, Vietnam earns you good money, especially in the teaching sector for English. 6park.com


Seeing as Vietnam was massively aided by the USA, it means that the economy is struggling and, as a result, still affordable when compared to other countries. 6park.com

Rent is 88 % cheaper Groceries are 40% cheaper

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is known for its dense rainforests, beaches, and volcanoes; this Latin American country is also a great cheap place to spend your life in. For Americans, the lifestyle in Costa Rica is unusually affordable; you can think of it as an inexpensive lifelong vacation. The capital is San Jose is much cheaper when compared to the capital cities of neighbors. 6park.com


Working in tourism and education are well paid for the emigrants, whereas groceries and transportation come very cheap. Renting a place may be more expensive but still manageable for affordable living. 6park.com

Rent is 35% cheaper Groceries are 49% cheaper


A list of the cheapest countries around the world wouldn't be complete without mentioning Thailand! Travelers and tourists all over have fallen in love with its tropical beaches, delicious food, and smiling people. 6park.com


With incredibly low living costs in the major cities, even Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Beach resorts tend to be slightly more expensive but are still cheaper when contrasted with other beach destinations around the world. 6park.com

Rent is 34% cheaper Groceries are 49% cheaper


Cambodia is probably one of the most affordable countries to live in. The country is known for its Buddhist monasteries, ancient Hindu temples, beaches, and jungles. Living costs in cities like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap are relatively low when compared to other big cities in bordering countries. 6park.com


Groceries along with transportation comes at a low cost. You can lease an apartment for around $200 a month. This means, all things considered, you can get the beauty of Southeast Asia at a steal. 6park.com

Rent is 31 % cheaper Groceries are 44% cheaper


Indonesia is as cheap as they come and it's possibly also one of the most beautiful. Tucked in between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, Indonesia is home to some of the most gorgeous beaches ever, Bali, in particular, is a beach babies' delight! 6park.com


Jakarta is the capital and is more affordable than Bali because of its undeniable difference in tourism. This implies you can get necessary items like coffees, teas, and coconut water for a dollar or less. A meal outside is also less than $2 and renting a little apartment will put you back by around $150 a month. 6park.com

Rent is 25% cheaper Groceries are 37% cheaper


Argentina is another Spanish speaking country, located in the southern half of South America. In Salta, one of the cheapest cities, s single person can get a place to live along with living expenses for an entire month for a mere $542 a month! 6park.com


As the eight-largest country in the world, it has a massive population of 44 million people, it borders Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and the South Atlantic Ocean. 6park.com

Rent is 22% cheaper Groceries are 25% cheaper


Keep in mind that this is the Caribbean, and to navigate affordably you'll need a local to guide you. Grenada has a friendly, small-town feel, and there will be no shortages of beaches and exciting spots to visit on this West Indies paradise. 6park.com


Grenada used to be a British colony but is also known for its nutmeg production and casual way of life. Unlike Barbados, Grenada's beaches aren't crowded and real estate is surprisingly affordable. 6park.com

Rent is 21% cheaper Groceries are 26% cheaper


If anyone needs more peace and quiet, Laos is a nice change of pace. With idyllic villages on the riverside, Laos is a refreshing departure from Southeast Asia's earsplitting transport madness. While Laos offers an affordable existence for many people, it does take a bit of time, effort, and money to make the move. 6park.com


Here, the vertical limestone cliff formations form a dramatic setting along the River Ou where memorable hiking and rafting excursions await. 6park.com

Rent is 34% cheaper Groceries are 47% cheaper

South Korea

South Korea may not be the cheapest country to live in, but it's made our list because salaries are very competitive. May English speakers move to South Korea to teach English where they are also offered free accommodation, making it even more affordable. 6park.com


With Korean food being incredible, a friendly population, and strikingly beautiful countryside, South Korea's developed cities rival those in the US. 6park.com

Rent is 22% cheaper Groceries are 44% cheaper


Everything from the price of dinner to real estate is lower in Ecuador, and you won't have to forego the conveniences you may be used to if you grew up in a first-world country. The influence of Amerindian culture on modern-day Ecuador is still tangible and makes for a unique cultural heritage. 6park.com


With its ever-improving infrastructure and near-perfect weather, Ecuador is consistently ranked as one of the best places to retire abroad.

Rent is 27% cheaper
Groceries are 35% cheaper



The Philippines is an English-speaking nation with a lot to offer for a low-cost yet comfortable life in an exotic locale. With just a little care, a $1,000 monthly budget will get you far, providing you with everything you may need to make a new home.


Shutterstock 6park.com

The Philippines doesn't disappoint as most ex-pats can live comfortably without compromise. Known for its tropical weather and natural beauty, it's easy to be in wonder of your surroundings almost anywhere in the country.

Rent is 24% cheaper 6park.com

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