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英国画家William Oxer笔下的女性美
送交者: sayno[♂★★打土豪★★♂] 于 2016-04-18 23:01 已读 14466 次 9 赞  


William Oxer

William Oxer is a British figurative artist painting in the romantic and classical style, who has been painting professionally for over 25 years, undertaking regular portrait commissions for private clients and producing artworks for art gallery exhibitions and collectors across the globe. His primary work is in figurative art; portraiture, classical studies of figures and landscape painting, although commissioned work has included large scale abstracts. He paints mainly with acrylic or oil paints on canvas and his style can be immediately recognised as romantic and classical.

版主:sayno于2016_04_18 23:03:24编辑

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