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送交者: 鬼者魏也[布衣] 于 2013-03-16 7:20 已读 1926 次  


仰望星空派(Stargazy pie)是英国经典名菜,也是被广大中国留学生称为“英国黑暗料理”的最佳代表。


For the mustard sauce

英文名 中文名 备注

chicken stock 鸡汤 250ml

crème fraîche 鲜奶油 125g

English mustard 英式芥末 25g

salt 盐 一小撮

mustard powder 芥末粉 半茶匙

lemon juice 柠檬汁 一两茶匙

For the pie

英文名 中文名 备注
bacon 培根 一块,150g(肥瘦相间)

onions 洋葱 16个,去皮

puff pastry 酥皮面团 250g(全黄油,擀到3-4mm厚)

quails' eggs 鹌鹑蛋 16个

egg yolk 蛋黄 1个,搅匀

sardines 沙丁鱼 4-8条(片成片儿,骨头和头都留着)

rapeseed oil 菜籽油 1-2汤匙

butter 黄油 25g

white wine vinegar 白葡萄酒醋 1汤匙


1. For the mustard sauce, bring the stock to the boil in a non-reactive saucepan. Whisk in the crème fraîche, mustard, salt, mustard powder and lemon juice until well combined. Bring back to the simmer.

2. Pass the sauce through a fine sieve into a jug and set aside.

3. For the pie, cook the bacon in boiling water for 20 minutes. Drain, then allow to cool slightly before chopping into lardons.
Bring another pan of water to the boil and cook the baby onions for 6-7 minutes, or until tender. Drain and refresh in cold water, then slice each onion in half. Set aside.

4. 用另一个平底锅,加水烧开,放入小洋葱煮6-7分钟,或煮到软了为止。沥干,过冷水,每个洋葱切两半。备用。

5. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
预热烤箱至200C/400F/Gas 6 。

6. Roll out the puff pastry until 3-4mm thick, then cut into 4 equal-sized squares. Using a small circular pastry cutter the size of a golf ball, cut out 2 holes in each pastry square.

7. Place each square on a baking tray and brush with the beaten egg yolk. Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes.

8. Bake the pastry squares in the oven for 18-20 minutes, or until golden-brown and crisp. Remove from the oven and set aside.

9. Turn the grill on to high.

10. Place the sardine fillets, heads and tails on a solid grill tray, brush with the oil and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Grill for 2-3 minutes, or until golden-brown and just cooked through (the fish should be opaque all the way through and flake easily).

11. Heat a frying pan until medium hot, add the butter and bacon lardons and fry gently for 3-4 minutes, or until golden-brown. Add the onions and stir in enough sauce to coat all the ingredients in the pan. Reserve the remaining sauce and keep warm.

12. Bring a small pan of water to the boil, add the vinegar and a pinch of salt. Reduce the heat to a simmer.

13. Crack the quail's eggs into a small bowl of iced water, then pour off any excess (there should only be just enough water to cover the eggs).

14. Swirl the simmering water with a wooden spoon to create a whirlpool effect, then gently pour the quails' eggs into the centre of the whirlpool. Poach for about 1-2 minutes, or until the egg whites have set and the yolk is still runny. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.

15. To serve, divide the onion and bacon mixture between 4 serving plates. Arrange the sardine fillets on top, then place four poached quails' eggs around the fillet.

16. Using a stick blender, blend the remaining sauce until frothy. Spoon the froth over the top of the sardines and eggs.

17. Top each pile with the puff pastry squares, then place the sardine heads and tails through each hole in the pastry. Serve immediately.

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