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送交者: 鬼者魏也[布衣] 于 2013-09-12 5:04 已读 454 次  


Green Flower Porcelain,对于这首歌的旋律大家一定陌生,因为这首歌是由几位巴西著名的音乐人根据《青花瓷》的旋律改编而成的歌曲,曲风既保留了中国歌曲的委婉、悠扬,又融合了巴西爵士乐舞曲BOSSA NOVA(巴萨诺瓦)灵动的旋律和摇摆的节奏,而BOSSA NOVA是融合了巴西桑巴音乐(Samba)的热情奔放、轻快律动和美国西岸冷爵士的优雅 悠扬、孤傲散淡的特性的一种"新派音乐"。整体说来,这首Green Flower Porcelain以柔和、舒服、轻松和浪漫的风格给我们的听觉以全新的感受,它就像手中一杯缓缓晃动的红酒,高贵 优雅、慵懒; 又宛若晨风中一 抹 淡淡的茉莉清香,撩人心怀,令人迷醉。


You are the face that has changed my whole world.

You are the face that I see everywhere I go.

You are so beautiful to me that I can’t explain ,

Just like a green flower porcelain.

You’re like a moon that I awaken to say hello,

So beautiful and bright that you make me content to play it so.

I see your face on the leaves,telling me how lonely I have been.

This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.

Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.

The love I feel for you to shine inside me.

But it’s all over now you’re gone.

This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.

Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.

The love I feel for you to shine inside me.

But it’s all over.

You are the face that has changed my whole world.

I’m sure the sea hasn’t inspired your sweet blue eyes.

You are a gift from heaven beauty that remains.

Just like a green flower porcelain.

You’re like a moon that I awaken to say hello,

So beautiful and bright that you make me content to play it so.

I see your face on the leaves,telling me how lonely I have been.

This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.

Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.

The love I feel for you to shine inside me.

But it’s all over now you’re gone.

This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.

Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.

The love I feel for you to shine inside me.

But it’s all over.

This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.

Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.

The love I feel for you to shine inside me.

But it’s all over now you’re gone.

This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.

Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.

The love I feel for you to shine inside me.

But it’s all over.返回腾讯网首页>>
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