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《The Movie Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained》电影书: 简单的解释
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-06-14 19:37 已读 196 次  


回答: ▆ ▆ ▆ ▆ ▆ 2019年 6月 14日 【今日书刊】 ▆ ▆ ▆ ▆ ▆ 由 icemessenger 于 2019-06-14 0:56





The Movie Book, the latest in DK's award-winning Big Ideas Simply Explained series, profiles 100 of the best movies ever made throughout the world. 6park.com

From classic 1930s film noir and Hollywood romance to international art-house and 21st-century sci-fi, The Movie Book brings the world's most influential films to life with its illustrative design. Unforgettable quotes, film stills, and original posters and memorabilia transport you to the world of each film, while narrative timelines and infographics explore central themes, characters, actors, and directors. 6park.com

Relive classics of the silent era, such as Nosferatu, along with wartime greats like Casablanca, transformative New Wave films such as Lawrence of Arabia and Easy Rider, and modern masterpieces like Do the Right Thing, City of God, and Gravity. Each movie is placed in the broader context of the industry and its key players, making it an invaluable resource for any film fanatic. 6park.com

The Movie Book zooms in on the best cinematic masterpieces of all time and is a must-have for anyone with a passion for films and the history of cinema. 6park.com

Big Ideas Simply Explained series uses creative design and innovative graphics, along with straightforward and engaging writing, to make complex subjects easier to understand. These award-winning books provide just the information needed for students, families, or anyone interested in concise, thought-provoking refreshers on a single subject.

本書依年份記錄了超過 100 部有史以來最佳的電影作品,為電影注入了新生命,絕對能讓讀者愛不釋手。本書從 1902 年極具代表性的電影《月球旅行記》開始,一直介紹到李察?林克萊特所執導的突破性作品《年少時代》,帶領讀者一同探索豐富的電影史。本書內容包羅萬象,羅列了 1900 年代早期具代表性的作品、黑白電影的黃金時代、國際藝術電影院所撥放的電影和 21 世紀的科幻電影;此外還收錄了諸如經典對白、電影劇照、海報、傳記、電影紀念品、電影紀事時間表等等,讀者不僅能了解最愛電影的各種面向,還能從本書發掘其他不可錯過的電影作品,絕對是電影愛好者必備經典,準備好擁有一本,細細品味吧!

文件大小: 54.4 MB

PDF 下载链接: 6park.com




版主:icemessenger于2019_06_14 19:37:23编辑

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