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送交者: jameskelly[♂☆★★南约秘书长★★☆♂] 于 2019-07-10 19:01 已读 869 次  


读经典学翻译《傲慢与偏见》16 6park.com

反译:她特别宠爱这个人。 6park.com

上面这句话中的“宠爱”,我们一般会用favor、dote等词语来翻译,但是除此之外,我们还可以用一个词组来翻译。 6park.com

翻译例句: 6park.com

The man whom she could not bear to speak of the day
before was now high in her good graces.
(Chapter 15) 6park.com

前一天她还不能忍受提及这个男人的名字,今天就已然对他青眼有加。 6park.com

翻译要点: 6park.com

上面句子中用了一个词组:in one's good graces,固定用法,表示“受某人的宠爱”,我们所说的“三千宠爱集一身”、“青睐”、“讨好”等意思都可以用这个词组来表达。 6park.com

汉译英应用: 6park.com

1.高中的时候她一直是老师的宠儿,但同学们都很讨厌她。 6park.com

She has been in
the teacher's good graces
during her high school years, but her classmates
didn't even like her. 6park.com

2.这位极富才华的钢琴家一直受到评论界的青睐。 6park.com

The brilliant pianist has long been held in the good graces of the critics. 6park.com

3.她是全球影坛集三千宠爱于一身的女演员。 6park.com

The actress is currently in the good graces of global audiences. 6park.com

4.我都不知道从什么时候开始,老板就对他一个青睐有加。 6park.com

I don't even know since when he alone has been in the good graces of the boss. 6park.com

5.漂亮的女生大多都很高傲,因此男子通常不知如何去讨得她们的欢心。 6park.com

Beautiful girls are usually very proud, and men always
have difficulty in getting into their
good graces
. 6park.com

6.两个人就要结婚了,但是他始终没办法获得未婚妻家人的好感。 6park.com

The two are getting married, yet he still hasn't
figured out a way to win the good graces
his fiancee's family. 6park.com

graces 来翻译。

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