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《Reader's Digest India 读者文摘 印度版》 2020年 4月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-05-01 5:51 已读 1405 次  


How Fragile We Are

As I write to you, scenes playing out across the world, flashing through our screens, seem straight out of a Hollywood disaster film. Who would have thought humans would be fighting back an invisible, sinister enemy that, at the time of going to press, had invaded 177 countries, killing more than 15,000 people? Currently, along with most of western Europe and the United States, many Indian states are under a lockdown. A haunting video clip of an empty Times Square in New York City, that never sleeps, has been burnt into our brains forever. The economic shockwaves are being felt the world over. 6park.com

Many of the offices in Noida, where we are headquartered, have been shut down. You are in our thoughts, as we try to bring you reliable information to help you and your family stay safe. Do also follow our social-media handles and website, where there are daily updates on the coronavirus situation. 6park.com

As if a raging pandemic is not enough, there are man-made tragedies that wake us up to the impermanence of life, and how diabolical humans can turn when consumed by hatred. In late February, Delhi witnessed frenzied mobs overrun working-class suburbs in its northeastern fringes, killing 53 people and rendering thousands homeless. The Reader’s Digest team brings you stories—from ground zero—of real life heroes, who threw caution to the wind, saving lives and restoring our faith in humanity. 6park.com

At this extraordinarily challenging time, let’s pray for sanity and everyone’s safety.

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版主:icemessenger于2020_05_01 5:52:19编辑

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