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《Learn Hot English》 2020年 5月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-05-30 0:02 已读 1938 次 1 赞  


Hi, and welcome to another issue of Learn Hot English – the fun magazine for learning English. This month we’re looking at 16 useful expressions with the preposition out. 6park.com

As part of this, we’ll look at some general meanings of this preposition. This will help you understand the idiomatic expressions with this preposition. Also, learning these expressions will improve your speaking and writing, and make you sound more natural, advanced and fluent. 6park.com

But of course, that’s not all! We’re also looking at things we often lose, the Present Perfect, how to ask for a favour, trees, world records, grammar tables, film taglines, useful vocabulary and lots, lots more! Well, we hope you enjoy reading and listening to this issue of Learn Hot English. Have fun, learn lots of English and see you all next month!

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版主:icemessenger于2020_05_30 0:02:23编辑

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