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《First Thousand Words in English》 2013年 修订版
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-06-01 8:50 已读 1261 次 2 赞  


This picture word book has been designed to appeal to children at different ages, and can be used in various ways. This edition has been brought up to date to include words and objects which are common in everyday language and familiar in everyday life.

A wordbuilder for young children 6park.com

For very young children, it is a bright and stimulating way of learning new words. The large pictures provide lots of opportunities for spotting and matching with the smaller pictures around the edges, and for discussing the lively scenes.

A reading and spelling guide for older children 6park.com

For older children, the book can be used in the early stages of learning to read, and as a beginner's guide to spelling.

A vocabulary builder for English language learners 6park.com

For children learning English as a second or additional language, it is a powerful and effective way of learning to read, say and spell new words.

Hear the words online 6park.com

You can listen to all the words in the book on the Usborne website. Just go to www.usborne.com/quicklinks and enter the keywords 1000 english. There you can also find links to other useful websites about the English language, Britain and the USA.

Using the wordlist 6park.com

At the back of the book there is a list of all the words in alphabetical order. It can be used to encourage children to look up words and find the right page and picture. This is an important skill which will prepare children to use simple information books and dictionaries. 6park.com

Remember, this is a book of a thousand words. It will take time to learn them all. This is a book to come back to again and again.

文件大小: 30.6 MB

PDF 下载链接: 6park.com


电脑在线阅读: 6park.com


版主:icemessenger于2020_06_01 8:51:06编辑

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