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送交者: 你好毒[♀☆★★★ヾ嘟嘟ヾ★★★☆♀] 于 2021-04-30 13:26 已读 753 次 2 赞  


4月29日11时23分,搭载着中国空间站天和核心舱的长征五号B遥二运载火箭,在我国文昌航天发射场发射升空,准确进入预定轨道。 6park.com


美媒CNN也在4月29日给出了相关报道,文章标题 China successfully launches first module of planned space station ,作者是 Katie Hunt。 6park.com


以下是原文和译文: 6park.com

(CNN)For more than two decades, the International Space Station has orbited 227 nautical miles above Earth with more than 200 astronauts from 19 different countries enjoying stints aboard. 6park.com

20多年来,国际空间站在离地球227海里的轨道上运行着,来自19个不同国家的200多名宇航员在空间站中停留过。 6park.com

But its role as the sole venue for a continuous human presence in space, scientific research and a testing ground for future space exploration is coming to a close, potentially signaling an end to an unparalleled era of international cooperation in space. 6park.com

但是,它作为人类在太空中持续存在着的、进行科学研究和未来太空探索的试验场的唯一场所的角色即将结束,这可能也标志着国际太空合作的一个无与伦比的时代的结束。 6park.com

China, whose astronauts have long been excluded from the ISS, successfully launched the first module of its planned space station on Thursday morning from the Wenchang launch site in the southern island of Hainan, according to the China National Space Administration. 6park.com

据中国国家航天局消息,中国宇航员长期被国际空间站拒之门外。周四上午,中国在海南文昌发射场成功发射了计划中的空间站的第一个模块。 6park.com

The core module, currently the largest spacecraft developed by China, was launched into low earth orbit by a Long March-5B rocket, marking the first step of China's efforts to build its own station in two years. 6park.com

这一核心舱是目前中国开发的最大的航天器,由长征五号B遥二运载火箭发射到低地球轨道,标志着中国在两年内建立自己的空间站的努力迈出了第一步。 6park.com

Russia has also said that it will leave the ISS project in 2025 and plans to build its own space station that could launch in 2030 -- if Russian President Vladimir Putin gives the go-ahead. 6park.com

俄罗斯方面也表示,将在2025年退出国际空间站项目,并计划在2030年建立自己的空间站——如果俄罗斯总统普京批准的话。 6park.com


★China 中国 6park.com

China's space station won't launch all at once; it will be assembled from several modules launching at different times. Chinese state media reports that the country's space station will be fully operational by the end of 2022. 6park.com

中国的空间站不会一次性发射;它将由不同时间发射的几个模块组装而成。中国官方媒体报道称,中国的空间站将在2022年底全面投入使用。 6park.com

The core module has a total length of 16.6 meters (55 feet), a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters and a living space of 50 cubic meters, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). 6park.com

据中国航天科技集团公司介绍,核心模块的总长度为16.6米(55英尺),最大直径为4.2米,居住空间为50立方米。 6park.com

It's expected to operate for 10 years -- which could be extended to 15. Eleven launches including four crewed missions and four cargo missions are scheduled in the next two years. The first crewed mission is expected to be launched in June of this year -- sending three astronauts to orbit for about three months, during which the life support system and maintenance will be tested. 6park.com

该项目预计运营10年,可能会延长至15年。在接下来的两年里,将有11次发射,包括4次载人任务和4次货运任务。第一次载人任务预计将于今年6月发射,将三名宇航员送入轨道,为期约三个月,在此期间,生命维持系统和维护将进行测试。 6park.com

It won't be as large as the ISS -- about one fifth of its size and similar to the Russian Mir space station, which operated from 1986 to 2001, but the intent is that it can be permanently occupied by astronauts on long-term stays. 6park.com

它不会像国际空间站那样大——只有国际空间站的五分之一大小,类似于1986年至2001年运行的俄罗斯和平号空间站,但其目的是让宇航员可以长期居住在那里。 6park.com

"We did not intend to compete with the ISS in terms of scale," Gu Yidong, chief scientist of the China Manned Space program, was quoted by Scientific American as saying. 6park.com

《科学美国人》援引中国载人航天项目首席科学家顾逸东的话说:“我们并没有打算在规模上与国际空间站竞争。” 6park.com

China launched its first manned space flight in 2003 -- more than 40 years after NASA. But as the nation has grown richer and more powerful in recent decades, its space program has accelerated. 6park.com

中国于2003年首次发射了载人航天飞船,比美国宇航局晚了40多年。但随着近几十年来中国变得越来越富裕和强大,它的太空计划也在加速。 6park.com

China's space station -- the core module is known as Tianhe, which means harmony of the heavens -- will allocate space and resources to a number of international microgravity experiments. Six projects have been fully accepted so far including one on the impact of spaceflight on cancer tumors conducted by researchers from Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. 6park.com

中国的空间站——核心舱被称为“天河”,意思是天空的和谐——将为多个国际微重力实验分配空间和资源。到目前为止,已经有6个项目被完全接受,其中包括一个由挪威、荷兰、比利时和法国的研究人员进行的关于太空飞行对癌症肿瘤的影响的项目。 6park.com

"China is interested in demonstrating to the world, and to its own people, that it is a world class player in human spaceflight and cutting edge science," said David Burbach, a professor of national security affairs at the US Naval War College. Burbach spoke in a personal capacity, not on behalf of the US Navy. 6park.com

美国海军战争学院(US Naval War College)国家安全事务教授戴维•布巴赫(David Burbach)表示:“中国有兴趣向世界和本国人民证明,自己在载人航天和尖端科学领域是世界级的参与者。”Burbach这里是以个人身份发表讲话,而不是代表美国海军。 6park.com

There's been very little cooperation between the US and China in space. In 2011, US Congress passed an act to bar NASA from having any bilateral contact with individuals of the Chinese space program because of national security fears. 6park.com


★What's next for ISS? 6park.com

国际空间站的下一步是什么? 6park.com

What lies ahead for the aging ISS is unclear. 6park.com

老化的国际空间站的未来还不清晰。 6park.com

It was initially envisaged that the ISS would have a 30-year lifespan. NASA has said that the space station is viable beyond 2028 and it could continue to play a key role in preparing for deeper space flight such as missions to Mars. However, it wants to share the $1.1 billion annual cost of operating it more widely with other potential users. 6park.com

最初设想国际空间站的使用寿命为30年。美国国家航空航天局表示,空间站在2028年后仍然可行,它将继续在准备更深入的太空飞行(如火星任务)方面发挥关键作用。然而,美国希望与其他潜在用户共同承担每年11亿美元的运营成本。 6park.com

"The hope has been to commercialize the station, but it's not clear much progress has been made or even what commercialization would mean in practice. ISS is probably not ideally fitted out as a hotel for space tourists, and it's not clear there's much business interest in using ISS for zero gravity R&D," said Burbach. 6park.com

“人们希望空间站商业化,但目前还不清楚取得了多大进展,甚至不清楚商业化在实践中意味着什么。对太空游客来说,国际空间站可能不是理想的酒店,而且目前还不清楚将国际空间站用于零重力研发是否有太多商业利益。”布巴赫说。 6park.com

"In theory lack of a buyer, so to speak, might mean abandoning ISS and de-orbiting it, letting up burn up like the Mir station twenty years ago. I think it will be very difficult politically for the US to abandon a permanent presence in Earth orbit when the Chinese *do* have a station of their own," he said via email. 6park.com

“从理论上讲,没有买家,也就是说,可能意味着放弃国际空间站,让它脱离轨道,就像20年前的和平号空间站一样被烧毁。我认为,当中国确实有了自己的空间站时,美国在政治上很难放弃在地球轨道上的永久存在,”他在电子邮件中表示。 6park.com

Burbach said that the ISS had been much more international that any other space project, with the close involvement of Russia, Japan, Canada and European countries. However, it was unlikely that US-Russian cooperation would be a cornerstone of future projects, he said. Nor did he expect any softening of the US stance toward working with China in space. 6park.com

布巴赫说,在俄罗斯、日本、加拿大和欧洲国家的密切参与下,国际空间站比其他任何太空项目都更加国际化。然而,他说,美俄合作不太可能成为未来项目的基石。他也不认为美国在与中国合作太空方面的立场会有所软化。 6park.com

"The US is making its return to the Moon program -- Artemis -- very international, with ESA, Canada, and Japan all contributing major components, and involving new partners too like the UAE," he said, referring to the European Space Agency. 6park.com

他说:“美国正在使其重返月球计划——阿尔忒弥斯计划——这非常国际化,欧洲航天局、加拿大和日本都提供了主要的组成部分,也包括阿联酋等新的合作伙伴。”这里他提到了欧洲航天局。 6park.com

"The overall theme is one of the US strengthening relations with its friends, not using space to try to build a bridge to rivals," he said. 6park.com

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