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送交者: 你好毒[♀☆★★★ヾ嘟嘟ヾ★★★☆♀] 于 2022-04-06 9:26 已读 4066 次 1 赞  


原文标题: 6park.com

Cat Drinks Three Bottles of Wine & Suffers from Three-Day Hangover 6park.com

猫喝三瓶红酒后宿醉三天 6park.com

原文: 6park.com

A German cat got trapped in a wine cellar, drank three broken bottles of wine, and then suffered from a three-day hangover. 6park.com

一只德国猫被困在酒窖里,喝了三瓶摔碎的红酒,然后宿醉了三天。 6park.com

Aljosha, the cat, a 6-year-old Turkish Angora, went missing from his home in Würselen, North Rhine-Westphalia for seven-weeks. The owner, Claudia von Büren, put up posters across town in an effort to find him. 6park.com

Aljosha这只猫是一只 6 岁的土耳其安哥拉猫,他在北莱茵-威斯特法伦州维尔瑟伦的家中失踪了 7 周。店主克劳迪娅·冯·布伦 (Claudia von Büren) 在城里张贴海报,试图找到他。 6park.com

They eventually discovered the cat had been trapped in a neighbour’s wine cellar and had broken three bottles of white wine, which Aljosha then lapped up. 6park.com

The owner claims he was “more dead than alive” when they found him and instantly took him to the vet where they reported that he was suffering from alcohol poisoning. 6park.com

他们最终发现这只猫被困在邻居的酒窖里,打碎了三瓶白葡萄酒,Aljosha 将它们舔了起来。 6park.com


Aljosha was on a drip for three-days in an effort to recover from his wine hangover and is said to be recovering from the incident just fine. 6park.com

为了从酒醉中恢复过来,Aljosha 挂了三天的水,据说他恢复得很好。 6park.com

Aljosha was extremely lucky, however, as alcohol poisoning in cats can be extremely serious and often fatal. 6park.com

然而,Aljosha 非常幸运,因为猫的酒精中毒可能非常严重,而且往往是致命的。
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