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送交者: 你好毒[♀☆★★★ヾ嘟嘟ヾ★★★☆♀] 于 2022-04-08 8:10 已读 6575 次 2 赞  


Companies Make Small Fortunes Selling Personalised Potatoes 6park.com

国外众多公司高价销售定制马铃薯赚钱 6park.com

原文: 6park.com

There are an absurd amount of companies who send messages on potatoes in both the US and the UK. Here we take a look at some of the different personalised potato-message companies. 6park.com

在美国和英国,有大量公司在土豆上发送消息。在这里,我们来看看一些不同的定制土豆公司信息。 6park.com

The owner of Potato Parcel, Alex Craig, made £19,000 in his first three months of selling personalised potatoes online. His company, Potato Parcel, allows people to send a potato in the post with a special message for only $9.99. In the US, he now offers the ‘potato pal’ for $14.99, which is a potato with a person’s face printed on it or a potato postcard for $12.99.  6park.com

Potato Parcel 的老板 Alex Craig 在前三个月通过在线销售个性化土豆赚了 19,000 英镑。他的公司 Potato Parcel 允许人们以 9.99 美元的价格邮寄带有特殊信息的马铃薯。在美国,他现在以 14.99 美元的价格提供“土豆朋友”,这是一个印有人脸的土豆或一张土豆明信片,售价 12.99 美元。 6park.com

He also ships internationally to the UK, Australia, Europe, and Canada. For UK customers, he charges £9.99 with the option to include a message with up to 140 characters on the spud. 6park.com

他还向英国、澳大利亚、欧洲和加拿大运送国际货物。对于英国客户,他收取 9.99 英镑的费用,可以选择在土豆上包含最多 140 个字符的消息。 6park.com

Rival UK company, Potato in the Post, however, offers spuds with messages starting from £3.99 with free shipping. The company was started by Adrian Nantchev who claims that sending a card is “too mainstraim”, urging people to “send a potato instead”, as receiving a spud is far more memorable. 6park.com

然而,其竞争对手英国公司 Potato in the Post 提供带有信息的土豆,价格从 3.99 英镑起免费送货。该公司由 Adrian Nantchev 创立,他声称发送卡片“过于主流”,并敦促人们“改为发送土豆”,因为收到土豆更令人难忘。

Another US based company, Mail a Spud, costs $9.99 to send and arrives as is with the address of the recipient written on the potato with a bunch of stamps glued to the spud. You literally receive a potato with your post. 6park.com

另一家美国公司 Mail a Spud 的邮寄费用为 9.99 美元,收件人的地址写在土豆上,土豆上贴着一堆邮票。你真的收到了一个土豆和你的帖子。 6park.com

And then there’s Mystery Potato, which also writes a message on a potato but never discloses who the potato is from. Their potatoes start from $7.99 and go up to $9.99. The company also offers a ‘glitter bomb’, which includes a message written on notebook paper and ton of rainbow glitter that falls onto the recipient from the envelope. 6park.com

然后是神秘马铃薯,它也在马铃薯上写了一条信息,但从不透露马铃薯来自谁。他们的土豆起价为 7.99 美元,最高可达 9.99 美元。该公司还提供“闪片惊喜”,其中包括写在笔记本纸上的信息和大量会从信封飞落到收件人身上的彩虹闪片。

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