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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-24 4:42 已读 4133 次 3 赞  


当地时间3月23日,俄媒发布了一名参与俄罗斯莫斯科州“克罗库斯城”音乐厅恐怖袭击事件嫌疑人的抓捕现场画面。 6park.com

Russia Today has posted a video clip of the interrogation of one of the suspected terrorists behind Friday's shooting spree at Crocus City concert hall near Moscow. 6park.com

该嫌疑人表示,约一个月前,他在社交媒体上收到陌生人发送的信息。对方表示,愿向其提供100万卢布(约合7.28万人民币)来买凶实施袭击,要求他按照提供的地址对人群发动攻击。 6park.com



The footage shows a bearded man describing in broken Russian how he'd been paid to commit the terrorist attack. 6park.com

视频中,一名大胡子男子用蹩脚的俄语描述他是如何被收买进行恐怖袭击的。 6park.com

The suspect added that he had committed the crime "for money," detailing that he had been promised 1,000,000 rubles. 6park.com

犯罪嫌疑人补充说,他是“为了钱”犯罪的,并详细说明有人承诺给他100万卢布。 6park.com

The alleged perpetrator claimed that half the sum had already been transferred to his debit card, the report said. 6park.com

报道称,犯罪嫌疑人声称一半的钱已经转到了他的借记卡上。 6park.com

俄罗斯首都莫斯科近郊一家音乐厅22日晚发生严重恐怖袭击事件。截至23日,俄官方给出的遇难人数最新数据为133人。今日俄罗斯通讯社报道说,恐袭已造成143人死亡。 6park.com



Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday called a terrorist attack here bloody and barbaric, vowing retribution for the perpetrators, organizers and financiers. 6park.com

Putin made the remarks during a televised address to the nation after a deadly shooting Friday evening at the Crocus City Hall in Northwest Moscow.


普京说,4名恐袭直接实施者均被拘捕,他们试图向乌克兰方向逃跑。初步信息显示,乌克兰方面为他们准备了越境“窗口”。共有11人被拘捕。无论恐怖分子以及背后的指使者是谁,恐袭事件的所有实施者、组织者和策划者都将受到公正的、应有的惩罚。 6park.com

Putin said all four perpetrators of the terrorist attack were arrested, adding that all perpetrators, organizers and financiers of this crime would be punished. 6park.com

"Whoever they are, whoever guides them. I repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity. This is a strike against Russia, against our people," Putin said. 6park.com


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