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双语资讯速览 | 英国削减教师招聘计划资金引发批评
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-29 18:55 已读 2911 次 2 赞  




North Korean leader Kim Jong Un raised fears he was preparing for war this year when he renounced the country’s commitment to peaceful reunification with the south.  6park.com

朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)今年宣布放弃与韩国和平统一的承诺时,外界曾担心他准备发动战争。 6park.com

But since then, North Korea’s armed forces have had a more prosaic task: making good on the 40-year-old leader’s promise to build a factory in each of the country’s 200 counties and cities over the next 10 years. 6park.com

但自那以来,朝鲜武装部队面临着一项更为平淡的任务:兑现这位40岁领导人的承诺,在未来10年期间在该国200个县市各建一家工厂。 6park.com

“The overall regional economy is in a terrible situation,” Kim told the country’s rubber stamp parliament in January as he acknowledged his own “failure to provide the people in local areas with basic living necessities”. 6park.com

“地方经济形势总体上十分糟糕,”金正恩在1月对朝鲜的橡皮图章议会表示。他承认自己“未能为当地人民提供基本的生活必需品”。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为North Korea’s Kim Jong Un seeks to build on Russia ties to resuscitate economy



Israel has said that it would be willing to delay a long-planned assault on Hamas’s last stronghold in the Gaza Strip if a deal to secure the release of Israeli hostages can be agreed. 6park.com

以色列表示,如果能够达成一项确保以色列人质获释的协议,它愿意推迟计划已久的对哈马斯在加沙地带最后据点的袭击。 6park.com

Hamas said over the weekend that it was studying a new proposal by Egypt and Israel that, according to reports, would lead to a halt in the fighting and a further withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza in return for the release of two to three dozen of the Israelis seized during the militant group’s October 7 assault on the Jewish state. 6park.com

据报道,哈马斯上周末表示,它正在研究埃及和以色列提出的一项新提议。根据该提议,以色列军队将停止战斗,进一步从加沙撤出,以换取哈马斯释放在10月7日袭击这个犹太国家期间抓获的20至30多名以色列人。 6park.com

Israel has begun preparations for the civilian evacuation of Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city and the last population centre controlled by Hamas, ahead of an expected attack that could come “within weeks”, according to one Israeli official. 6park.com

一名以色列官员表示,以色列已开始为疏散拉法(Rafah)的平民做准备。拉法是加沙最南端的城市,也是哈马斯控制下的最后一个人口中心,预计可能在“数周内”发动袭击。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Israel may delay assault on Rafah in exchange for hostages



Deposit costs at the largest US banks rose more than interest revenue last quarter for the first time since the Federal Reserve began raising rates two years ago, as savers demanded lenders share the benefits. 6park.com

自美联储两年前开始提高利率以来,美国最大银行上季度存款成本增幅首次超过利息收入增幅,因为储蓄者要求贷款人分享收益。 6park.com

Wells Fargo paid nearly $594mn more in fees to depositors in the first quarter of this year than it did in the previous three months. That was far more than the $1mn the bank took in additional interest from its loans and investments in the same period. 6park.com

富国银行今年第一季度向储户支付的费用比上一个季度出近5.94亿美元。这远远超过了该银行同期从贷款和投资中获得的100万美元额外利息。 6park.com

JPMorgan Chase and Citi also paid out more to depositors than they took in additional interest last quarter — about $350mm each. In the previous quarter, the two banks took in $2.3bn more in additional interest above what they paid depositors. 6park.com

摩根大通银行和花旗银行向储户支付的利息也超过了上一季度额外的利息收入,分别约为3.5亿美元。在上一季度,这两家银行向储户支付的利息以后,多获得了23亿美元的额外利息收入。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Banks pay savers more as ‘higher-for-longer’ rates hit interest income



Ministers are facing sharp criticism over scrapping funding for a teacher recruitment programme targeting older career switchers, as schools in England grapple with a vacancies crisis. 6park.com

英国部长们因取消一项针对年龄较大的转行教师招聘计划的资金而面临尖锐批评,目前英格兰的学校正艰难应对岗位空缺危机。 6park.com

The Department for Education has confirmed it will no longer fund the career changing scheme, provided by the charity Now Teach, to recruit new cohorts of teachers from other lines of work. 6park.com

英国教育部已经证实,将不再资助由慈善机构Now Teach提供的职业转换计划,该计划旨在从其他行业招聘新的教师。 6park.com

The government had provided funding for each of the past five years, including £1.4mn last year, which accounted for about 85 per cent of the scheme’s funding. 6park.com

过去5年,英国政府每年都提供资金,包括去年的140万英镑,约占该计划资金的85%。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Funds axed for teacher recruitment scheme triggering backlash

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