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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-02 3:49 已读 4235 次 3 赞  


Hundreds of Protesters Arrested as Universities Blame Outsiders for Escalating Violence


周二晚间,纽约警方突击进入哥伦比亚大学一栋被抗议者占领的建筑,逮捕了大量亲巴勒斯坦示威者。《华尔街日报》的Shelby Holliday在校园内记录了这一过程。

美国几个大学校园有数以百计的抗议者被捕,一些大学和警方镇压了亲巴勒斯坦示威活动,称这些示威活动在外来人员介入下愈演愈烈。 6park.com

Hundreds of protesters were arrested across several campuses, as universities and police cracked down on what they say are outsiders escalating pro-Palestinian demonstrations. 6park.com

纽约市市长Eric Adams周三表示,在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)和纽约市立学院(City College of New York)有近300人被捕。当天下午,福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)提请纽约市警察局(New York City Police Department, 简称NYPD)清除该大学林肯中心(Lincoln Center)校区一处建筑内一个约30人的营地。NYPD称其逮捕了那些拒绝解散的人。 6park.com

The Manhattan District Attorney’s office said about 280 people were arrested at Columbia University and City College of New York. Later in the day, Fordham University called on the New York City Police Department to clear an encampment of some 30 people in a building on its Lincoln Center campus. The NYPD said it arrested those who refused to disperse. 6park.com

威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)称,警方驱散了一个营地并逮捕了34人。位于新奥尔良的杜兰大学(Tulane University)称,除了前一天被捕的六人外,周三有14名抗议者被捕。 6park.com

The University of Wisconsin-Madison said police dispersed an encampment and arrested 34 people. Tulane University in New Orleans said 14 protesters were arrested Wednesday, in addition to the six arrested a day earlier. 6park.com

多所大学和警方已表示,并不归属于这些学校的人员加入或加剧了抗议以哈战争的示威活动。 6park.com

Universities and police have said people unaffiliated with the schools have joined or intensified the demonstrations protesting the Israel-Hamas war.

纽约大学(New York University)校长说,4月22日在该校被捕的133人中,有68人不是在校学生、教职人员或工作人员。杜兰大学表示,绝大多数抗议者都是外部人员。Adams说,外来煽动者为哥伦比亚大学的抗议运动煽风点火。得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)称,周一在校园内被捕的79人中有45人与该校无关。 6park.com

New York University’s president said of 133 people arrested there on April 22, 68 weren’t current students, faculty, or staff. Tulane said the overwhelming majority of the protesters were outsiders. New York City Mayor Eric Adams said outside agitators were co-opting the protest movement at Columbia. The University of Texas at Austin said 45 of the 79 people arrested on campus on Monday weren’t associated with the school. 6park.com

得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校说:“这些数字证实了我们的担忧,即过去一周校园内的很大一部分混乱是由校外人员策划的。” 6park.com

“These numbers validate our concern that much of the disruption on campus over the past week has been orchestrated by people from outside the University,” UT Austin said. 6park.com


哥伦比亚大学和纽约市立学院的抗议者代表在周三的新闻发布会上说,参加学校示威活动的校外人士都是社区成员,包括教师和校友。 6park.com

Representatives for Columbia and City College of New York protestors said at a press conference Wednesday that outsiders who joined demonstrations at their schools were members of the community, including teachers and alumni. 6park.com

在加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles),据来自当地电视新闻的视频和目击者提供的信息,几十个反抗议者周二晚上11点左右聚集在一个亲巴勒斯坦营地的外围,紧张局势迅速升级。 6park.com

At the University of California, Los Angeles, dozens of counterprotesters gathered at a pro-Palestinian encampment’s perimeter around 11 p.m. Tuesday night and tensions escalated quickly, according to video from local TV news and witnesses. 6park.com

这些反抗议者拆除了该营地周围的金属路障,时而掷向相关亲巴勒斯坦示威者。该营地的部分成员试图拽回路障、重建壁垒。 6park.com

The counterprotesters dismantled metal barricades around the encampment, in some cases throwing them at the pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Some of the encampment members attempted to pull barricades back and reconstruct a barrier. 6park.com

有一次,该营地外的人投掷了一个看似烟花的物品,投掷物在地上炸开。 6park.com

At one point, someone outside the encampment threw what appeared to be a firework, which exploded on the ground. 6park.com

现场视频显示,晚上11点15分左右,有少量安保人员在场,但寡不敌众,他们不久就离开了现场。 6park.com

Video from the scene showed a small number of security officers present around 11:15 p.m. who were outnumbered and left shortly after.


根据洛杉矶警察局(Los Angeles Police Department)的推文,警察局的警员在凌晨2点左右赶到现场协助校警,最终平息了事态。洛杉矶警察局尚未公布逮捕细节。 6park.com

Los Angeles Police Department officers arrived to assist campus police at about 2 a.m., according to tweets from the agency, and eventually calmed the situation. The LAPD hasn’t released details about arrests. 6park.com

20岁的加州大学洛杉矶分校大二学生Tai Min曾在这个支持巴勒斯坦的营地呆过一段时间,她说,与反抗议者的冲突已经持续了好几个晚上,而周二是迄今为止最激烈的一次。“冲突不断在升级,”她说。 6park.com

Tai Min, a 20-year-old sophomore at UCLA who has spent time in the pro-Palestinian encampment, said conflicts with counterprotesters occurred for several nights in a row, though Tuesday was by far the most violent. “It’s been escalating and escalating,” she said. 6park.com

加州州长纽森(Gavin Newsom)周三在一份声明中称,执法部门迟迟不作出反应是 “不可接受的,这需要得到答复”。 6park.com

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement Wednesday that the delayed law-enforcement response was “unacceptable and it demands answers.” 6park.com

加州大学洛杉矶分校取消了周三的课程,当天上午,校园里一片安静。支持者们向留在该营地的人分发瓶装水、食物和其他物品,校园保安和加州公路巡警局(California Highway Patrol)的巡警封锁了这片区域。 6park.com

On Wednesday morning, campus was quiet after the university canceled classes for the day. Supporters distributed bottled water, food and other items to people remaining in the encampment, while campus security and California Highway Patrol officers cordoned off the area. 6park.com

数周来,全美各地校园内的抗议活动不断升级,不仅扰乱了学术生活,还加剧了支持巴勒斯坦的抗议者与反抗议者之间的紧张关系。大学的领导一直在努力研究如何在不影响言论自由的情况下遏制抗议活动。许多犹太学生表示,反犹太主义抬头让他们觉得很不安全,而抗议者则表示,他们的活动属于和平示威。抗议者呼吁他们所在的大学从与以色列有业务往来的公司撤资。 6park.com

Weeks of escalating protests on campuses across the country have disrupted academic life and inflamed tensions between pro-Palestinian protesters and those who oppose them. University leaders have grappled over how to tame the protests without disrupting speech rights. Many Jewish students have said they feel unsafe amid rising antisemitism while protesters have said their demonstrations are peaceful. Protesters are calling on their universities to divest themselves of investments in companies doing business with Israel.

白宫新闻秘书皮埃尔(Karine Jean-Pierre)表示,美国总统拜登正在关注校园抗议活动以及警方的应对措施。“所有美国人都有权和平抗议,”皮埃尔表示。“但强占建筑物不是和平抗议。我认为我们已经非常非常清楚这一点。” 6park.com

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said President Biden is monitoring the campus protests and the police responses to them. “Every American has the right to peacefully protest,” she said. “Seizing buildings, taking over buildings, is not peaceful protesting. I think we’ve been very, very clear about that.” 6park.com

周三,美国众议院以320票赞成、91票反对的结果通过了《反犹太主义意识法案》(Antisemitism Awareness Act),有70名民主党人和21名共和党人投了反对票。该立法将要求教育部在执行联邦反歧视法时,使用国际大屠杀纪念联盟(International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance)对反犹太主义的工作定义。 6park.com

The House of Representatives voted 320-91 on Wednesday to pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act, with 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans voting “no.” The legislation would require the Education Department to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal antidiscrimination laws. 6park.com

国际大屠杀纪念联盟的相关定义包括 “将当代以色列政策与纳粹政策相提并论 ”和 “拒绝犹太人的自决权”,美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)等团体抨击此类定义将批评以色列政府等同于反犹太主义。 6park.com

The IHRA definition, which includes “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” and “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination,” has been criticized by groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union for equating criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism. 6park.com

布朗大学(Brown University)和西北大学(Northwestern University)与抗议者达成协议,以让抗议者与校领导讨论撤资问题为交换条件,清理抗议者的营地。耶鲁大学(Yale University)称,在学校威胁停课和逮捕后,抗议者于周二上午离开了他们的营地。 6park.com

Brown and Northwestern universities reached agreements with protesters to clear their encampments in exchange for letting protesters discuss divestment with university leaders. Yale University said protesters left their encampment Tuesday morning after the school threatened suspensions and arrests. 6park.com

在哥伦比亚大学,引发一项全美运动的抗议活动达到了暴力高潮。周二晚上,警方突袭了汉密尔顿大厅(Hamilton Hall),学生们用自动售货机和沙发堵住了这座校园建筑。 6park.com

At Columbia, the protests that set off a nationwide movement reached a violent crescendo. Police on Tuesday night raided Hamilton Hall, a campus building students had barricaded with vending machines and sofas. 6park.com

戴着头盔的警察将人们带离校园,而学生们则向他们高喊 “耻辱!”和 “革命!”。一些人被押上警车,双手被扣条反绑在背后。 6park.com

Officers in helmets removed people from the campus while students yelled “shame!” and “revolution!” at them. Some people were escorted onto police buses with their hands zip-tied behind their backs. 6park.com

到了周三下午,除了一些散落的巴勒斯坦旗帜外,室外几乎已没有留下任何混乱的痕迹。在一片空草坪上的一个旗杆上贴着一张绿白相间的贴纸,上面写着 “Resist by any means necessary(不惜一切手段进行抵抗)”,12小时前,这片草坪上还聚集着示威的学生。 6park.com

By Wednesday afternoon, there were few signs left of the chaos outdoors save for some stray Palestinian flags. “Resist by any means necessary” read a green and white sticker on a flagpole on an empty lawn that had been filled with an encampment of student demonstrators 12 hours earlier. 6park.com

在汉密尔顿大厅,出入口的窗户玻璃被打碎,屋顶上还留着一堆椅子。 6park.com

At Hamilton Hall, the glass was broken out of windows on doorways and a stack of chairs remained on the roof. 6park.com

警察以小组为单位在校园内巡逻,并在入口和路口驻守。 6park.com

Police officers patrolled the campus in small groups and were stationed at entrances and intersections. 6park.com

哥伦比亚大学校长Minouche Shafik要求纽约警方至少到5月17日(即原定开学日的两天后)都要在校园内,“以维持秩序并确保营地不会重新建立”。 6park.com

Columbia President Minouche Shafik has asked the NYPD to maintain a presence on campus until at least May 17, two days after the scheduled commencement date, “to maintain order and ensure encampments are not re-established.” 6park.com

“事态的发展让我深感悲痛,”Shafik周三在给校方的一封电子邮件中写道。“我很遗憾我们走到了这一步。” 6park.com

“This turn of events has filled me with deep sadness,” Shafik wrote in an email to the university Wednesday. “I am sorry we reached this point.”


抗议活动发生在学年即将结束之际。一些学校威胁称,抗议的大四学生将不能毕业,也有学校说学生可能会被停学或开除。哥伦比亚大学表示,占领汉密尔顿大厅的抗议者可能会被开除。 6park.com

The protests are happening as the school year winds down. Some schools have threatened that seniors who protest can’t graduate, or said students could be suspended or expelled. Columbia said protesters who occupied Hamilton Hall could face expulsion. 6park.com

哥伦比亚大学称,汉密尔顿大厅被警方突袭时没有人员伤亡。威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison)称,一名州警在一名抗议者用滑板击打其头部后受伤。 6park.com

Columbia said there were no injuries during the arrests when Hamilton was raided. UW-Madison said a state trooper was injured after a protester struck their head with a skateboard. 6park.com

纽约市警方周三表示,他们尚未确定在哥伦比亚大学被捕的119人中有多少是学生,有多少是校外人士。该市警方说,他们认识其中的部分校外示威者。 6park.com

New York City police said Wednesday said they hadn’t yet determined how many of the 119 people arrested at Columbia were students versus outsiders. They said some of the outside demonstrators were known to them. 6park.com

“当前存在一个使化年轻人激进化的运动,”纽约市市长亚当斯说。“我不会允许这种情况发生。” 6park.com

“There is a movement to radicalize young people,” New York City Mayor Adams said. “I’m not going to allow that to happen.” 6park.com

纽约警方周三表示,他们之所以采取行动逮捕示威者,是因为他们注意到示威者改变了策略,包括散发写有 “将起义推向全球(globalize the intifada) ”的小册子。警方说,他们认识一些在现场的外部示威者。被捕者面临的初步指控包括非法侵入、刑事恶作剧和入室盗窃。 6park.com

New York police said Wednesday that they moved to arrest protesters after noticing they had shifted their tactics, including distributing pamphlets that said “globalize the intifada.” Police said some of the outside demonstrators there were known to them. The people arrested faced preliminary charges including trespassing, criminal mischief and burglary.


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