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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-05 3:33 已读 3892 次 2 赞  


‘Everything has changed’: Foreign auto groups embrace local technology in China

Leading Japanese and Korean carmakers follow VW with moves to match domestic rivals. 6park.com


First, it was Germany’s Volkswagen announcing a series of groundbreaking tie-ups with Chinese tech groups. Now, the renowned national brands of South Korea and Japan have decided that the only way to survive in the country’s cut-throat car market is to buy Chinese-made technology. 6park.com


Toyota last week chose the Beijing auto show, the premier industry event of the year in China, to unveil a new partnership with the owner of the WeChat superapp, Tencent. The world’s biggest carmaker by sales will work with China’s most valuable listed company on developing services for domestic customers, including deploying Tencent’s artificial intelligence and cloud-based software in its cars. Nissan announced a similar partnership with search giant Baidu to use the Beijing group’s generative AI in its vehicles. 6park.com

上周,丰田(Toyota)选择在北京车展(Beijing Auto Show)这一中国年度最重要的行业盛会上,宣布与微信(WeChat)超级应用的所有者腾讯(Tencent)建立新的合作关系。这家全球销量最大的汽车制造商将与中国市值最高的上市公司合作,为中国客户开发各种服务,包括在其汽车中部署腾讯的人工智能和基于云的软件。日产(Nissan)也宣布与搜索巨头百度(Baidu)建立类似的合作伙伴关系,将在其汽车中使用后者的生成式人工智能。

Hyundai, which has suffered plummeting sales in China in recent years, announced at the show that it would develop batteries with China’s CATL. It was a snub to its main supplier, South Korean compatriot SK On, with the Chinese battery king unveiling a new product touted as giving electric vehicles a range of 600km off a 10-minute charge. 6park.com

近年来在中国销量暴跌的现代汽车(Hyundai)在车展上宣布,将与中国的宁德时代(CATL)合作开发电池,此举无异于冷落了其主要供应商、韩国电池制造商SK On。宁德时代发布了一款新的电动汽车电池产品,号称充电10分钟可续航600公里。

The three deals, according to analysts and industry executives, highlighted how an increasing number of multinationals believe the only way to catch up with Chinese carmakers, which have prioritised electric vehicles and advanced technologies, is to incorporate the tech they use in their own models. 6park.com


“Four years ago, I thought it was almost certain that the Chinese car companies just follow the global [manufacturers], but right now it seems like everything has changed,” said Xie Tiandi, a spokesperson for DJI Auto, a company spun out of the world’s biggest drone maker that is now working with VW on assisted driving technologies. 6park.com

大疆车载(DJI Auto)发言人谢阗地表示:“四年前,我认为中国汽车公司几乎肯定会跟随全球制造商,但现在似乎一切都变了。”大疆车载是从全球最大的无人机制造商大疆(DJI)剥离出来的,目前正与大众汽车合作开发辅助驾驶技术。

Foreign carmakers’ sales in China, the world’s biggest car market, sunk to a record low market share of 40 per cent in March, according to Shanghai consultancy Automobility. In recent weeks, sales of pure EVs and plug-in hybrids crept above half of new car sales in China for the first time. 6park.com


VW, which for years dominated the Chinese car market, has previously conceded it did not move fast enough towards electrification, as Elon Musk’s Tesla and Warren Buffett-backed BYD came to dominate sales of EVs. 6park.com

主导中国汽车市场许多年的大众汽车此前承认,其电动化转型的速度不够快,让埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)的特斯拉(Tesla)和沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)投资的比亚迪(BYD)主导了电动汽车的销量。

The German group has fought back in its biggest market over the past 18 months, making a series of investments in Chinese technology, including joint ventures with Horizon Robotics, one of China’s leading designers of AI chips, and software group ThunderSoft, as well as an equity investment in Guangzhou-based Xpeng, which makes high-tech EVs. 6park.com

过去18个月,这家德国企业在它最大的市场中发起反击,对中国技术做了一系列投资,包括与中国人工智能芯片领先设计商之一地平线(Horizon Robotics)、软件企业中科创达(ThunderSoft)分别成立合资企业,并入股总部位于广州的高科技电动汽车制造商小鹏(Xpeng)。

Juergen Reers, global automotive lead for Accenture, a US consultancy, predicted “closer collaboration across the ecosystem” in China as multinational carmakers tried to “reinvent” their business models to keep pace with domestic groups’ rapid transition towards electric-powered vehicles with smarter features. 6park.com

美国咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)全球汽车负责人于尔根•雷尔斯(Juergen Reers)预测道,随着跨国车企试图“重塑”商业模式、以追赶中国本土企业快速向智能化电动汽车转型的脚步,中国“整个生态系统内的合作会更紧密”。

“What is of utmost criticality right now is acceleration,” he said, adding: “In China, it is viewed as a technology sector, which is really the right mindset.” 6park.com

“现在最关键的就是加速,”他补充说,“在中国,它(电动汽车)被视为科技产业,而这确实是正确的思路。” 6park.com


One area where Chinese groups are moving faster is in the technologies underpinning autonomous driving, analysts said, including Lidar, which detects the surrounding road conditions, and other sensor types. 6park.com


According to forecasts from Counterpoint Research, China will have 1mn cars with so-called Level 3 technology — which means drivers can remove their hands from the steering wheel — by 2026, and these vehicles will account for about 10 per cent of new cars by 2028. 6park.com

根据Counterpoint Research的预测,到2026年,中国将拥有100万辆具备所谓3级(Level 3)自动驾驶技术的汽车——这意味着司机可以双手离开方向盘;到2028年,这类汽车将在新车中占比约10%。

China produced 6.7mn vehicles in the first three months of the year, 11 per cent higher than the first quarter of 2023, with sales of EVs up 32 per cent and those of cars with internal combustion engines (ICE) up 3 per cent, according to Automobility. 6park.com


With the ICE market remaining weak owing to huge overcapacity and acute price pressures, companies are increasing exports from China. The Automobility data also showed first-quarter overseas shipments of Chinese-made vehicles rose 33 per cent year on year to a record 1.3mn vehicles. ICE cars accounted for 77 per cent of exports, while BYD and Tesla together were responsible for about 60 per cent of EV exports.    6park.com


Kris Tomasson, who leads design at Nio, one of a clutch of tech-focused Chinese EV start-ups, said that given China’s history of manufacturing lower-cost products, outside observers might have misunderstood the “level of quality . . . or technology behind the cars”. 6park.com

蔚来(Nio)设计主管克里斯•托马森(Kris Tomasson)表示,鉴于中国制造低成本产品的历史,外部观察人士可能误解了“这些汽车的质量……或技术水平”。蔚来是中国一批以技术为重点的电动汽车初创公司之一。

In many countries, EV sales have been smaller than forecast. Legacy carmakers in Europe and the US continue to prioritise sales of vehicles with internal combustion engines, and deployment of EV charging infrastructures has been slow. 6park.com


“There’s no good products in some markets, that’s why the markets are not growing and not expanding,” said Brian Gu, president and vice-chair at Xpeng. “They are not adopting [EVs] as fast as China. You have to have cost-competitive, innovative, attractive products to be offered to customers to help them through that transition.” 6park.com

“一些市场没有好的产品,这就是这些市场不增长、不扩大的原因。”小鹏总裁兼副董事长顾宏地(Brian Gu)说,“他们推广(电动汽车)的速度不如中国快。你必须向客户提供具有成本竞争力的、创新的、有吸引力的产品,帮助他们完成这一过渡。” 6park.com


However, amid fears of national security and economic dependence on a country controlled by the Chinese Communist party, the US and its allies, including the EU, are cracking down on Chinese-made technology and trying to secure supply chains without Chinese-made products. 6park.com


Against this backdrop, experts said foreign groups’ deepening dependence on Chinese technology would raise questions in their home markets.   6park.com


Tu Le, founder of the Sino Auto Insights consultancy, predicted increasing “bifurcation” of the global car market, with carmakers forced to duplicate the development of smart driving features. 6park.com

咨询公司中国汽车洞察(Sino Auto Insights)创始人涂乐预测,全球汽车市场的“分裂”将日益加剧,汽车制造商将被迫重复开发智能驾驶功能。

But for now, foreign carmakers have no choice but to embrace Chinese technology to have a chance of surviving in the local market. 6park.com


“Foreign automakers are trying to stop the bleeding. The market share they lose now, they might not get back,” he said. 6park.com

他说:“外国汽车制造商正在试图止血。他们现在失去的市场份额可能再也找不回来了。” 6park.com

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