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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-11 23:25 已读 3645 次  


China’s trade returns to growth on back of AI equipment imports

Beijing has prioritised high-tech manufacturing as it seeks to offset moribund property market and consumer demand. 6park.com


China’s imports of critical equipment for developing artificial intelligence have surged this year, official data has shown, driving a return to trade growth for the world’s second-biggest economy as the global race for AI supremacy intensifies. 6park.com

官方数据显示,今年中国用于开发人工智能的关键设备进口激增,在全球争夺人工智能霸主地位的竞争加剧之际,这推动这个全球第二大经济体恢复贸易增长。 6park.com

The value of China’s imports of automatic data processing equipment — which includes computers and their components — surged 50 per cent year on year in the first four months of 2024, according to official statistics released on Thursday. Imports of computer chips and other high-tech products recorded double-digit gains from the same period last year. 6park.com


The boom in AI equipment purchases helped Chinese trade return to growth in dollar terms in April following declines in the previous month. It comes as the country contends with rising geopolitical tensions over trade and industrial policy. 6park.com


The value of imports expanded 8.4 per cent in dollar terms in April compared with a year earlier, beating analysts’ expectations of just below 5 per cent and reversing a decline of 1.9 per cent in March. 6park.com


Exports also expanded, rising 1.5 per cent, meeting analysts’ forecasts and overturning an annual decline of 7.5 per cent in March, when lower prices battered producers. 6park.com


“For imports, strength was heavily concentrated in a few categories,” said Lynn Song, ING’s chief China economist. “The main theme in our view is the goal to compete in the AI race.” By comparison, many other import categories, including agricultural products, coal and cosmetics, remained “heavily in contraction”. 6park.com

荷兰国际集团(ING)首席中国经济学家Lynn Song表示:“就进口而言,增长主要集中在少数几个类别。在我们看来,人工智能竞赛的目标才是主旋律。”相比之下,包括农产品、煤炭和化妆品在内的许多其他进口类别仍“严重萎缩”。

Trade also expanded by value in the first quarter, with exports rising 1.5 per cent year on year in the January-March period and imports climbing 3.2 per cent. 6park.com


China’s government is leaning on a manufacturing revival, particularly in its high-tech industries, to boost economic growth and offset flagging property investment, weak consumer confidence and inefficient infrastructure spending. 6park.com


China last month reported a GDP expansion of 5.3 per cent in the first quarter against a year earlier, and policymakers have set a target of 5 per cent growth for 2024, but analysts have warned that achieving it may be ambitious. 6park.com


Beijing has stopped short of implementing sweeping stimulus but has announced more support for factories, including a programme for industries to “upgrade” equipment and consumers to buy new appliances. 6park.com


In AI, China has sought to create a supportive regulatory environment to encourage growth, using tax breaks and subsidies. However, domestic technology companies have also been hampered by increasing restrictions on technology exports from the US and its allies, which have threatened to cut off access to semiconductors and chipmaking equipment vital to AI development. 6park.com


Economists have also called on Beijing to do more to boost consumer and investor confidence through direct stimulus measures and strengthening the welfare safety net. The economy has struggled with deflation, with consumer prices rising just 0.1 per cent in March. China reports April consumer and producer price indices on Saturday. 6park.com


HSBC analysts said the return to positive trade growth might in part reflect “some of green shoots” in global demand. 6park.com


The US and Europe have accused Beijing of unfair trade practices and driving up supply far in excess of domestic demand, leading Chinese exporters to dump artificially cheap, subsidised goods on international markets. 6park.com


In response, Chinese officials have become increasingly outspoken about the country’s industrial policy. 6park.com


Last month, Xi told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was visiting Beijing, that the country’s exports were helping to ease global inflation and supporting the clean energy transition. 6park.com

上个月,习近平对访问北京的德国总理奥拉夫•朔尔茨(Olaf Scholz)说,中国的出口缓解了全球通胀压力,也为绿色低碳转型作出巨大贡献。

On Monday, he told European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron that China did not have an overcapacity problem. 6park.com

本周一,他还对欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席乌尔苏拉•冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)和法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)说,中国不存在产能过剩问题。

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