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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-13 23:40 已读 2898 次 1 赞  


U.K. Charges Three With Spying Linked to Hong Kong


描绘Chi Leung Wai(中)、Chung Biu Yuen(身着外套)和Matthew Trickett三人周一在英国法庭上的一幅素描。

英国警方周一对三名男子提起指控,其中包括一名英国边境部队官员和一名前英国皇家海军陆战队突击队员,他们涉嫌帮助香港情报部门监视在英国的异见人士。 6park.com

U.K. police charged three men on Monday, including a U.K. Border Force official and a former Royal Marines commando, with allegedly helping Hong Kong’s intelligence services spy on dissidents based in Britain. 6park.com

这次起诉是英国政府为遏制所谓的中国在英国境内的间谍活动而做出的最引人注目的行动之一,预计该案的审判将揭示中国政府追捕流亡海外的异见人士相关努力的程度。 6park.com

The prosecution is one of the most high-profile efforts by British authorities to curtail alleged Chinese spying on U.K. soil, with a trial that is expected to shine a light on the lengths the Chinese state goes to pursue members of its diaspora. 6park.com

现年38岁的Chi Leung Wai、37岁的Matthew Trickett和63岁的Chung Biu Yuen身着灰色囚服在伦敦法庭出庭受审。他们被控违反英国《国家安全法》,因涉嫌协助外国情报机构而于本月被捕。相关罪名包括协助敌对国家和强行进入一处英国地址。这三名男子确认了自己的姓名和年龄,但没有抗辩。 6park.com

Chi Leung Wai, 38 years old, Matthew Trickett, 37, and Chung Biu Yuen, 63, appeared in a London court wearing gray prison-issued clothing after being arrested this month under the U.K.’s National Security Act for allegedly assisting a foreign intelligence service. The charges include aiding a hostile state and forcing entry into a U.K. address. The men confirmed their names and ages but didn’t enter pleas. 6park.com

中国大使馆谴责这些指控属“无中生有、恶意诋毁”。 6park.com

The Chinese Embassy denounced the charges as a “malicious fabrication.”

Chi Leung Wai周一戴着口罩离开伦敦的法院,他被控违反英国《国家安全法》。

西方政府越来越担心中国政府通过黑客和间谍等手段收集情报的庞大企图。德国上个月逮捕了四人,其中包括一名极右翼政客的议会助理,他们涉嫌为中国从事间谍活动。一名英国议会研究员去年被捕,今年4月被正式指控为中国从事间谍活动,将于明年受审。今年1月,中国政府称已逮捕一名所谓的英国间谍。 6park.com

Western governments have become increasingly concerned about Beijing’s sprawling attempts to gather intelligence, including by hacking and spying. Germany arrested four people last month, including a far-right politician’s parliamentary assistant, on suspicion of spying for China. A British parliamentary researcher was arrested last year and formally charged in April with spying for China and is due to face trial next year. In January, Beijing said it had arrested an alleged British spy. 6park.com

Yuen是一名退休香港警官,在香港驻伦敦经济贸易办事处(Hong Kong Economic Trade Office in London)担任办公室经理,该办事处是一个负责促进海外对香港投资的政府机构。Wai在希思罗机场为英国边境部队工作,该部队负责监督移民和海关检查,他在网上被列为一家名为D5 Security的咨询公司的创始人。Trickett是英国人,他在领英(LinkedIn)的自我介绍是一名安全专家,曾是英国皇家海军陆战队突击队员。 6park.com

Yuen is a retired Hong Kong police officer who is listed as an office manager at the Hong Kong Economic Trade Office in London, a government agency that promotes overseas investment in the former British colony. Wai works at Heathrow Airport for the U.K. Border Force, which oversees immigration and customs controls, and is listed online as the founder of a consulting firm called D5 Security. Trickett, a British national, advertises himself on LinkedIn as a security specialist who previously served as a Royal Marines Commando. 6park.com

三人被保释,本月晚些时候将再进行一次法庭预审。英国反恐警察说,另有七名男子和一名女子被拘留,但随后未受指控被释放。其中多数人是在英格兰北部的约克郡被拘留的。 6park.com

The three were released on bail ahead of another court hearing later this month. British counterterrorism police said seven more men and one woman were detained but then released without charges. Most were detained in Yorkshire, in northern England.

退休香港警官Chung Biu Yuen周一在伦敦戴着口罩。

英国官员此前曾警告说,中国政府正在监视新国安法实施后大量逃往英国的香港人。为压制席卷香港的大规模抗议活动,2020年中国在香港实施新国安法。新国安法允许中国的国家安全机构在香港公开活动,一改之前多年的秘密活动状态。 6park.com

British officials have previously warned that the Chinese state was keeping tabs on the large number of Hongkongers who had fled to the U.K. following the Chinese imposition of a security law in 2020 aimed at stifling mass protests that had swept Hong Kong. The security law permitted China’s state security apparatus to operate openly in the city after years of doing so covertly. 6park.com

英国政府称,新国安法违反了香港司法独立安排。而根据中英之间的协议,1997年香港回归、最后一任英国驻港总督撤出后,香港司法独立原本应维持到2047年不变。作为回应,英国开放了一项特别的五年签证计划,允许至多400万香港人进入英国。据英国内政部称,迄今已有超过15万人持这些签证来英国生活。 6park.com

The British government said the security law violated Hong Kong’s judicial independence from Beijing—which was supposed to last until 2047 as part of the British handover and withdrawal of the last British governor in 1997. In response, the U.K. opened a special five-year visa route to allow up to 4 million Hong Kongers to enter the country. So far over 150,000 people have come over to live in the U.K. on those visas, according to the U.K. Home Office. 6park.com

新国安法实施后,香港警方成立了国家安全处,前官员称,这个部门很可能类似于英国统治时期警方负责收集情报和监控颠覆威胁的所谓政治部。 6park.com

After the security law was implemented, the Hong Kong police set up a national security department that former officials said would likely be similar to the so-called Special Branch, the unit of the police force during British rule tasked with collecting intelligence and monitoring perceived threats of subversion. 6park.com

警方国安处的很多行动都是秘密进行的,但除了针对香港人之外,还公开针对香港以外的活动人士。去年,警方国安处宣布悬赏100万港元(约合12.8万美元)抓捕在海外的13名活动人士,这一金额是针对谋杀嫌犯悬赏金额的两倍多。 6park.com

Much of the operations of the national security department have been secret, but it has publicly targeted activists outside of Hong Kong in addition to people in the city. Last year the department announced rewards of 1 million Hong Kong dollars, equivalent to about $128,000, for help in capturing 13 activists overseas, more than double the bounties offered for alleged murderers.


这些悬赏引发了这些活动人士现居住国家的批评,包括英国、美国和澳大利亚。其中,居住在英国的被悬赏通缉的活动人士包括英国驻香港领事馆前雇员郑文杰(Simon Cheng)和前工会官员蒙兆达(Mung Siu-tat)。香港警方还逮捕了一些被指控为涉嫌违反国家安全的海外通缉犯筹集资金的人。 6park.com

Those bounties stirred criticism from countries where the activists now live, including the U.K., U.S. and Australia. The activists targeted in the U.K. included Simon Cheng, a former employee of the British Consulate in Hong Kong, and Mung Siu-tat, a former union official. Police in Hong Kong arrested people accused of raising money to help suspects overseas wanted for alleged national security violations. 6park.com

英国议会情报委员会曾就中国的“猎狐行动”发出警告,中国政府通过这个行动强迫遣返居住在海外的异见人士。根据英国议会情报与安全委员会最近的一份报告,据称中国曾“胁迫从英国遣返经济逃犯,并绑架海外双重国籍人士”。 6park.com

The U.K. Parliament’s intelligence committee has previously warned about “Operation Fox Hunt,” in which the Chinese government forces the repatriation of opposition figures living abroad. According to a recent report by the U.K. Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee, China is known to have “conducted coerced repatriations of economic fugitives from the U.K. and kidnapping of dual nationals overseas.”

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