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每日趣图:Animal Porn
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-17 9:10 已读 4287 次 2 赞  


No matter how much you love animals, it’s likely that you don’t get to encounter many in your day to day life. You might have a dog and cat to cuddle at home, greet some pigeons while going for a stroll and keep an eye on an adorable squirrel when you glance out the window at work. But if you’re interested in checking out some amazing photos of animals you probably don't see every day, you’ve come to the right place!We took a trip to this subreddit that’s dedicated to sharing stunning pics from the animal kingdom and gathered some of their most captivating shots below.

#1 Goodbye My Friend

#2 Mother Coyote Teaching Her Coyote Pups How To Howl

#3 Firework Turtle

#4 "Whatcha Doin' Lady?" A Professional Photographer Out In The Field Is Approached By Both A Wolf Cub And A Fawn

#5 Frog In The Water In A Boat

#6 Leopard Lazing Around

#7 8 Ton Orca Jumping 15ft Out Of The Water

#8 Circle (Giraffe)

#9 Just Before A Shark Breaks The Surface Tension Of The Water

#10 Purple And Black. What A Stunning Little Bird

#11 Arctic Fox With Piercing Eyes. Iceland. Photo By Benjamin Hardman

#12 Malaysian Large Frogmouth And Her Chick

#13 Lioness And Cubs Drinking

#14 Snow Leopard Mid-Leap

#15 Baby Giraffe

#16 Wolf Pup

#17 Elephants After A Swim

#18 Reinhardt And His Floofy Tail. He Is A Siberian Forest Cat

#19 Look At This Baby Muskox

#20 A Group Of Tadpoles Swimming

#21 Mother Tiger Licking Her Cub

#22 A Rare Image Of A Flying Peacock

#23 Greater Blue-Eared Starling

#24 Mother Bear And Cubs Drinking

#25 The African Fish Eagle

#26 Cross Fox

#27 Giraffe And Leopard On A Misty Morning In The African Savanna, South Africa (Photo By Dylan Royal)

#28 Black Leopard

#29 Lion Taking A Catnap

#30 Green Turaco

#31 Kudu

#32 Meditating Lemur (Eulemur Rufus)

#33 Snake In The Rain

#34 Vietnamese Mossy Frog

#35 Brown Panda

#36 Male And Female Superb Fairy-Wren

#37 Blue-Footed Boobies

#38 Red Avadavat Or Strawberry Finch

#39 The Cat After The Hunt

#40 Differences Between A Male And Female Mandarin Duck

#41 A Shining Sunbeam Hummingbird

#42 Gorgeous Pink Snake

#43 Moose (Alces Alces)

#44 The Dik-Dik, A Very Small Gazelle That Stands About 12-16 In From The Ground

#45 Harpy Eagle

#46 Lilac Breasted Roller V/S Scorpion

#47 Puffin With A Mouthful Of Sand Eels

#48 Australia Giant Cuttlefish

#49 Snow Leopard In Ladakh, India

#50 Not All Wasps Are Yellow. Here's A Multi-Colored Cuckoo Wasp

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