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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-19 19:23 已读 4452 次 3 赞  


UK postal workers’ union issues strike warning to Daniel Křetínský

Threat of industrial action made if Czech businessman fails to meet demands over takeover bid for Royal Mail. 6park.com


The UK postal workers’ union has issued a strike warning to Czech billionaire Daniel Křetínský if he fails to meet their demands in his Royal Mail takeover bid, raising the threat of industrial action that has dogged the company in the past. 6park.com

英国邮政工人工会已向捷克亿万富翁丹尼尔•克雷蒂尼斯基(Daniel Křetínský)发出罢工警告,如果他在收购皇家邮政(Royal Mail)时未能满足他们提出的要求,将引发过去一直困扰该公司的劳工行动威胁。 6park.com


Dave Ward, general secretary of the Communication Workers Union, said the group had decided to “take whatever steps necessary to protect” employment conditions and Royal Mail’s universal service obligation to deliver letters and parcels across the country for the same price. 6park.com

英国通信工人工会(Communication Workers Union)秘书长戴夫•沃德(Dave Ward)表示,该组织已决定“采取一切必要措施保护”就业条件和皇家邮政的普遍服务义务,即在全国范围内以相同的价格投递信件和包裹。 6park.com


“There are certain things that if they are attacked, we would take industrial action. We would call a ballot of our members,” he told the Financial Times, adding the union would also challenge a separation of the group’s struggling letters’ business and its more profitable parcels operation. 6park.com

“如果某些东西受到攻击,我们会采取劳工行动。我们将召集会员进行投票。”他向英国《金融时报》表示。他还补充道,工会还将挑战对该集团陷入困境的信件业务与利润更丰厚的包裹业务的分拆。 6park.com


Ward’s comments come after Křetínský’s EP Group, the largest investor in Royal Mail owner International Distributions Services (IDS), made a £5bn offer including debt for the group. 6park.com

在沃德发表上述言论之前,克雷蒂尼斯基旗下的EP集团——皇家邮政所有者国际分销服务公司(IDS)的最大投资者,向该集团提出了包括债务在内的50亿英镑的收购要约。 6park.com


This is despite long-simmering tensions between management and postal workers that have exacerbated Royal Mail’s struggle to turn a profit and maintain service levels in recent years. 6park.com

现实情况确实如此,尽管管理层和邮政工人之间长期以来的紧张关系加剧了皇家邮政近年来在扭亏为盈和维持服务水平方面的困境。 6park.com


IDS on Wednesday said it was “minded to recommend” the offer to acquire Royal Mail and its separate Netherlands-based parcels business GLS after rejecting EP Group’s initial bid in April. 6park.com

IDS周三表示,该公司“有意推荐”收购英国皇家邮政及其位于荷兰的独立包裹业务GLS的提议,而此前该公司在4月份拒绝了EP Group的最初报价。 6park.com


Analysts have suggested a takeover of IDS could lead to a break up of the business that would isolate Royal Mail, which faces falling letter deliveries and strict regulatory targets, from the more profitable parcel group GLS. 6park.com

分析师们表示,收购国际分销服务公司可能会导致该业务的分拆,从而将面临信件投递量下降和严格监管目标的皇家邮政与利润更高的包裹集团GLS分离开来。 6park.com


Křetínský has made clear in negotiations his intention not to separate Royal Mail from GLS or touch the group’s pension scheme surplus and to avoid compulsory redundancies, people familiar with the matter have previously said. 6park.com

知情人士此前曾表示,克雷蒂尼斯基已在谈判中明确表示,他不打算将皇家邮政与GLS分离,也不打算触及该集团的养老金计划盈余,并避免强制裁员。 6park.com


However, shares in IDS closed at 320p on Thursday, significantly below EP Group’s latest offer of 370p a share a day earlier, signalling some investor scepticism over the prospects of a deal. 6park.com

然而,IDS股价周四收于320便士,远低于前一天EP Group每股370便士的最新报价,这表明一些投资者对交易前景持怀疑态度。 6park.com


“The market price is telling us that investors are sceptical as to whether this offer will succeed,” said one top IDS shareholder. 6park.com

IDS的一位大股东表示:“市场价格告诉我们,投资者对此次收购能否成功持怀疑态度。” 6park.com


The warning over industrial action threatens to repeat an 18-day walkout in 2022 over management’s plans to adapt employment terms in line with its competitors, handing rivals such as Amazon and DPD the opportunity to grab market share from the former state-owned mail service. 6park.com

有关劳工行动的警告可能会在2022年重演一场为期18天的罢工,原因是管理层计划根据竞争对手调整雇佣条款,让亚马逊(Amazon)和DPD等竞争对手有机会从这家前国有邮政服务公司手中抢占市场份额。 6park.com


Although Royal Mail and the CWU reached a deal last year on pay and employment terms, Křetínský’s offer has reignited the union’s fears over the company’s direction as it faces competition from rivals who recruit delivery workers on lower-paying and more flexible contracts. 6park.com

尽管去年皇家邮政与英国通信工人工会就薪资和雇佣条款达成了协议,但克雷蒂尼斯基的提议再次引发了工会对公司发展方向的担忧,因为皇家邮政正面临着竞争对手的竞争,这些竞争对手以更低的薪资和更灵活的合同招聘快递员。 6park.com


IDS on Wednesday said EP Group had agreed to offer a “set of contractual undertakings to protect key public interest factors and recognise Royal Mail’s status as a key part of national infrastructure”. 6park.com

IDS周三表示,EP Group已同意提供“一套合同承诺,以保护关键的公共利益因素,并承认皇家邮政作为国家基础设施重要组成部分的地位”。 6park.com


These included protecting employees’ rights and continuing to recognise unions, protecting Royal Mail’s name and brand, and maintaining the company’s base in the UK. Royal Mail’s “one-price-goes-anywhere service” and delivery of first-class letters six days a week would also be maintained under the proposals, IDS said. 6park.com

其中包括保护员工权利和继续承认工会、保护皇家邮政的名称和品牌、以及保持公司在英国的基地。IDS表示,皇家邮政的“一价走天下服务”和每周6天的一等信件递送也将在提案中得到保留。 6park.com


After meeting IDS chief executive Martin Seidenberg and chair Keith Williams, UK business and trade secretary Kemi Badenoch welcomed the contractual undertakings agreed with EP Group. But she said details of these would be for the government to consider and agree. 6park.com

在与IDS首席执行官马丁•塞登伯格(Martin Seidenberg)和董事长基思•威廉姆斯(Keith Williams)会面后,英国商业和贸易大臣凯米•巴德诺克(Kemi Badenoch)对与EP Group达成的合同承诺表示欢迎。但她表示,其中的细节将由政府考虑并同意。 6park.com


The top IDS investor added: “The new bid is an improvement on the previous one. There are clearly some trade-offs though — if the company is asking for commitments from the bidder, then one would expect those ‘costs’ to be reflected in the price being paid.” 6park.com

这位IDS最大的投资者补充道:“新的出价比之前的出价有所改进。不过,显然存在一些权衡——如果公司要求竞购方做出承诺,那么人们就会认为,这些‘成本’会反映在所支付的价格上。” 6park.com


Ward warned “we have to balance [Křetínský’s reported assurances] with the reality of this guy as a business person”. 6park.com

沃德警告称:“我们必须要比较(克雷蒂尼斯基声称的保证)和这个人作为商人的现实。” 6park.com


“We need more than assurances . . . We will need a very detailed discussion with Křetínský and his people about what are their plans for the future.” 6park.com

A representative of Křetínský declined to comment.克雷蒂尼斯基的代理人拒绝置评。

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