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见 Urban Dictionary 注释. 我倾向于第一种即 休闲帽。
送交者: Maohun[布衣] 于 2014-09-05 18:28 已读 121 次 1 赞  


回答: 再请教一个问题,gay hats指的是什么?谢谢 由 赤冰 于 2014-08-29 11:23

gay hat
1. A hat of a gay nature in the sense that it is either happy and carefree, ridiculous and stupid, or swings the other way (more than likely a mixture of these three). 

2. A hat to be worn by gays ONLY ie people of a homosexual orientation. No exeptions: heterosexuals, bi-sexuals, gay/bi-curious people cannot wear a gay hat. Under penalty of death if this rule is violated. Yes, death.
a) "Oh my, you have such a gay hat!" 

b) "Have you seen my gay hat? I need it for the seminar, woman!"

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