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送交者: 老新领导[☆★★大明大宋民贵★★☆] 于 2019-01-22 18:06 已读 1149 次  


別對學生隱瞞現實的「危險」The Wilds of Education 6park.com


弗蘭克·布魯尼2014年9月30日 6park.com


Ben Wiseman 6park.com

When it comes to bullying, to sexual assault, to gun violence, we want and need our schools to be as safe as possible. 6park.com

提到欺凌、性侵犯、槍支暴力,我們希望並且需要我們的學校越安全越好。 6park.com

But when it comes to learning, shouldn’t they be dangerous? 6park.com

但是在學習上,該不該讓他們經歷危險呢? 6park.com

Isn’t 6park.com

education supposed to provoke, disrupt, challenge the paradigms that 6park.com

young people have consciously embraced and attack the prejudices that 6park.com

they have unconsciously absorbed? 6park.com

難道教育不應該去撼動、打亂、挑戰年輕人有意識地接納了的條條框框,並去攻擊他們無意識吸收的成見嗎? 6park.com

Isn’t 6park.com

upset a necessary part of that equation? And if children are lucky 6park.com

enough to be ignorant of the world’s ugliness, aren’t books the rightful 6park.com

engines of enlightenment, and aren’t classrooms the perfect theaters 6park.com

for it? 6park.com

難道失望不是這個等式中的一個必要因子嗎?如果孩子有幸對世界的醜陋一無所知,難道書本不是恰當的啟迪引擎嗎,難道課堂不是它的完美劇場嗎? 6park.com

Not 6park.com

in the view of an unacceptable number of Americans. Not in too many 6park.com

high schools and on too many college campuses. Not to judge by 6park.com

complaints from the right and the left, in suburbs and cities and states 6park.com

red and blue. 6park.com

有太多美國人不這麼認為。太多的高中、太多的大學不這麼認為。從來自左翼和右翼、郊區和城市、紅州和藍州的怨言看,他們不這麼認為。 6park.com

Last 6park.com

week was Banned Books Week, during which proponents of unfettered 6park.com

speech and intellectual freedom draw attention to instances in which 6park.com

debate is circumscribed and the universe sanitized. As if on cue, a 6park.com

dispute over such censorship erupted in the affluent Dallas-area 6park.com

community of Highland Park, where many students pushed back at a recent 6park.com

decision by high school administrators to suspend the teaching of seven books until further review. Some parents had complained about the books. 6park.com

上周是禁書周(Banned 6park.com

Books 6park.com

Week),在這期間,倡導徹底的言論和知識自由的人士將一些約束辯論、洗白世界的案例呈現在世人面前。彷彿事先約好了似的,一場針對這種審查制度的爭論,在達拉斯地區的富裕社區高地公園爆發,那裡的高中校方決定暫停七本書的教學,以待進一步的審核,這引發了一些學生的反對。此前,這些書遭到了部分家長的投訴。 6park.com

Their 6park.com

titles? That was the strangest part. The seven offenders included the 6park.com

young adult novel “An Abundance of Katherines,” by John Green. It was 6park.com

deemed too sexually frank. Also “The Working Poor: Invisible in 6park.com

America,” by David K. Shipler. It has references to rape and abortion. 6park.com

“The Glass Castle,” Jeannette Walls’s best-selling memoir, was tagged 6park.com

for its portraits of alcoholism and mental illness. And “The Art of 6park.com

Racing in the Rain,” by Garth Stein, dared to include a scene in which a 6park.com

teenage girl under the age of consent comes on to an older man. In 6park.com

several sentences, her breasts are described. 6park.com

書名?奇怪的地方來了。七本犯了禁忌的書包括約翰·格林(John 6park.com

Green)的青少年小說《太多個凱瑟琳》(An Abundance of 6park.com

Katherines)。它被認為在性方面過於直白。還有戴維·K·謝普勒(David K. 6park.com

Shipler)的《工作的窮人:美國那些受到忽視的人們》(The Working Poor: Invisible in 6park.com

America)。它是因為提到了強姦和墮胎。珍妮特·沃爾(Jeannette Walls)的暢銷回憶錄《玻璃城堡》(The Glass 6park.com

Castle),被打上了描繪酗酒和精神疾病的標籤。加思·斯坦(Garth Stein)的《我在雨中等你》(The Art of Racing 6park.com

in the Rain)膽敢寫出一個未成年少女向一個年齡大些的男子提出性要求的片段。其中有好幾句話描述了她的乳房。 6park.com

It’s not exactly “Fifty Shades of Grey.” I mean, its narrator is a Labrador-terrier mix. 6park.com

和《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)還是有區別的。你看,故事的敘述者是一隻拉布拉多和㹴犬的混血狗。 6park.com

“It’s the dog book,” Stein marveled when I reached him by telephone in Seattle, where he lives. “My book’s the dog 6park.com

book.” In it an animal who expects to be reincarnated as a person 6park.com

puzzles over humanity — and prepares for it — by studying his master, a 6park.com

racecar driver. 6park.com

「這是本狗書,」於西雅圖家中接受電話採訪的斯坦感嘆道。「我的書是狗書。」在書中,一隻希望投胎轉世為人的動物對人性產生了困惑,並為此進行準備——通過向他那位賽車手主人學習。 6park.com

“It’s 6park.com

full of life lessons: about responsibility, about self-reliance, about 6park.com

perseverance,” Stein said. Apparently, nipples trump all of that. 6park.com

「全是些人生的歷練:關於責任,關於自立,關於堅持,」斯坦說。顯然,乳頭一出現,這些都無關緊要了。 6park.com

The 6park.com

events in Highland Park brought to mind other stories, including one in 6park.com

the Denver area that received national attention last week: A newly 6park.com

conservative board for the Jefferson County School District, which is 6park.com

Colorado’s second-largest, raised the possibility of pruning the curriculum 6park.com

of books and material that could be seen to exalt civil disobedience 6park.com

and promote unpatriotic thoughts. Where does that leave the civil rights 6park.com

movement? Vietnam? 6park.com

高地公園的事件讓人想起其他的事迹,包括上周發生在丹佛地區的一樁引起全國關注的事:科羅拉多第二大的傑弗遜縣學區(Jefferson 6park.com

County School 6park.com


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