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如何翻译“撸起袖子 加油干”
送交者: newpeople[★★无业游民★★] 于 2019-05-16 12:13 已读 522 次  


如何翻译“撸起袖子 加油干”


◎ 文/辛献云




CRI版译文:So long as the 1.3 billion people pull together in forging ahead, the Party stands identified with the people, and the nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavors, we will surely accomplish the Long March of our generation.

CCTV版译文:Only if the 1.3 billion-plus people work together with one heart, the Party always stands with the people, and we roll up our sleeves and work with added energy, can we succeed in the Long March of our generation.







巧合的是,英语中也同样存在“撸起袖子”的说法,即roll up one’s sleeves,而且和汉语完美对应。和汉语一样,它也有字面意义和比喻意义,据McGrawHill’s Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs,该表达的字面意义为“to turn one’s sleeves upward, exposing the arms”,例如:

①He rolled his sleeves up and began to wash the dishes.

②Don rolled up his sleeves so he would be cooler.

固定表达roll up one’s sleeves的比喻意义为“to prepare to get to work”,例如:

Let’s roll our sleeves up and get this job done!

在英语中,roll up one’s sleeves常用作比喻意义,既可用作一般的动词短语,也可用作修饰语,例如:

①Roll up your sleeves and get going, man!

②So today, I am asking you to roll up your sleeves and join in the work of remaking this nation.

③This will be a hard-working, roll-up-your-sleeves event.

④A hands-on roll-up-your-sleeves executive is preferred.


我们再来看“加油干”的译法。CRI版译为for brand new endeavors,虽然较为达意,但却略显正式,书卷味较浓,不够口语化、通俗化。CCTV版译为with added energy,效果要略胜一筹。此外,大家还可以尝试使用如下更为口语化的表达,以保持风格上的一致性:peg away、put oneself to it、work harder、keep at it、work with added vigor、put on more steam、more power to your elbow、gas up the jet、put a bit more effort into、pitch in、dive in等。例如:


Peg away, students, and you are bound to win.


If I really put myself to it, I can finish this work today.


I told her to work harder and she just stood with a silly grin on her face.


Keep at it and you’ll soon be knocking off your most important task easily.


和roll up your sleeves结合起来,下面语句都可表达“撸起袖子加油干”的意思,且都具有口语化特色。

1. Roll up your sleeves and dive in with more steam.

2. Roll up your sleeves and put on more steam.

3. Roll up your sleeves and pitch in with more power to your elbow.

4. Roll up your sleeves and gas up the jet.

5. Roll up your sleeves and get to work with more effort.

6. Roll up your sleeves and work much harder.

7. Roll up your sleeves and put a bit more effort into your game.


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