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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-05-24 3:53 已读 568 次  


许多年前,亚特兰蒂斯女王(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)和人类相知相恋,共同孕育了爱情的结晶——后来被陆地人称为海王的亚瑟·库瑞(杰森·莫玛 Jason Momoa 饰)。在成长的过程中,亚瑟接受海底导师维科(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)的严苛训练,时刻渴望去看望母亲,然而作为混血的私生子这却是奢望。与此同时,亚瑟的同母异父兄弟奥姆(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)成为亚特兰蒂斯的国王,他不满陆地人类对大海的荼毒与污染,遂谋划联合其他海底王国发动对陆地的全面战争。为了阻止他的野心,维科和奥姆的未婚妻湄拉(艾梅柏·希尔德 Amber Heard 饰)将亚瑟带到海底世界。 宿命推动着亚瑟,去寻找失落已久的三叉戟,建立一个更加开明的海底王国……


1. We were bound to meet at some point. 我们命中注定会相见。 6park.com

2. I knew you couldn't stand on the sidelines forever. 我早就知道你不可能一直袖手旁观。 6park.com

3. The Trench are nothing but animals. 海沟国国民不过是野兽。 6park.com

4. Without me and my army to convince them, your plans are stillborn. 没有我和我的军队去说服他们,你的计划都是空谈。 6park.com

5. You're a formidable fighter on land, but here you're out of your element, literally. 在陆地上你是无敌的战士,但在这里你是真正的水土不服。 6park.com

6. When Orvax eventually found out about you, he became overwhelmed with jealousy. 后来奥瓦克斯王发现了你的存在,嫉妒使他丧失了理智。 6park.com

7. What you're doing flies in the face of everything that your mother taught us when we were children. 你现在所做的和小时候你母亲教我们的背道而驰。 6park.com

8. Don't follow in her wake. 你不要步她的后尘。 6park.com

9. Securing the alliance of the other two kingdoms should be our immediate concern. 保证和另外两个王国联盟的稳固,才是我们的当务之急。 6park.com

10. I order you to stand down! 我命令你们退下! 6park.com

11. Maybe this will jog your memory. 也许这个能够帮你记起来。


(YELLING) 6park.com

(CROWD GASPS) 6park.com

(ALL CHEERING) 6park.com

(BOTH GRUNTING) 6park.com

(YELLING) 6park.com

(ALL CHEERING) 6park.com

(SHOUTING) 6park.com


ORM: I am the one true king! 6park.com

(YELLS) 6park.com

(GROANS) 6park.com

(GASPING) 6park.com

(VOMITS) 6park.com

MERA: You waiting for an invitation? Get in! 6park.com

ORM: (ECHOING) Mera! 6park.com

ARTHUR: Oh, yeah. So, what's the plan? 6park.com

MERA: The plan was to recover Atlan's trident, then challenge Orm. 6park.com

ARTHUR: Okay, so we're doing things a little out of order. Shit happens. Heads up! We got a bogey on our six! 6park.com

MERA: What does that even mean? 6park.com

ARTHUR: Bad guys behind us. 6park.com

MERA: Then just say that! 6park.com

ARTHUR: Bad guys behind us! 6park.com

(ARTHUR YELPS) 6park.com

(SCREAMS) 6park.com

ARTHUR: Whoa, whoa, wait, you said we couldn't go over these walls. 6park.com

MERA: I did! 6park.com

ARTHUR: You said there were hydro-cannons! 6park.com

MERA: I did, now shut up! 6park.com

ARTHUR: (YELPING) Oh, shit! 6park.com

(BEEPING) 6park.com


(GROWLS) 6park.com

(BOTH GRUNT) 6park.com

ARTHUR: Shit! 6park.com

(SCREAMS) 6park.com

ARTHUR: Shit. 6park.com

MERA: We're not dead yet! But I'm hoping he'll think we are. 6park.com

ARTHUR: Oh! (YELPS) Here, hold this. 6park.com

MERA: What are you doing? 6park.com

ARTHUR: Listen, it worked for Pinocchio. 6park.com

MERA: Who? 6park.com

ARTHUR: Never mind. Come here, get in. Come on. 6park.com

MERA: Great. So we're getting eaten. How are you even doing this, anyway? 6park.com

ARTHUR: I don't know. I can hear them sometimes, and they can hear me. 6park.com

MERA: Right. Because you're both big, dumb animals. 6park.com

ARTHUR: Hey, I just saved your life. 6park.com

MERA: I saved yours first! 6park.com

(BOOMING SOUND) 6park.com


ARTHUR: She said, "Coast is clear." So, where to now? 6park.com

MERA: To the ocean of sand your people call the Sahara. 6park.com

ARTHUR: All right. (GRUNTS) 6park.com

版主:icemessenger于2019_05_24 3:54:09编辑

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