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送交者: jameskelly[♂☆★★南约秘书长★★☆♂] 于 2019-06-21 20:44 已读 434 次  


【读写翻译绝招43】像外国人一样思考,学习实用钻石级短语 6park.com

for/from want of 6park.com

由于缺少...... 6park.com

The flowers died from want of water. 6park.com

这些花由于缺少水而枯死了。 6park.com

Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medicine. 6park.com

有些士兵因为缺乏药物而死去。 6park.com

for the use of 6park.com

供......使用的 6park.com

This parking lot is for the use of employees only. 6park.com

这个停车场只供员工使用。 6park.com

This dining hall is for the use of teachers. 6park.com

这个饭堂是供教师使用的。 6park.com

in support of 6park.com

为了支持......,为了拥护...... 6park.com

He spoke at the meeting in support of my idea. 6park.com

他在会上讲话支持我的想法。 6park.com

They decided to stay in support of the new leadership. 6park.com

为了支持新的领导班子,他们决定留下来。 6park.com

so as to 6park.com

为了(做)......,以便(做)...... 6park.com

They made a lot of lively programs so as to attract more children. 6park.com

为了吸引更多的孩子,他们制作了很多生动活泼的节目。 6park.com

I left home at 5:00 in the morning so as to be there on time. 6park.com

我早上5点钟就出门,以便准时到达那里。 6park.com

in search of 6park.com

为了寻找......,为了寻求...... 6park.com

He went to the south in search of better prospects. 6park.com

他为了寻找更好的前途到南方去。 6park.com

She immigrated to New Zealand in search of a quiet life. 6park.com

她为了过上平静的生活移民到新西兰去。 6park.com

for the sake of/for one's sake 6park.com

为......起见,为了...... 6park.com

His family moved to the countryside for the sake of his son's health. 6park.com

他一家为了他儿子的健康搬到乡下去。 6park.com

He betrayed his friend for money's sake. 6park.com

他为了钱而出卖自己的朋友。 6park.com

for one's own safety 6park.com

为了某人自身的安全 6park.com

For your own safety please don't smoke inside the plane. 6park.com

为了你自身的安全,请不要在飞机上抽烟。 6park.com

Please fasten your seat belt for your own safety. 6park.com

为了你们自己的安全,请系上安全带。 6park.com

for future reference 6park.com

为了以后参考,为了今后备查 6park.com

Keep all the price lists on file for future reference. 6park.com

把所有的价格表存档,以便今后备查。 6park.com

You can take this booklet home for future reference. 6park.com

你可以把小册子带回家,留着以后参考。 6park.com

for reasons of 6park.com

因......理由,为......缘故 6park.com

The road has been closed for reasons of safety. 6park.com

为了安全起见,路已经被封了。 6park.com

They switched to a new product for reasons of better profits. 6park.com

为了更好地获得,他们转向了一种新产品。 6park.com

in memory of 6park.com

为纪念......,为追悼...... 6park.com

She set up an educational fund im memory of her mother. 6park.com

她为了纪念她母亲而设立了一个教育基金会。 6park.com

This musem was built in memory of the great writer -Lu Xun. 6park.com

这个博物馆是为了纪念伟大作家鲁迅而建造的。 6park.com

in order to 6park.com

为了...... 6park.com

Most students study hard in order to please the teacher. 6park.com

为了让老师开心,多数学生努力工作。 6park.com

Business schools are trying to improve their courses in order to produce better graduates. 6park.com

为了培养出更好的毕业生,商务学校在改进他们的课程。 6park.com

for sb.'s benefit/for the benefit of 6park.com

为了......的利益为了帮助...... 6park.com

It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit. 6park.com

这不是他的过错。他是为了你的利益才这样做的。 6park.com

All the donations are for the benefit of the disabled children. 6park.com

所有的捐款都是为了帮助残疾儿童。 6park.com

for fear of 6park.com

以免,以防 6park.com

Put on a coat for fear of catching a cold. 6park.com

穿上外衣以免感冒。 6park.com

The weather in London is so changable that people always bring their umbrella with them for fear of rain. 6park.com

伦敦的天气很多变,人们总是要随身带着雨伞以防下雨。 6park.com

as a result 6park.com

结果是 6park.com

As a result, the unemployment rate began to fall. 6park.com

结果,失业率开始下降。 6park.com

As a result, 50 per cent of the groundwater in cities is polluted. 6park.com

结果,城市50%的地表水受到污染。 6park.com

in honor of 6park.com

为纪念......,为庆祝...... 6park.com

They are holding a birthday party in honor of the prince. 6park.com

他们为王子举行生日会。 6park.com

The book was written in honor of those who died in the war. 6park.com

这本书是为纪念在战争中死亡的人而写的。 6park.com

in favor of 6park.com

为了支持......,赞同......的 6park.com

He spoke at the meeting in favor of the plan. 6park.com

他在会上发言赞成这个计划。 6park.com

Most educators are in favor of distance learning. 6park.com

多数教育家支持远程教育。 6park.com

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