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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-08-06 7:41 已读 1286 次  


要说最近最燃最爆的电影,非《哪吒之魔童降世》莫属了! 6park.com

《哪吒》为什么能飙升至国产动画的票房冠军? 6park.com

除了酷炫流畅的特效场景,还有一波脍炙人心的台词。 6park.com


1、别人的看法都是狗屁,你是谁只有你自己说了才算,这是爹教我的道理。 6park.com

The viewpoints of others are nonsense. It's the truth my father taught me that who you are depends on what you say.

2、我会让所有人刮目相看,走着瞧! 6park.com

I will let people look at me with new eyes. Wait and see!

3、如果你问我,人能否改变自己的命运,我也不晓得,但是不认命,就是哪吒的命。 6park.com

If you ask me whether people can change their own destiny, I will show you I don't know. As far as I am concerned, do not believe in destiny, which is the fate of Nezha.

4、人心中的成见是一座大山,任你怎么努力都休想搬动。 6park.com

The prejudice in your mind is like a mountain, and no matter how hard you try, you can't move it.

5、我命由我不由天,是魔是仙,我是谁只有我自己说了算。 6park.com

The one that shapes my destiny will always be myself rather than the God. I have the final say of being a demon or immortal.

6、若命运不公,就和它斗到底。 6park.com

Maybe the fate treats you unfairly. But never mind, just fight it to the end.

7、我自己的命我自己扛,不连累别人! 6park.com

I will shoulder my own destiny, and by no means do I bring trouble to others.

8、生而为魔,那又如何。 6park.com

Born as a demon, so what ?

9、一生中能改变命运的机会,可不多呀! 6park.com

Chances to change your destiny in your life are few and far between.

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