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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-08-18 4:42 已读 696 次 1 赞  


1: 他很有趣。 6park.com

错: He's so interesting.
对: He's so funny.

2: 我是免费得到的。 6park.com

错: I got it without money.
对: I got it for free.

3: 我们初次见面。 6park.com

错: It's our first time to meet.
对: We've never met before.

4: 晚上我想和朋友出去玩。 6park.com

错: I want to play with my friends tonight.
对: I want to hang out / go out with my friends tonight.

5: 她是新来的。 6park.com

错: She came here newly.
对: She's new here.

6: 他把汤都喝掉了。 6park.com

错: He drank all of his soup.
对: He ate all of his soup. 6park.com

在英语中,soup也是food的一种,所以很少用drink, 更多用eat或have。

7: 我哪儿都找不到我的钥匙。 6park.com

错: I can't find my keys somewhere.
对: I can't find my keys anywhere.

8: 我一直等到3点。 6park.com

错: I was waiting by 3:00.
对: I was waiting until 3:00.

9: 能借我点钱吗? 6park.com

错: Could you borrow some money to me?
对: Could you lend some money to me?

10: 我把他错当成别人了。 6park.com

错: I mistook him.
对: I mistake him for someone else.

11: 我很无聊。 6park.com

错: I'm boring.
对: I'm bored.

12: 你觉得怎么样? 6park.com

错: How do you think?
对: What do you think?

13: 你选哪一个? 6park.com

错: Which do you select?
对: Which do you choose?

14: 你是做什么工作的? 6park.com

错: What is your job?
对: What do you do for a living? 6park.com

15: 我下星期领薪水。 6park.com

错: I'll receive my salary next week.
对: I'll get paid next week.

16: 上车吧(轿车)。 6park.com

错: Get on the car.
对: Get in the car.

17: 上车吧(公共汽车)。 6park.com

错: get in the bus.
对: get on the bus.

18: 他状态良好。 6park.com

错: He is in good condition.
对: He is in good shape.

19: 如果你有钱的话,给我点吧。 6park.com

错: Give me some money, if you have.
对: Give me some money, if you have any.

20: 如果你开着窗户睡觉的话,你会感冒的。 6park.com

错: You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.
对: You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.

21: 他讲话很大声。 6park.com

错: He was talking in a high voice.
对: He was talking loud.

22: 你觉得北京怎么样? 6park.com

错: How do you think about Beijing?
对: What do you think about Beijing?

23: 请在白线外等候。 6park.com

错: Please wait outside the white line.
对: Please wait behind the white line.

24: 她是第一名。 6park.com

错: She was first prize.
对: She took first prize.

25: 火车迟到了一个小时。 6park.com

错: The train was late about an hour.
对: The train was about an hour late.

26: 看你脸脏的,照照镜子吧。 6park.com

错: What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.
对: What a dirty face! Look in the mirror.

27: 他既不会读也不会写。 6park.com

错: He cannot read and write.
对: He cannot read or write.

28: 这是哪里? 6park.com

错: Where is here?
对: Where are we?

29: 她的婚姻是幸福的。 6park.com

错: Her marriage is happy.
对: Her marriage life is happy.

30: 我的鞋子在哪里? 6park.com

错: Where is my shoe?
对: Where are my shoes?

31: 这个座位是空的吗? 6park.com

错: Is this seat empty?
对: Is this seat taken?

32: 这是我房间的钥匙。 6park.com

错: This is the key of my room.
对: This is the key to my room.

33:她很老的时候才结婚。 6park.com

错: She married old.
对: She married late in life.

34: 历史在重演。 6park.com

错: History repeats.
对: History repeats itself.

35: 给我打个电话。 6park.com

错: Give me a phone.
对: Give me a phone call.

36: 我不知道他说了什么。 6park.com

错: I don't know what did he say.
对: I don't know what he said.

37: 你可以告诉我为什么你每天都迟到吗? 6park.com

错: Could you tell me why are you late every day?
对: Could you tell me why you are late every day?

38: 我是公务员。 6park.com

错: I'm a public servant.
对: I work for the government.

39: 今天很热。 6park.com

错: Today is hot.
对: It is hot today.

40: 不要把办公室弄得很乱。 6park.com

错: Don't make the office out of order.
对: Don't leave the office in a mess.

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