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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-09-11 4:44 已读 1129 次  


每个人都有自己的饮食习惯,大家也似乎都知道好的饮食习惯会带来健康的体魄,但是究竟应该怎么吃?我们来看看美国这位科学家是如何定义的。 6park.com

As a doctor who has treated thousands of patients and a scientist working at the forefront of modern medicine, Harvard expert Dr William Li is convinced the most powerful way to beat disease — from cancer to dementia — is to prevent it in the first place. 6park.com

作为活跃在现代医学前线的科学家,哈佛专家威廉·李博士已经治疗了成千上万的病人。他相信,无论对付癌症还是痴呆症,最好办法就是从源头上避免。 6park.com

Daily Mail - How you can eat to beat illness: Harvard scientist Dr WILLIAM LI reveals the foods that could save your life 6park.com

据《每日邮报》报道,威廉李博士的研究主要是基于我们身体的五项关键防御系统:免疫系统,干细胞,DNA,肠道细菌, 血管的运行。 6park.com

His work hinges on the study of five key defence systems in our body: our immune system, our stem cells, our DNA, our gut bacteria, and the sophisticated action of our blood vessels. When working well, they keep us healthy, but age, inactivity, stress, poor diet and toxic load — from air pollution, smoke and processed food, for example — put them under pressure, and that’s when disease can creep in. 6park.com

威廉李博士的研究主要是基于我们身体的五项关键防御系统:免疫系统,干细胞,DNA,肠道细菌, 血管的运行。如果这些系统工作顺利的话,我们身体就会健康。但是当年纪,缺乏锻炼,压力,不健康的饮食习惯,以及空气污染、烟雾、精加工的食物所带来的有毒负载让这些系统承载更多的压力,疾病自然就会找上门了。 6park.com

Daily Mail - How you can eat to beat illness: Harvard scientist Dr WILLIAM LI reveals the foods that could save your life 6park.com



 Daily Mail - How you can eat to beat illness: Harvard scientist Dr WILLIAM LI reveals the foods that could save your life


Granny Smith apple: One of the varieties with the highest levels of defence-boosting  polyphenols 6park.com

澳洲青苹:多酚含量最高的一种品种 6park.com

Porcini mushrooms: Increase the diversity of protective healthy bacteria 6park.com

牛肝菌:增加可以保护身体的菌类品种 6park.com

Chia seeds: Nutrient-dense with plant compounds known to protect the heart 6park.com

奇亚籽:营养丰富的植物化合物,可以保护心脏 6park.com

Broccoli sprouts: Packed with immune-boosting vitamin C; Known to fight the flu virus 6park.com

西兰花芽:含有增强免疫力的维生素C;能对抗流感病毒 6park.com

Cranberry juice: Amps up immune response to infection by increasing interferon-gamma 6park.com

蔓越莓汁:增加 伽马干扰素(γ-干扰素具有抗病毒、免疫调节及抗肿瘤特性)来增强对感染的免疫反应


Apricots: Contain lutein, a chemical thought to protect against Alzheimer's 6park.com

杏子:含有叶黄素,一种防止阿尔茨海默氏症的化学物质 6park.com

Spring greens: packed with immune-revIving vitamin C 6park.com

嫩卷心菜:富含增强免疫力的维生素C 6park.com

Nectarines: Eating two stone fruit a day lowers risk of esophageal cancer 6park.com

油桃:每天吃两个核果会降低食道癌的风险 6park.com

Sesame seeds: High in fibre which lowers cholesterol and feeds healthy gut bacteria 6park.com

芝麻籽:纤维含量高,可降低胆固醇,培养有益的肠道细菌 6park.com

Chestnuts: High in ellagic acid, which helps immune cells to detect cancer 6park.com



Raspberries: Chock-full of anti-oxidants and vitamins A, C and E 6park.com

覆盆子:富含抗氧化剂和维生素A,C和E 6park.com

Blueberries: 250g per day boost immune cells in the blood 6park.com

蓝莓:每天250克可增强血液中的免疫细胞 6park.com

Licorice root: Contains glycyrrhizin for defences against viral infection 6park.com

甘草根:含有甘草甜素,可防御病毒感染 6park.com

Pomegranate: Helps to optimise the immune system by feeding our bacteria 6park.com

石榴:培养有益细菌,优化免疫系统 6park.com

Olive oil: Contains immune-boosting compounds oleic acid, oleocanthal and hydroxytyrosol 6park.com

橄榄油:含有免疫增强化合物油酸,刺激荃和羟基酪醇 6park.com

Green tea: Good for calming an overactive immune system 6park.com



Endive/radicchio: Contain bioactives with cancer fighting properties 6park.com

莴苣:具有抗癌特性的生物活性物质  6park.com

Sultanas: Contain ursolic acid thought to protect blood health 6park.com

小葡萄干:含有熊果酸,以保护血液健康 6park.com

Spinach: Full of vitamin C, beta-carotene and plenty of anti-oxidants 6park.com

菠菜:富含维生素C,β-胡萝卜素和大量抗氧化剂 6park.com

Oysters: Contain multiple immune-stimulators, including peptides 6park.com



Capers: Calms inflammation, via the bioactive quercetin  6park.com

水瓜柳:通过生物活性槲皮素镇静炎症 6park.com

Grape juice: Fizzing with bioactives to enhance immunity 6park.com

葡萄汁:含有生物活性成分,可增强免疫力 6park.com

Black garlic: Produces supercharged immune T-cells 6park.com

黑蒜:产生更有效的免疫T细胞 6park.com

Barley: High in dietary fibre and great for heart health 6park.com

大麦:膳食纤维含量高,对心脏健康有益 6park.com

Blackberries: Another hero food high in immune boosting ellagic acid 6park.com


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