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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-09-20 8:17 已读 518 次  


各地人口调查结果初步显示,今年上半年全国各地的新生儿数量继续下降。 6park.com

Regional population surveys are showing early signs that the number of births continued to drop across the country in the first half of this year-but at different rates.


据21世纪经济报道,按照国家统计局和当地统计局的要求,目前多地都在开展调研。近日,一些城市陆续公布了2019年上半年出生人口的相关数据,呈现总体下降趋势。 6park.com

Surveys in hospitals and communities in other areas, including Shaanxi, Anhui, Sichuan and Hebei provinces, also found a shrinking newborn population in the first half, with the rate of decrease ranging from 3 percent to 10 percent. 6park.com

从对陕西、安徽、四川、河北等地区医院和社区的调查中同样可以看出,今年上半年的新生儿数量有所下降,下降幅度在3%到10%之间。 6park.com

Chongqing reported about 68,400 births among a total population of about 31 million from January to May, a decrease of nearly 30 percent compared with the same period last year. 6park.com

据报道,今年1月至5月,重庆3100万人口中,新生人口约为6.84万,同比下降了约30%。 6park.com

In Weifang, Shandong province, health authorities said 55,800 babies were born in the first half of the year, down 13.4 percent year-on-year, Dazhong Daily reported. 6park.com



华中科技大学人口所所长石人炳教授说,每年新生儿的数量很大程度上取决于生育率(fertility rate)和育龄女性的数量(the number of women of childbearing age)。 6park.com

The fertility rate required to maintain population levels is 2.1 children per woman. 6park.com

维持人口水平所需的生育率是平均每名女性生育2.1个子女。 6park.com

而在中国,这两个决定性因素(determinants)都在下降: 6park.com

The number of women aged 15 to 49 peaked in 2011 and has been declining since then, and the fertility rate is just below 1.7, according to the World Population Prospects 2019 report released by the United Nations in June. 6park.com

根据联合国今年6月发布的《世界人口展望2019》显示,15岁至49岁的女性数量在2011年达到顶峰,随后持续下降,生育率略低于1.7。 6park.com

The National Health Commission's population research center put the fertility rate at 1.55 last year, compared with an average of 1.65 in the past decade. The center said the peak since the launch of the second-child policy was 1.8. 6park.com



80后、90后不再把生孩子视为婚姻的重要组成部分,从而降低了生育率。还有很多人觉得很难平衡工作和生活之间的关系,往往会放弃要二胎的想法。 6park.com

The statistics bureaus in Yan'an, Shaanxi province, and Pingquan, Henan province, both said a major factor in declining birthrates was a lack of willingness to have children among couples of childbearing age due to the mounting costs of raising a child. 6park.com

陕西延安和河南平泉统计部门均表示,生育率下降的一个主要原因是抚养孩子的成本不断上升,育龄夫妇缺乏生育意愿。 6park.com

当地政府表示,近期公布的区域性数据显示了除全面二孩政策外,政府推出更多支持性措施的重要性,其中包括改善孕期护理和托儿所服务等,以鼓励生育。 6park.com

The trend revealed in regional data made public recently highlighted the need to roll out more supportive measures in addition to the universal second-child policy, including improved pregnancy care and nursery services, to encourage more births, local authorities said. 6park.com


Notes 6park.com

育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age 6park.com

低生育率 low fertility rate 6park.com

全面二孩政策 universal two-child policy 6park.com

二孩经济 second-child economy  6park.com

二孩奖励政策 two children incentive policies 6park.com

产假 maternity leave 6park.com

生育津贴 childbirth allowance

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