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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-10-13 4:43 已读 1982 次  


日本气象厅(JMA)周六早些时候表示,台风“海贝思”将于今晚晚些时候登陆日本中部城市名古屋。 6park.com

Hagibis is due to make landfall Saturday afternoon local time. However it is already affecting much of the central and southern parts of Honshu, Japan's main island. 6park.com

台风“海贝思”将在当地时间周六登陆日本,已经对日本本州岛的中部和南部大部分地区造成影响。 6park.com

Winds between 100 and 130 kph (62-80 mph) are expected to lash southern Japan, including Tokyo, for most of the mid-morning through evening. Up to 200 millimeters (8 inches) of rainfall is also predicted to cause flooding. 6park.com

在日本南部地区,包括东京在内,将有时速100至130公里/小时的大风,伴随最大200毫米的降雨和洪水。 6park.com





The vivid purple tint is the result of a weather phenomenon called "scattering", which happens when the molecules and small particles in the atmosphere influence the direction of the light, causing the light to scatter. 6park.com

紫色天空的成因是基于散射的原理。当大气中的分子和小颗粒影响到光的射入角度时,就会产生散射。 6park.com

Heavy storms and rain tend to wash away larger particles — which absorb more light and scatter wavelengths more evenly, resulting in muted hues — out of the air, making the colours of the sky more vivid. 6park.com

暴风雨和大雨往往会冲走大气中较大的颗粒,使天空的色彩更加鲜艳。这些颗粒吸收更多的光,更均匀地散射波长,从而使天空的颜色变得柔和。 6park.com


The skies turned pink. It looks so beautiful but the fact that this catastrophe was disguised as something so aesthetically beautiful makes me worry more. It was so silent. A silence before the storm. This is madness. A Beautiful madness was about to strike Japan. 6park.com


The skies in Japan turned purple a while ago, this means a storm is approaching. And a super typhoon just had a landfall on the country. May everyone be safe and hopefully the typhoon won't leave too much damages. 6park.com


The pinkish skies of Japan that was about to get hit by Super Typhoon Hagibis, taken by netizens. This reminds me of some scenes in the anime… it’s so aesthetically beautiful. A danger in disguise, a silence before the storm. 6park.com

台风来袭,日本呈现粉红色的天空。 这让我想起了动漫中的一些场景……它是如此美丽,也是如此的危险,暴风雨来临前的沉默。 6park.com

We sincerely pray for everyone’s safety in Japan.  6park.com

我们为日本所有人的安全祈祷。 6park.com

东京数千万人疏散 6park.com

Evacuation advisories have been issued throughout much of the Tokyo region, affecting tens of millions of people. The Japanese capital is in lockdown, with usually busy streets abandoned amid torrential rain. 6park.com

东京大部分地区的人员被建议疏散,数千万人受到影响。一些地方被封闭,以往繁忙的街道在大雨中冷清了很多。 6park.com

All flights to and from Tokyo and nearby airports have been canceled until at least Sunday morning. All bullet trains between Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka are also canceled, as are most non high-speed trains. 6park.com

截止周日上午往返东京和附近机场的所有航班都已经取消。东京、名古屋和大阪之间的所有高铁以及大部分火车也被取消。 6park.com


Asked what measures households can take to prepare for such contingencies, Shigeo Kannaka, a director of Japan Bosai (Disaster Prevention) Society recommended filling bathtubs, kettles and buckets with water that can later be used to flush toilets and fulfill other domestic purposes. Flashlights, lanterns and portable radios will also come in handy in the event of a power failure, he said. 6park.com

当被问及可以采取哪些措施来应对这种紧急情况时,日本灾难预防协会的负责人Shigeo Kannaka建议向浴缸,水壶和水桶中蓄水,这些水以后可用于冲厕所和其他用途。他说,一旦发生停电,手电筒、灯笼和便携式收音机也会派上用场。

Other safety precautions, he said, include taping windows in all directions to prevent them from fragmenting when they break, stocking up on enough potable water for three days, and topping up the gas tanks of cars and other vehicles. 6park.com

他说,其他安全预防措施包括在窗户上贴胶带,以防止玻璃破裂时碎屑飞溅;储存可供三天使用的水;并给油箱加满汽油。 6park.com

Residents are also advised to charge their smartphone batteries, secure laundry poles and empty fridges of perishable food that could spoil in a power outage. 6park.com

他还建议居民给手机充满电,固定洗衣杆和清空冰箱内停电后容易腐败的食物。 6park.com

在此之前袭击日本的最强台风是1958年的台风“艾达”。 6park.com

According to the JMA, the predicted rainfall amounts would be in line with those deposited by Typhoon Ida — known as the "Kanogawa Typhoon" in Japanese — in September 1958, which left more than 1,200 people dead or missing across Japan. 6park.com

根据日本气象厅预测台风“海贝思”的降雨量将与1958年9月的台风“ 艾达”(日语中称为“狩野川台风”)一致。台风“ 艾达”共造成日本1200多人死亡或失踪。 6park.com



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