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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-11-11 0:17 已读 75 次  


Have you ever been backstabbed by - or betrayed by someone you thought you could trust? 6park.com

你曾经被你信任的人伤害或者背叛过吗? 6park.com

Unfortunately, we can't stop people from taking such actions against us. 6park.com

不幸的是,我们无法阻止人们的这种背叛行为。 6park.com

But we can decide who we keep in our lives. 6park.com


Wondering if your BFF is reliable or not? 6park.com

想知道你最好的朋友是否可靠? 6park.com

Here are five signs someone isn't really your friend. 6park.com




Maybe they approached you first with good conversations and that's how your friendship started. 6park.com

也许他们最初通过愉快的交谈接近你,你们的友谊就是这样开始的。 6park.com

But eventually the mask falls off. 6park.com

但日久见人心。 6park.com

Do they often only go to you now when it's convenient? 6park.com

他们是否只在方便的时候找你呢? 6park.com

Or you ask them to hang out and they immediately will follow up with "anyone else going?" before they decide on coming or not? 6park.com

或者你邀请他们出去玩的时候,他们总会先问清“还有其他人要去吗?”再做决定? 6park.com

Or maybe they're simply constantly asking for favors. 6park.com

或者他们只是在不断地求你帮忙。 6park.com

Maybe you work at a company they want to work at. 6park.com

也许你在他们想去的公司工作。 6park.com

Do they only meet up with you to ask to borrow something? 6park.com

他们是否只会在想找你借东西时约你见面? 6park.com

Relationships are give-and-take. 6park.com

友谊的维系是个付出与收获对等的过程。 6park.com

And if you want to find out if they are a true friend, just ask them for a favor too – and if they reciprocate, then keep them around; otherwise, you know what to do. 6park.com




Unless they are an introvert, are you always the one making contact? 6park.com

除非他们是个内向的人,否则,你是否总是那个联系他们的人? 6park.com

Do they frequently ghost you? 6park.com

他们是否经常不理你呢? 6park.com

Sometimes life can be overwhelming with responsibilities piling up. 6park.com

有时候生活中责任堆积如山,让人喘不过气来。 6park.com

Or your work schedule isn't compatible with your friends. 6park.com

或者你的工作时间安排和你的朋友不适应。 6park.com

But if they constantly cancel plans with you or stop communicating with you all together, it might be assigned to start investing in other more worthwhile friendships. 6park.com

但是,如果他们不断放你鸽子,或者不理你们所有人,你可能就应该考虑另一段更有价值的友谊了。 6park.com

You deserve support, attend and respect, too. 6park.com




This one can be tricky to detect, especially if they seem like the passive-aggressive type. 6park.com

这类人很难察觉,尤其当他们是消极好斗型时。 6park.com

But pay close attention to how they react to your progress and achievements. 6park.com

但要密切关注他们对你进步和成就的反应。 6park.com

Do they say congrats with a smile but secretly want to beat you? 6park.com

他们是笑着说恭喜,暗地里却想揍你吗? 6park.com

Are they known to be a naturally jealous person. 6park.com

他们是天生善妒的人吗? 6park.com

One other thing to note is if they copy you. 6park.com

另一件要注意的事是他们是否总学你。 6park.com

Copying is an attempt to steal your identity. 6park.com

他们学你是企图盗用你的身份。 6park.com

They might try to keep up with you by trying to become a replica of you. 6park.com

他们可能试图通过模仿你来追上你。 6park.com

Not that it's not flattering, but still. 6park.com




If you have low tolerance for drama, it's probably best to evaluate if you can see yourself growing with someone who enjoys gossiping and stirring up trouble. 6park.com

如果你对他人的闲话容忍度很低,最好评估一下自己是否能和一个喜欢说长道短、喜欢惹是生非的人一起成长。 6park.com

A solid friendship is about having fun with someone and providing a safe space where both parties can confide in one another. 6park.com

坚固的友谊是指和某人一起玩很开心,而且彼此能敞开心扉,相互信任。 6park.com

If they smack talk about your other friends and their friends, you can probably guess that they will talk smack about you, too. 6park.com

如果他们总是说你其他朋友或他们朋友的闲话,你可能会猜到他们同样也会说你的闲话。 6park.com

Is that someone worth keeping around? 6park.com




There's a difference between seeking validation and punishing you for wanting to establish boundaries. 6park.com

寻求认可和因为你想要建立界限而惩罚你是有区别的。 6park.com

Some people are clingier than others and that's okay. 6park.com

有些人比其他人更粘人,这没关系。 6park.com

If you hear the phrase "if you were a real friend and you would do this for me blah blah blah", then you know. 6park.com

但如果他们总说“如果你是真正的朋友,你会为我做这件事等等等等”,那么你就知道该怎么做了。 6park.com

Personally I'm not really a fan of being guilt-tripped, so I would advise you not let others do that. 6park.com


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