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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2019-11-16 2:58 已读 1033 次  


当地时间15日,国际体育仲裁法庭在瑞士蒙特勒举行公开听证会,审理世界反兴奋剂机构对孙杨和国际泳联的上诉。 6park.com

然而,听证会期间,现场同传多次出现翻译错误,影响案件审理进展。 6park.com

随后,裁决小组主席就翻译问题公开道歉。 6park.com

A judge in the high-profile anti-doping case involving Chinese Olympic swimmer Sun Yang has apologized for the translation services that rendered much of Sun's opening testimony unintelligible.The case involving Sun Yang and the World Anti-Doping Agency, or WADA, opened at the Court of Arbitration for Sport, or CAS, in Montreux, Switzerland, on Friday morning, and was immediately thrown in to disarray due to the inept translation service on hand.

听证会于当地时间上午9点开始,持续到晚上7点,全程超过10个小时。 6park.com



报道称,很多次,当孙杨被提问时,由于翻译的问题,现场的律师和三名仲裁员不得不出面干预。 6park.com

孙杨的律师伊恩·米金(Ian Meakin)明确指出:“翻译太差了。” 6park.com

"I'm sorry for leading but the translation is so bad." 6park.com

他还表示,“如果你想让孙杨回答问题,翻译必须是正确的。(If you want him to answer your question, the translation must be correct.)”



"Sorry, for the record, there is a problem with the translation, you asked that he's been tested 200 times, and that was translated into Chinese as 200 millilitres of blood," said Meakin. "If you want him to answer your question, the translation must be correct." 6park.com


据中国日报报道,现场翻译语意破碎,通常令人难以理解。 6park.com

Frequently, the translation was so fragmented it became nonsensical. On a few occasions when Sun was asked a question, his answers made no direct reference to the point at hand. 6park.com

经常性地,翻译语意破碎,难以理解。有好几次,孙杨被提问时,他的回答都与问题没有直接关系。 6park.com


"We have to apologize for the quality of the interpretation," said Frattini.  6park.com

我们必须为翻译质量表示道歉。 6park.com

"We have had a number of problems with the interpretation. It was a technical problem of preparing and arranging the Chinese-English interpretation, and maybe we will try to do some technical arrangement to do better." 6park.com




孙杨表示,每一名运动员都有权利要求兴奋剂检查人员和反兴奋剂检查机构遵守自己定的反兴奋剂规则和法规。 6park.com

In his closing statement, Sun said he was happy to abide by the strict liability that WADA and other agencies place on athletes, however he said authorities needed to do more to respect rights and privacy. 6park.com

被问及提供了多少次血检样本时,孙杨表示在职业生涯里有“上百次”,“ 我没有任何可以隐瞒的”。听证会材料显示,孙杨2012至2018年一共提供了180份样本,其中63份为参赛期间采集,117份是非参赛期间采集的。 6park.com

裁决小组主席弗朗哥·弗拉蒂尼法官表示,在听证会期间给予了孙杨更多时间来提供证言,公开听证会显示了对运动员各项权利的尊重,所有证据证言都会被充分核查,将择期宣判。 6park.com


事件回顾 6park.com

2018年9月4日晚,IDTM公司三名工作人员至孙杨住处对其进行赛外反兴奋剂检查,IDTM随后给国际泳联报告说“孙杨暴力抗检”,而孙杨表示“他全力配合检查,但检查过程中检查人员存在多项违规操作”。 6park.com

2018年11月19日,国际泳联就此事在瑞士洛桑举行听证会,2019年1月3日,国际泳联反兴奋剂委员会做出裁决:IDTM此次执行的兴奋剂检查无效;孙杨没有兴奋剂违规行为。 6park.com

两个月后,世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)因不满裁决结果,向国际体育仲裁法庭提出上诉。 6park.com


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