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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-01-09 18:20 已读 2195 次  


2020年春运的大幕今日正式拉开,亿万的游子都将陆续登上火车,踏上回家的路。 6park.com


“春运” 这一词,最早出现在1980年《人民日报》的报道中。 6park.com

随着改革开放的进程,越来越多的人选择离开家乡,外出求学、工作。每年春节期间,人群都会集中返乡与家人团圆。如此庞大的人群同时出行,就形成了堪称“人类史上最大规模迁移”的春运。 6park.com


那么作为一个极具中国特色的名词,“春运”应该如何翻译成英语呢? 6park.com

美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)在向西方解说中国春运现象时,创造了一个独有的英文词汇——Chunyun。 6park.com

Chunyun, or spring migration, is the world's largest annual human migration. It's triggered in part by millions of Chinese workers heading to their hometowns for the holidays.——CNN 6park.com

维基百科上面对于“Chunyun”这一词的解释为: 6park.com

Chunyun  is a period of travel in China with extremely high traffic load around the time of the Chinese New Year. The period usually begins 15 days before Lunar New Year's Day and lasts for around 40 days. 

除了Chunyun之外,还有两个表达也常见诸外媒: 6park.com

“春运”其实表达了两重意思,一是表示春节前后的忙碌的运输现象,二是指“春运期间”。 6park.com

当指运输现象的时候,常常用Spring Festival travel rush表示。当表示“春运期间”时,则用Spring Festival travel season来表示。 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

春运一般持续40天,从春节前15天到春节后25天。 Generally, the Spring Festival Travel Rush lasts for 40 days, from 15 days ahead of the Spring Festival to 25 days after.  6park.com

春运期间,铁路系统面临着极高的交通压力,导致购票困难重重。 During the Spring Festival Season, China’s railway system faces an extremely high traffic load, which results in great difficulties to obtain a ticket.

在经历了近40年的“一票难求”和“人山人海”的春运后,一个有趣的现象成为了年轻人过年的新方式:反向春运(reverse Spring Rush) 6park.com

铁路方面的数据显示,春运反向客流连续四年增长,年均增幅9%左右。这意味着越来越多的年轻人不再回老家,而是选择而是将父母和孩子接来自己工作的城市过年。 6park.com

Reverse Spring Rush, where parents travel to cities where their children are working in for a family reunion rather than have their kids come to the hometown, has become a trend. People involved in reverse Spring Rush grew 9 percent year-on-year in 2019, according to China Railway Corp.  6park.com


其他相关表达 6park.com

抢票 ticket-grabbing 6park.com

黄牛 ticket tout/scalper  6park.com

倒票 ticket touting/scalping  6park.com

人口迁徙  human migration 6park.com

人山人海 huge crowds of people 6park.com

客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport  6park.com

火车票实名制 ID-based ticket booking system 6park.com

高铁 high-speed railway  6park.com

减价票 discounted ticket  6park.com

列车时刻表 train schedules  6park.com

实名购票 real-name ticket purchasing  6park.com

抢票软件 ticket-snatching software


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