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最让世人艳羡的10个工作 其实没你想的那么美好
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-03-13 1:45 已读 967 次 1 赞  



Model Bella Hadid presents a creation by designers Vivienne Westwood and Andreas Kronthaler as part of their Fall/Winter 2020/21 women's ready-to-wear collection show during Paris Fashion Week in Paris, France February 29, 2020. REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouw

Models may flaunt their luxury lifestyles, but the reality is lots of hard work, a highly demanding schedule, and not as much money as you might think. 6park.com

模特们也许会晒出自己奢华的生活方式,但现实是大量的辛苦工作、高强度的日程安排,而且收入也没你想的那么高。 6park.com

Models seem to be constantly jet-setting around the world, enjoying luxury vacations aboard yachts, and flaunting designers' best pieces. But they have to follow a demanding schedule and deal with constant pressure to stay in shape. 6park.com

模特们似乎总是在世界各地飞来飞去,享受游轮上的豪华假期,穿着设计师制作的最好的衣服。然而,模特们必须遵循高强度的日程安排,还要一直面对保持完美身材的压力。 6park.com

In an interview with Vogue, Bella Hadid confessed, "I would cry every single morning, I would cry during my lunch breaks, I would cry before I slept. I was very emotionally unstable for a while when I was working 14-hour days for four months straight as an 18-year-old. I think I just wanted to breathe a little bit." 6park.com

在接受时尚杂志《Vogue》的采访时,贝拉·哈迪德坦承:“我每天早上都想哭,我午饭休息时间也想哭,我在睡觉前也想哭。我18岁时,连续四个月每天工作14个小时,有一段时间我的情绪非常不稳定。我想我只是需要喘口气。” 6park.com

Plus, they don't earn as much as you might think. In New York, models earn $48,130 on average a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That's only a third of the average annual Manhattanite salary, Business Insider previously reported. 6park.com


Being a professional taste-tester isn't just getting paid to snack. The reality is that the job is repetitive and highly skilled. 6park.com

职业品尝师的工作不是收钱去吃点心。现实是这份工作重复性高、技术性强。 6park.com

As a kid, everyone fantasizes about getting to sample ice cream and cookies as a full-time career. The reality is the job is very detail-oriented and very repetitive. 6park.com

小时候,大家都幻想做全职的冰淇淋和饼干品尝师。现实是,这份工作非常注重细节,而且重复性很高。 6park.com

When evaluating a product, testers can't just label it as "good" or "bad." Instead, a mathematical score has to be given for every aspect of the food, with testers identifying the strength of each specific flavor. 6park.com

在评估一个产品时,品尝师不能单纯地给它贴上“好”或“坏”的标签。事实上,食品的每个方面都要用数字来打分,品尝师需要辨别出每种特定口感的程度。 6park.com

"It requires such a high level of concentration," one taste-tester told TODAY.com. 6park.com

一名品尝师告诉今日网站说:“这需要注意力高度集中。” 6park.com

Sometimes a tester will have to sample a specific product, such as a cookie or cracker, for weeks on end. 6park.com

有时一位品尝师需要连续数周品尝一种特定产品,比如一种曲奇饼或梳打饼。 6park.com

"You're getting graded on what you do, so it's kind of stressful. You want to do a good job, and it's totally quantitative. You go into test-taking mode," the taste-tester added. 6park.com


Anyone who grew up watching "Sex and the City" dreamed of living like Carrie Bradshaw, but in reality, you need plenty of personal funding to support a career as a writer. 6park.com

任何看着《欲望都市》长大的人都梦想过上凯莉·布莱肖的生活。但现实是,你需要很多个人储备金才能支撑自己的写作事业。 6park.com

Viewers watched Carrie Bradshaw parade around New York City in designer clothing, sipping champagne, and living off a writer's salary. 6park.com

观众看到的是凯莉·布莱肖穿着名牌衣服在纽约市到处逛,喝香槟,靠写作的收入来生活。 6park.com

Unfortunately, it's rare to be able to support this lifestyle on a writer's salary alone. 6park.com

不幸的是,很少有人可以仅靠写作的收入来支撑这种生活方式。 6park.com

In a 2018 Author's Guild Study, the median income of all published authors for all writing-related activity was $6,080 in 2017, down from $10,500 in 2009. 6park.com

根据2018年的作家协会研究,2017年所有发表过作品的作家从事写作相关活动的中位收入是6080美元,相比2009年的10500美元下降了。 6park.com

Oftentimes, writers have to work multiple jobs, copy edit, or rely on a partner or family's financial support to follow their dreams. 6park.com

通常来说,作家都要身兼多职,比如做审稿编辑,或靠着伴侣或家人的经济支持来追随自己的梦想。 6park.com

Neville Frankel, author of the historical novel "Bloodlines," recommends writers "live in the attic or the basement; do whatever jobs you need to make ends meet. If you're fortunate enough to have a partner or spouse with a job, make a deal to support each other financially." 6park.com

历史小说《血防线》的作者内维尔·弗兰克尔建议作家们“住在阁楼或地下室;做任何糊口所需的工作。如果你足够幸运,有一个在职的伴侣或配偶,你们可以约定好经济上互相支持。” 6park.com

In an article author Lynn Steger Strong wrote for the Guardian, she explains that plenty of writers don't openly discuss how they are funding their careers, creating an illusion that making a living off writing is possible, as long as you put in the work. But at the end of the day, she says writing simply requires a lot of time and space — two factors that a person of privilege has way more access to. 6park.com


Playing video games for a living is probably every kid's dream, but the career can be extremely isolating. 6park.com

以打游戏为生很可能是每个孩子的梦想,但这一事业会让人极端孤立。 6park.com

Getting to play your favorite video game for a living sounds like a dream come true. However, once it becomes a full-time career, the lifestyle can be isolating and stressful. 6park.com

能够以打自己最爱的游戏谋生听起来像是梦想成真。但是,一旦它成为全职的事业,这种生活方式会让人孤立,压力也很大。 6park.com

Professional gamer Sean Gallagher, aka "Gladd," told Business Insider that gaming can cause you to lose sight of your loved ones and prioritize subscribers, which help boost your income. 6park.com

职业游戏玩家肖恩·加拉格尔(又名格拉德)告诉商业内幕网说,游戏会让你忽视你所爱的人,你会以订阅用户为重,因为他们是你的收入来源。 6park.com

In an industry where some gamers are playing for 12-14 hours a day, there's also pressure never to leave your screen. Ryan Wright, aka "True Vanguard," said the gaming community is a very "out of sight, out of mind" kind of industry. When he decided to take a week-long vacation after three years of growing his community, he lost almost two years' worth of growth on Twitch, a live-streaming platform. 6park.com

在这个行业,玩家们每天打12到14个小时的游戏,压力迫使你不能离开屏幕。莱恩·怀特(又名真先锋)说,游戏社区是一个“看不见你就会忘记你”的行业。在他培养了三年粉丝群后,他决定休一周假,结果他在流媒体平台Twitch上失去了将近两年才能培养起来的粉丝量。 6park.com

As well as taking on this mental strain, players can end up hurt physically, too. Some have reported carpal tunnel syndrome or injured wrists, according to CBS News. 6park.com


Anyone who has been involved in the service industry has probably fantasized about opening up a restaurant of their own, but many struggle to stay afloat. 6park.com

任何曾参与服务行业的人很可能都幻想过开一家自己的餐厅,但许多餐厅老板都是艰难求存。 6park.com

There are more restaurant failures than successes, and that's because succeeding in the industry is no easy feat. 6park.com

失败的餐厅比成功的餐厅多,这是因为在这一行成功不是易事。 6park.com

Thrillist spoke with multiple restaurant and bar owners and asked them the hardest parts about the job. Among their complaints were a nonexistent social life, 18-hour days, no income, gruesome dirty work, a constant stream of questions from the entire staff, and knowing that continued success is never guaranteed. 6park.com


If you've ever scored a game-winning goal or home run, you've definitely dreamed of going pro. But traveling, training, and injuries make this dream job tough to stick out. 6park.com

如果你曾经踢进致胜的一球或击出过一记本垒打,你肯定梦想过当一名职业运动员。但是奔波、训练和伤病让人难以坚持这份理想工作。 6park.com

Watching professional athletes, we only see the glamorous side: the game-winning goals, celebration dances, endless sponsorships, and team bonding. While the job can come with fame and fortune at its top levels, it also comes with an enormous amount of pressure and public scrutiny. 6park.com

我们只看到职业运动员光鲜的一面:拿下致胜的一球、庆祝的舞蹈、无穷无尽的赞助和团队的紧密合作。尽管这份工作在巅峰时期可以名利双收,但随之而来的是巨大的压力和公众的监督。 6park.com

First, you have to beat thousands of similarly talented athletes for just a few coveted spots. 6park.com

首先,你必须打败成千上万和你同样有天分的运动员,才能跻身运动队。 6park.com

You dedicate your life to conditioning your body, while also knowing that one small injury could ruin your career. This battle is both physical and mental, and many athletes struggle with their mental health as a result. 6park.com

你这一生都要努力调整身体状态,与此同时你也知道一个小伤就会毁掉你的职业生涯。这既是生理战,也是心理战,许多运动员因此出现了心理健康问题。 6park.com

US Alpine skier Tim Jitloff told the Deseret News that some of his fellow athletes have worked with mental trainers to help them handle the pressure. 6park.com

美国高山滑雪运动员蒂姆·吉特洛夫告诉《犹他新闻》说,他的一些运动员队友都找了心理培训师帮他们应对压力。 6park.com

"There have been at least three points in my career where I was going to hang it up," he said of his own experience. "At the low points, there have certainly been times where it is hard emotionally and mentally to be feeling not that great about yourself." 6park.com


A life spent exploring space would be a dream come true. But astronauts experience physical and mental side effects that could stay with them for the rest of their lives. 6park.com

将一生奉献给太空探索事业对很多人来说都是梦想成真。但宇航员经历的生理和心理的副作用可能会伴随其余生。 6park.com

While there is no doubt about the importance of astronauts' work, they sacrifice their long-term health for their missions. For example, low gravity can accelerate osteoporosis, and after a year in space, astronaut Scott Kelly didn't perform as well as his twin brother on cognitive tests. 6park.com

尽管宇航员工作的重要性毋庸置疑,但他们为自己的使命牺牲了长期的健康。举例来说,低重力会加剧骨质疏松症。在太空待了一年后,宇航员斯科特·凯利在认知测试上的表现就赶不上自己的双胞胎兄弟了。 6park.com

Even in the short term, astronauts battle a variety of obstacles for the sake of science. In low gravity, your inner ear isn't working as well and is unable to match with the spatial information of your eyes, causing motion sickness. Alongside feeling dizzy and uneasy, living in confined and isolating quarters with limited food options for long periods of time can start to wear you down. 6park.com


Working on a luxury yacht seems like the perfect way to get paid to travel the world. Unfortunately, the living conditions can be one-star and the hours are long. 6park.com

在豪华游艇上工作似乎很完美,一边环球旅行一边还能赚钱。不幸的是,生活条件只有一星,工作时间还很长。 6park.com

Anyone with wanderlust has probably thought about working on a luxury yacht. It seems like the perfect chance to make money and visit the world's dreamiest spots while traveling in luxe style. 6park.com


■ wanderlust[?wɑ?nd?rl?st]: n. 旅行癖

While days off can be fun, the job itself is intense. Business Insider spoke with superyacht crew members who revealed they usually wake up before dawn and stay up through the middle of the night. 6park.com

尽管在豪华游艇上度假很有趣,但在游艇上工作却很紧张。商业内幕网采访了几名超级游艇的船员,他们透露说,经常天不亮就起床,半夜了还不能休息。 6park.com

One crew member said he faces "very, very long days with little rest and expectations to perform at the highest levels of service while not losing your cool under pressure." 6park.com

一名船员说,他面对的是“非常非常漫长的日子,几乎没时间休息,还要提供最高水平的服务,并在压力下保持冷静。” 6park.com

Plus, guests come on the boat with endless demands. Another yacht crew member described her day: "Food and beverage service three times a day. A lot of plans and schedules change on the fly depending on the owners and their wants and whims, which can be a bit frustrating." 6park.com


If you ever watched "Project Runway," you probably dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, but the fashion industry can be a tough one to crack. 6park.com

如果你看过《天桥骄子》,你很可能梦想过当一名时装设计师,但时尚行业可没那么好混。 6park.com

Debuting your own fashion line at Fashion Week is a goal of every aspiring designer. Unfortunately, achieving big success is extremely rare, and most designers spend years living paycheck to paycheck while working long hours to finish the collection. 6park.com


■ living paycheck to paycheck: 靠薪水生存

The reality is that competition is fierce and you need to be able to handle constant criticism. While making it big promises a highly respected, lucrative career, designers who don't get recognized must continue to struggle to keep their dreams alive on little money and support. 6park.com


Traveling the world to photograph nature may sound amazing, but the reality of being a wildlife photographer is not as whimsical as it seems. 6park.com

做环游世界的自然摄影师听起来很棒,但现实是,野生动物摄影师的工作没有那么异想天开。 6park.com

Any aspiring photographer has probably spent hours scrolling and flipping through National Geographic's photos, daydreaming of when they will also be crouching in the wild waiting for that perfect shot. But the road there is treacherous. 6park.com

任何有志向的摄影师可能都曾数小时地翻阅《国家地理》的照片,幻想自己也在野外蹲伏着等待那个完美的摄影瞬间。但是通往完美照片的道路是危险难测的。 6park.com

Photographers usually purchase their own (expensive) equipment. Wildlife photography is a very specialized and limited field, and the market is competitive. 6park.com

摄影师通常都要自掏腰包购买昂贵的摄影设备。野生动物摄影是一个高度专业化、限制性强的领域,而且市场竞争也很激烈。 6park.com

If you do land a job as a wildlife photographer, you sometimes put your life at risk. Photographers trek through unknown areas of the world and risk animal attacks, disease, and injury to capture a photo. 6park.com

如果你真的当上了野生动物摄影师,有时候你会以身犯险。野生动物摄影师会跋涉到世界未知地区,为了拍到一张照片可能会遭到野兽攻击、染上疾病或受伤。 6park.com

Plus, you need a tremendous amount of patience. Award-winning wildlife photographer Richard Peters told Afar that he has had to "burrow in a forest ... for 10 hours at a time, two days in a row, and wait for a lynx that never reveals itself." 6park.com

另外,你还需要极大的耐心。获奖野生动物摄影师理查德·彼得斯告诉旅游杂志《美国远方》说,他不得不“在一个森林里挖地洞……在地洞里一待就是10个小时,连续两天等待一只从不露面的猞猁。” 6park.com

And if this scenario still seems dreamy to you, he reminds aspiring photographers that he usually spends the majority of his time editing photos on the computer, not traveling the world. 6park.com


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