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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-04-01 20:55 已读 1398 次  





在困难时刻看到那些无忧无虑的人会莫名地让人感到振奋。1926年电影《看在上帝的份上》中哈罗德·劳埃德饰演的快乐的百万富翁J·哈罗德·曼纳斯就是一个例子。 6park.com

In times of trouble, it can be oddly uplifting to see people with no troubles at all. One example would be J Harold Manners, the blithe millionaire played by Harold Lloyd in For Heaven’s Sake (1926).  6park.com

尽管其他伟大的喜剧默片的角色通常要与犯罪和苦难作斗争,但是劳埃德的标志性形象总是轻松活泼、积极乐观的,尤其是在山姆·泰勒导演的这部轻快的喜剧片中,曼纳斯毫不犹豫地开支票的时候——无论他是需要买一辆车还是为穷人做慈善事业。 6park.com

While the other great silent comics’ characters are often buffeted by crime and hardship, Lloyd’s trademark persona is breezily positive, and never more so than when Manners floats through this buoyant Sam Taylor comedy, writing cheques without hesitation whether he needs to buy a car or establish a mission for the poor. 

■ buoyant[?b???nt]: adj. 轻快的

另一个例子就是1941年电影《淑女伊芙》中亨利·方达饰演的查尔斯·派克,他是一名无忧无虑的啤酒厂继承人,唯一的烦恼就是被芭芭拉·斯坦威克饰演的拜金女追求。 6park.com

Another example would be Henry Fonda’s Charles Pike in The Lady Eve (1941), a brewery heir with nothing to worry about except being pursued by Barbara Stanwyck’s gold-digging dame.  6park.com

但是说到自由自在、无忧无虑的电影偶像,肯定非弗雷德·阿斯坦和金格尔·罗杰斯莫属,这两人主演的1935年电影《礼帽》和1938年电影《乐天派》让大萧条时期的观众得以一瞥金光闪闪的上流社会。 6park.com

But the definitive footloose and fancy-free movie idols must be Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, who gave Depression-era audiences a glittery glimpse of high society in Top Hat (1935) and Carefree (1938).



尽管没有医学证明,但是你在听完了《Fit as a Fiddle》、《Make 'em Laugh》、《Moses Supposes》和《Good Morning》这几首曲子后很可能心情会好起来,所以接下来几周你应该看看那部拥有这些美妙的歌曲和舞蹈的电影,每天至少一次。吉恩·凯利、黛比·雷诺兹、唐纳德·奥康纳主演的1952年电影《雨中曲》是最受欢迎的好莱坞音乐电影。 6park.com

While it may not have been medically proven that it is impossible to get through Fit as a Fiddle, Make 'em Laugh, Moses Supposes or Good Morning without cheering up, it’s certainly very likely, so you should watch the film which boasts those dazzling song and dance routines at least once a day for the next few weeks. Singin’ in the Rain (1952), starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O’Connor, is the most acclaimed of all Hollywood musicals.  6park.com

不过,事实上,几乎任何一部优秀的音乐电影都有足以振奋精神的活力和乐趣,比如,1948年电影《花开蝶满枝》、1953年电影《龙国香车》到1980年电影《福禄双霸天》和1986年电影《异形奇花》。 6park.com

But, actually, almost any good musical should have enough energetic fun to lift the spirits, from Easter Parade (1948) and The Band Wagon (1953) to The Blues Brothers (1980) and Little Shop of Horrors (1986).



1959年电影《枕边细语》是一部连名字都软绵绵的暖心电影,多丽丝·黛在片中饰演一名职业女性,她无法忍受隔壁的花花公子(洛克·赫德森饰演)总是霸占着公用电话。 6park.com

A film so comforting that it has an item of soft furnishing in its title, Pillow Talk (1959) stars Doris Day as a career woman who can’t stand her playboy neighbour (Rock Hudson) who hogs their shared phone line. 

■ hog[h??ɡ]: v. 独占

为什么这部电影这么让人愉悦呢?一个原因是人们迫切地想知道无比迷人的女主角和男主角会不会在一起(当然会),与此同时男女主角的生活方式又是如此令人向往。 6park.com

Why is it such a pleasure? One reason is that the most tense dramatic question is whether its devastatingly attractive heroine and hero will get together (of course they will), while the characters boast such aspirational lifestyles in the meantime.  6park.com

最好的浪漫喜剧会让你想象自己也穿着那种衣服,在那样的公寓里走来走去,在那些大都市夜总会和餐厅里开着暧昧的玩笑。你可以对着多丽丝和洛克浮想联翩,如果你愿意的话,也可以选择1994年电影《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》中的休和安迪,或者1989年电影《当哈利遇到莎莉》中的比利和梅格。 6park.com

The best romantic comedies let you imagine that you, too, could wear those clothes, lounge around in those apartments, and have that flirtatious badinage in those metropolitan nightclubs and restaurants, so snuggle up with Doris and Rock – or, if you prefer, Hugh and Andie in Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) or Billy and Meg in When Harry Met Sally (1989).

■ badinage[?b?d?nɑ??]: n. 开玩笑 6park.com



对于某个年龄段的英国人来说,邦德电影能给内心带来慰藉,因为邦德电影会唤起圣诞节坐在电视机前的回忆。不过即使你不是英国人,你也可以被这个能力超强、自信满满、惩恶扬善的段子手折服。 6park.com

Bond movies are intrinsically comforting to Brits of a certain age because they bring back memories of flopping in front of the television on Christmas day. But you don’t have to be British to feel soothed by a supremely competent and confident champion trouncing evil and cracking one-liners while he’s at it.  6park.com

如果你不是邦德的粉丝,你也可以选择你喜欢的动作片英雄,无论是1988年电影《虎胆龙威》中的约翰·麦卡伦,1981年电影《夺宝奇兵》中的印第安纳·琼斯,还是1978年电影《超人》中的超人,这些完美英雄都可以把我们带回过去的那些快乐时光。 6park.com

Not a Bond fan? Choose your favourite action hero, whether it’s John McClane in Die Hard (1988), Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), or Superman in Superman: The Movie (1978), a paragon who can literally turn back time to happier days.

■ paragon[?p?r?ɡɑ?n]: n. 模范;完美之物;优秀之人 6park.com



有时候我们感觉自己就像需要成年人支持的小孩一样,在这个时候还有什么比1967年电影《森林王子》中的黑熊巴鲁和黑豹巴希拉更能让你内心安定的呢? 6park.com

Sometimes we all feel as if we’re children in need of some grown-up support, and who better to provide it than Baloo the Bear and Bagheera the Panther in The Jungle Book (1967)?  6park.com

如果你更想得到人类的看顾,你可以试试1964年电影《欢乐满人间》中的完美保姆,或是2012年电影《暂告安全》中杰森·斯坦森饰演的铁拳保育员,抑或是尼古拉斯·菲利伯特导演的2002年暖心纪录片《是和有》中明智、耐心、教导有方的乡村教师。 6park.com

But if you’d rather have a human being to keep an eye on you, try the practically perfect nanny in Mary Poppins (1964), Jason Statham’s jaw-breaking child-minder in Safe (2012), or Mr Lopez, the wise, patient and nurturing rural teacher in Nicolas Philibert’s heart-melting documentary, ?tre et Avoir (To Be and To Have) (2002).



我们现在需要的是最好的良药:让我们大笑的电影。这类影片中最出色的是1984年的《摇滚万万岁》——罗伯·莱纳导演的嘲讽摇滚乐的完美纪录片。 6park.com

What we need now is the best medicine, as spooned out by films which are devoted to one thing and one thing only: making us laugh. One of the finest is This is Spinal Tap (1984), Rob Reiner’s pitch-perfect mock-rock-documentary.  6park.com

其他“笑果”很好的电影有1933年的《鸭羹》、1975年的《粉红豹回归》、1979年的《大笨蛋》、1980年的《空前绝后满天飞》、2006年的《波拉特》、2014年的《吸血鬼生活》和2014年的《马达加斯加的企鹅》。 6park.com

Other films which turn the humour up to 11 are Duck Soup (1933), The Return of the Pink Panther (1975), The Jerk (1979), Airplane! (1980), Borat (2006), What We Do In The Shadows (2014) and Penguins of Madagascar (2014).



2008年电影《八月中旬的午餐》是一部温和迷人的喜剧片,讲述了一个60多岁的小人物在其他人都离开罗马去过八月节时,只能留在自己的小公寓里照顾他的母亲和另外三位老年女性。 6park.com

Mid-August Lunch (2008) is a gently charming comedy about a hangdog 60-something who has to tend to his mother and three other elderly women in his small flat when everyone else has left Rome for the Ferragosto holiday. 

■ hangdog[?h??d??ɡ]: n. 卑微的人

这部云淡风轻的小电影只有75分钟,却提醒了人们照顾老人是多么重要,还有出去和朋友喝一杯是多么重要。简而言之,这部电影的主题和社区归属感有关。 6park.com

As light and slight as the film is, at just 75 minutes long, it’s a vital reminder of how important it is to care for the older generation – and how important it is to nip down the street for a glass of wine with a friend. In short, it’s about belonging to a neighbourhood.  6park.com

如果你还想进一步了解融入社区的重要性,你可以看看1946年电影《生活多美好》、2001年电影《天使爱美丽》、1997年电影《光猪六壮士》,还有简·奥斯汀小说改编成的电影(具体哪一部随你挑)。当然,你也可以看看2017年电影《帕丁顿熊2》中帕丁顿的邻居们为了小熊挺身而出对抗库里先生的场面。 6park.com

For further evidence that it’s invaluable to be part of a local community, see It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), Amélie (2001), The Full Monty (1997) and the Jane Austen adaptation of your choice. And, of course, you can savour the sight of Paddington’s neighbours standing up for him against Mr Curry in Paddington 2 (2017).



在2008年的皮克斯电影《机器人总动员》的开头,地球是一片垃圾堆成山的荒地,唯一的居民是一个生锈的机器人。在影片结尾,人类从星际巡航舰中归来,庄稼又重新长了起来。知道这个真好。 6park.com

At the start of Pixar’s Wall-E (2008), Earth is a wasteland piled high with rubbish, and its lone inhabitant is a rusting robot. By the end, the human race has returned from its star cruisers, and crops are growing again. Good to know.

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