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《Reader's Digest Canada 读者文摘加拿大版》 2020年 4月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-04-02 4:51 已读 598 次  


For a coun?try with so much space to roam, we sure spend a lot of our lives in?doors—up to 90 per cent, ac?cord?ing to re?cent studies. For a large por?tion of that time, we stay safely in our own homes—or at least we think we’re safe there. It turns out that in?door air can be up to five times more pol?luted than out?door air, es?pe?cially if you have an older fur?nace and poor ven?ti?la?tion, or live with a smoker. There’s even a term for houses that shorten our life?span: “sick-build?ing syn?drome.” 6park.com

My own home—a vic?tim of many ama?teur renos over its hun?dred?-plus years—is the def?i?ni?tion of a fixer-up?per. When my kid started crawl?ing, then walk?ing and then scal?ing ev?ery?thing in sight, I wor?ried about crum?bling plas?ter and wob?bly rail?ings. I’ve now learned that I should have been pay?ing as much at?ten?tion to the mould lurk?ing in our bath?room, the volatile com?pounds re?leased by our de?odor?ant and sham?poo, and our kitchen sponges, which har?bour 82 bil?lion bac?te?ria per cu?bic inch. 6park.com

Those are some of the mildly panic-in?duc?ing facts you’ll dis?cover in this is?sue’s cover story, “The 2020 Home Safety Check?list” (page 28). The fea?ture was writ?ten by Re?becca Philps, a new con?trib?u?tor to Reader’s Di?gest, who in?ter?viewed the coun?try’s lead?ing ex?perts in pub?lic health and safety. She has two young boys of her own, and her re?search left her spooked. “This story made me re?al?ize how ter?ri?ble I am at clean?ing,” she told me. 6park.com

Luck?ily for us, all is not lost. Re?becca pro?vides easy, proven tips to make your home safer, health?ier and ul?ti?mately hap?pier.

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