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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-04-06 5:22 已读 754 次 1 赞  


在这个竞争激烈的时代,许多人都在与时间赛跑,然而在世界的其他角落,也有人慢慢悠悠地过着日子。正如爱因斯坦所说,时间是相对的,在某些国家看来不可饶恕的迟到,在另外一些国家则被视为家常便饭。 6park.com



韩国人很注重守时,认为迟到是不尊重的表现。 6park.com

In many respects, South Korea is a very ordered society. The influence of Confucian principles runs through every aspect of day-to-day living. Well, in theory, at least. Central to this is Kibun, the concept of saving face. As a result, confrontation is to be avoided at all costs and one way to avoid any unpleasantness is to be on time, all the time. And to be lax in this regard is to mark oneself out as a cad and a bounder. 6park.com


■ Confucian[k?n'fj???n]: adj. 孔子的,儒家的;儒家学说的 6park.com

■ cad[k?d]: n. 无赖,下流人 6park.com

■ bounder['ba?nd?]: n. 暴发户;粗鲁的人



在日本,如果火车到站时间比预定时间晚了一分钟以上,就被视为晚点。 6park.com

Despite being famous for their high-rolling gamblers the Japanese just don’t gamble with time, where tardiness generally results in groveling and sincere expressions of deep regret. However, the modern world being what it is, young Japanese people may well be more comfortable with the remorseless global lowering of societal standards than older generations, and might not expect you to beat yourself up too badly should you be late. 6park.com


■ groveling['ɡr?v?li?]: adj. 卑躬屈节的


在德国参加会议,你应该比约定时间提前至少十分钟到达。德国过去是个工业社会,所以很守时。 6park.com

In the case of Germany, being on-time is a risky enough tactic as your hosts will probably already be there waiting, wondering how on earth you could be so foolish as to allow the possibility of some unforeseen circumstance delay you by so much as a second. 6park.com



在巴西参加社交约会,你不用准时到达,除非对方用了“英国时间”这个短语。 6park.com

It has been said that in Brazil, there is a widespread tolerance for delays. For example, it is considered impolite to arrive on time for a social occasion. That is probably due to the fact that it is unlikely the hosts would even be ready to receive their guests! Having said that, if you are a visitor to the country and have an important business meeting, it’s probably best not to do as they do because, not being Brazilian, you haven’t earned the right to be on anything other than ‘English time’. 6park.com



在沙特阿拉伯,时间不是很重要。人们参加会议经常会迟到半小时。在活动期间看表被视为无礼行为。 6park.com

Some countries don’t give timeliness a priority in their societies and Saudi Arabia appears to be one of them. It could be that the lack of importance attached to timeliness is as a result of their long history of desert living where punctuality doesn’t figure highly on the list of everyday priorities. It could be that it’s too damn hot to do anything at pace. Whatever the reason happens to be, don’t expect punctuality on the part of your hosts, don’t get upset by this and please, don’t start looking at your watch during a professional or social gathering. It is considered quite discourteous. 6park.com


■ discourteous[d?s'k?t??s]: adj. 失礼的,无礼貌的;粗鲁的


在加纳,大多数会议时间都很灵活,即使已经约好了时间。通常在一天中的任何时间出现都可以。 6park.com

Ghanaians are a very relaxed and accommodating people who reckon that if everyone is late then no one is late. After all, what can’t be done today can get done tomorrow. If you find that kind of attitude difficult to deal with, prepare to be annoyed. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the ride. 6park.com


■ accommodating[?'kɑm?det??]: adj. 随和的;乐于助人的;肯通融的 6park.com

■ sit back: 休息;不采取行动


在印度,守时不是美德。人们欣赏你的守时,但可能不会用守时来回报你。所以在安排会议时要记住这一点。 6park.com

The Indian novelist R.K Narayan once wrote that “In a country like ours, the preoccupation is with eternity, and little measures of time are hardly ever noticed”. Indeed, the Hindi word for yesterday and tomorrow is ‘kal’ so it’s fair to say that the concept of time differs slightly in India than it does in other parts of the world. To add to this, issues with traffic and infrastructure can also act as an impediment to timeliness. Still, it is appreciated if a guest is punctual. Just don’t expect that your host will always do the same. 6park.com


■ preoccupation[pr?,ɑkju'pe??n]: n. 关注的事物


在希腊,守时不是很重要,但希腊人期待外国人在会议上准时出现。社交聚会则应该晚到至少30分钟。 6park.com

When in Greece it is worth remembering that Greeks ‘pass’ the time as opposed to ‘use’ it. In other words, time is something to be enjoyed rather than fretted over. As such, it is not unusual to arrive 30 minutes later for a dinner party. However, this laxity does not extend to business meetings where visitors are expected to be on time. As you might have guessed, the same rule doesn’t always apply to your Greek hosts. 6park.com



在俄罗斯文化中,耐心很重要,而守时则没那么重要。作为外国人,你应该守时,但不要指望俄罗斯人也守时,也不要指望他们迟到时会道歉。 6park.com

When doing business in Russia, it is important to be on time. To be otherwise is considered disrespectful. Ironically, Russians won’t hold themselves to the same standards of timeliness that they expect from you so, again, patience can be key. 6park.com



在马来西亚,说自己会晚到5分钟通常意味着会晚到1小时。迟到是常态,不需要道歉。 6park.com

It is often said that Malaysia has a very loose attitude toward punctuality in both the personal and professional sphere. Talk to any expat who has spent time there and they might grumble in agreement. However, this is to overlook the oft-times chaotic traffic and malfunctioning public transport that many Malaysians have to deal with on a daily basis. So while there might be a liberal attitude toward time keeping, there might also be practical reasons underlying this. 6park.com


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