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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-05-03 1:42 已读 777 次 1 赞  


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本期《小彭有很多问号》给各位带来了一些精神食粮。如果你有阅读困难症,恭喜你来对地方啦!小彭会用轻松的方式给大家推荐几本书。不管你身处哪里,都不要忘记关爱一下自己的内心哦。 6park.com


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这本书讲述的是两位伟大的心理学家丹尼尔·卡尼曼和阿莫斯·特维斯基合作创立行为经济学并为其他经济学理论和学科领域带来革命性变革的故事。 6park.com

This book is about the interaction between two great psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, and how they have created behavioral economics and how they have revolutionized economics theories at that time. 6park.com


一开始你可能觉得这听起来有些枯燥艰涩,但实际上很容易读下去。 6park.com

If that sounds dry and difficult at the get-go, but believe me: it isn’t.  6park.com

我们大多数人应该都有过这样的经历:在书店被眼花缭乱的书名吸引,买了书回家却从来没有读过。因此对小彭来说,书的可读性非常重要。 6park.com

It’s dead easy to read. I guess most of us have fallen into the trap of buying books after being dazzled by the titles of books but not getting around to read them. That’s why readability is so important to me. 6park.com

本书的作家是美国人迈克尔·路易斯,他写过很多畅销书,例如《说谎者的扑克牌》、《大空头》、《高频交易员》等。他似乎非常善于用简单朴素的语言,结合大量的例子,来将复杂的话题讲清楚。 6park.com

Lewis has a number of bestsellers to his name. It seems like he has a gift for taking complex topics and explaining them in a very easy way and using lots of examples.

卡尼曼和特维斯基的故事或许可以让你相信,即使像他们这样伟大的思想家,也会因为自己的选择感到困惑。这也许会激励你,让你有勇气选择很少有人选择的道路。 6park.com

Kahneman’s and Tversky’s stories may convince you that even great thinkers like them may feel puzzled by their own choices. That may inspire you and give you the courage to take the path that few others dare to choose.

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《霍乱时期的爱情》是哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯创作的长篇小说。这本书以一段跨越半个多世纪的爱情故事为主线。故事设定在哥伦比亚,霍乱疫情正在那里肆虐。这是一部似乎很贴切时下的小说,与我们现在所经历的现实有所呼应,这也是小彭对这本书产生兴趣的最初原因。 6park.com

The second book is a novel, and one that seems apt for the time, Love in the Time of Cholera. The story is set as a cholera epidemic ravages through Colombia. It was exactly because of the book’s parallels with what we are going through now that it caught my interest.  6park.com

在阅读的过程中,小彭很快意识到,这个故事是在探索爱情的无数种形式,既有完美的爱情,也有你可能称之为离经叛道的爱情。这个故事让爱情有了更广泛的定义和更多的可能性。作者写尽了世间所有的爱情,细腻的笔触也道出对生命和死亡的思考。 6park.com

But soon I realized it examines romantic love in myriad forms, both “ideal” and those you may call “depraved”. As time goes on it gives love a wider explanation and more possibilities.

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这是一本儿童诗集,精选了七十多首3到13岁孩子写的诗。诗的甄选原则首先是好诗,其次是孩子的诗。 6park.com

The third book titled Mom, I Wrote a Poem and it’s a collection of children’s poems. Now I would like to read a few of them for you so that you would know the reason why I like it.  6park.com


愿我们能不顾岁月流转,依然像孩子一样拥有清澈明亮的眼睛、天马行空的想象力和简单纯粹的快乐。 6park.com

最后,小彭跟大家分享了在一次采访中听到的话,采访对象是一个在海岛独居了十多年的男人。 6park.com


He said "…staying at home for a few weeks, there is nothing to worry about. It is an opportunity for self-precipitation. The most beautiful, dangerous, exciting, and satisfying journey is in your heart, whether you are sitting at home in the living room, or on a tropical island. " 6park.com


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