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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-05-18 1:48 已读 1174 次  


四页纸,全中文,一笔一划工工整整,而写下这封信的正是世界卫生组织驻中国代表高力(Gauden Galea)。


On May 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a handwritten letter to middle school students in Wuhan City via its official Weibo account. The four-page, Chinese-language letter was written by Dr. Gauden Galea, the WHO representative in China. 6park.com

高力的回信,还要从武汉学生写给他的一封信说起: 6park.com


信里,学生们说想把平时通过垃圾分类收集可回收物卖的钱,捐给世卫组织。 6park.com

他们还希望通过世卫组织,呼吁全世界的青少年携起手来,尽己所能,努力帮助需要帮助的人们。 6park.com

The story begins with a letter from students at Xuguang Middle School in Wuhan. 6park.com

Students sent a letter to Galea on May 5, calling on young people all around the world to join hands to help people in need. 6park.com

高力在回信中写道,“谢谢你们温暖的来信,在这艰难的时刻,能收到这样贴心的礼物,让我和世卫组织驻华代表处的同事们都非常感动。” 6park.com

他说,学生们的来信是希望和团结的象征,而这正是当前全球抗疫所迫切需要的。 6park.com

"Thank you for your warm letter... Your letter is a symbol of the hope and solidarity the world so badly needs in its fight against this global pandemic," Galea wrote in his reply, which was posted on the WHO's Weibo account.


"Through the handwriting, we can feel the Wuhan students' love for life, their concern for the global pandemic and the entire human race," the WHO said on Weibo. "Every word in this letter has touched the hearts of the WHO representative in China, Dr. Gauden Galea, and all his colleagues in the WHO China office." 6park.com

世卫组织透露,这是高力医生第一次被人称为高力伯伯,他很喜欢这样亲切的称呼。了解到信的内容后,他就表示一定要亲笔回信,而且坚持要用中文。 6park.com

According to the WHO, when Galea learned of the letter's content, he insisted that he reply in Chinese. 6park.com

高力刚到中国两年,虽然一直用业余时间学习中文,但用中文文字亲手写信,在同事们看来,似乎仍然是一个“不可能完成的任务”。 6park.com

Galea has been in China for two years. Although he has been learning Chinese in his spare time, writing an entire letter in Chinese seemed to be an impossible task to his colleagues. 6park.com


However, he finished the four-page letter in earnest. A video posted on the WHO's Weibo account shows Galea, though not fully proficient in Chinese, writing down each Chinese character and signing his English name. 6park.com

通过视频可以看到,高力并非已经熟练掌握中文书写,他对照打印好的信件,一笔一划“照葫芦画瓢”,最后在“高力伯伯”的署名上,签上自己的英文名。 6park.com


据世卫组织官网资料显示,高力(Gauden Galea)于2018年5月起担任世界卫生组织驻华代表。 6park.com

他1998年加入世卫组织工作,曾在世卫组织西太区马尼拉、斐济担任非传染性疾病高级顾问,在日内瓦世卫总部担任有关非传染性疾病和健康促进协调员。 6park.com

Galea became the WHO's representative in China in May 2018, according to the WHO's website. He is a public health physician and has worked for the WHO since 1998. He previously held posts in Suva, the Western Pacific Regional Office in Manila, and at WHO headquarters in Geneva. 6park.com

抗疫期间,高力受中国政府邀请视察了武汉,并且实地了解了武汉真实情况。 6park.com

他面对中外媒体时,多次介绍了“武汉经验”,对武汉和武汉人民做出的巨大牺牲表示衷心感谢,认为武汉为全球健康情况做出了举足轻重的贡献。 6park.com

During the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, Galea visited Wuhan at the invitation of the Chinese government and learned about the real situation there. In front of Chinese and foreign media, he discussed the experience Wuhan had gained fighting the virus many times, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Wuhan and its people for their great sacrifice, believing that the city had made a significant contribution to the global health situation.

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