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《The Art of Loving 爱的艺术》 2013年
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-08-21 5:29 已读 914 次 2 赞  


The Art of Loving is a rich and detailed guide to love—an achievement reached through maturity, practice, concentration, and courage. In the decades since the book’s release, its words and lessons continue to resonate. Erich Fromm, a celebrated psychoanalyst and social psychologist, clearly and sincerely encourages the development of our capacity for and understanding of love in all of its facets. He discusses the familiar yet misunderstood romantic love, the all-encompassing brotherly love, spiritual love, and many more. 6park.com

A challenge to traditional Western notions of love, The Art of Loving is a modern classic about taking care of ourselves through relationships with others by the New York Times–bestselling author of To Have or To Be? and Escape from Freedom. 6park.com

This ebook features an illustrated biography of Erich Fromm including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author’s estate.

Review 6park.com

“Erich Fromm is both a psychologist of penetration and a writer of ability. His book is one of dignity and candor, of practicality and precision.” —Chicago Tribune 6park.com

“Every line is packed with common sense, compassion, and realism.” —Fortune

About the Author 6park.com

Erich Fromm (1900–1980) was a bestselling psychoanalyst and social philosopher whose views about alienation, love, and sanity in society—discussed in his books such as Escape from Freedom, The Art of Loving, The Sane Society,and To Have or To Be?—helped shape the landscape of psychology in the mid-twentieth century. Fromm was born in Frankfurt, Germany, to Jewish parents, and studied at the universities of Frankfurt, Heidelberg (where in 1922 he earned his doctorate in sociology), and Munich. In the 1930s he was one of the most influential figures at the Frankfurt Institute of Social Research. In 1934, as the Nazis rose to power, he moved to the United States. He practiced psychoanalysis in both New York and Mexico City before moving to Switzerland in 1974, where he continued his work until his death.

From the Back Cover 6park.com

A classic in its own time...The original self-help treatise that has inspired countless numbers of men and women throughout the world. Learn how love can release hidden potential and become life's most exhilarating experience. In this fresh and candid work, renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm guides you in developing your capacity for love in all its aspectsromantic love, love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love, self-love, and love of God. Read by a professional narrator, this powerful rendition of the book shows how you can alter the whole course of your life. The Art of Loving has been continuously in publication since 1956 and has sold over 6 million copies. It is considered the seminal work in developing the psychology of person growth. --This text refers to the cassette edition. 6park.com

文件大小: 1.2 MB
Publisher: Open Road Media (February 26, 2013)
Publication Date: February 26, 2013
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English

EPUB 下载链接:

https://vk.com/doc-54818022_551405586?hash=e60a962e17451340f0&dl=a834de463067fc8d23 6park.com


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