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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-10-16 1:07 已读 810 次  



Still from Rebecca.  Credit: B-Reel Films


The most famous adaptation of Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier’s Gothic romance, is the Oscar-winning Alfred Hitchcock classic starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. How can Ben Wheatley’s new version possibly compete? Well, one answer is to have Kristin Scott Thomas as the formidable Mrs Danvers, a stroke of casting genius which is enough to justify the film’s existence. Another answer, which Wheatley gave at the 2019 London Film Festival, is “going back to the book and trying to get closer to the actual story... You think you know it and you just don’t.” Lily James stars as the innocent young woman who is swept off her feet by a handsome English widower (Armie Hammer) in Monte Carlo. But when she marries him and moves into his Cornwall mansion, she is haunted by the reputation of the previous Mrs de Winter. 6park.com

达夫妮·杜穆里埃所着的哥特式爱情小说《蝴蝶梦》最着名的改编作品莫过于获得奥斯卡奖的阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克导演的那部由劳伦斯·奥利弗和琼·芳登主演的经典电影。本·维特利的新版电影要如何与之相争呢?一个答案就是由克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯饰演可怕的丹佛斯太太,这一高明的选角足以证明这部新片存在的价值。维特利在2019年伦敦电影节上给出的另一个答案是“这部电影回归原着,尽可能贴近原着中的故事……你以为你知道这个故事,其实你不知道”。莉莉·詹姆斯饰演在摩纳哥的蒙特卡洛坠入情网的天真年轻女子,她爱上的英俊的英国鳏夫由艾米·汉莫饰演。但是当她嫁给他并搬入他在英国康沃尔郡的宅邸后,她发现已故文德斯太太的影子无处不在。 6park.com

On Netflix from 21 October 6park.com


Poster of Possessor.  Credit: Rhombus Possessor Inc/Rook Films Possessor Ltd


Andrea Riseborough stars as an assassin who can telepathically control other people’s bodies and get them to do the killing for her. Her latest job is to bump off an IT tycoon (Sean Bean) and his daughter (Tuppence Middleton) by possessing the daughter’s fiancée (Christopher Abbott). When Possessor premiered at the Sundance Festival in January, David Ehrlich of IndieWire called it “unnervingly good”, adding, “90 minutes of Andrea Riseborough and Christopher Abbott engaging in ultra-gory psychic warfare over control of the latter’s body is more satisfying than what most of the current best picture nominees have to offer”. 6park.com

安德丽娅·赖斯伯勒饰演一名刺客,她可以通过心灵感应控制他人的身体,让别人替她杀人。她的最新任务是杀掉一个信息技术大亨(肖恩·宾饰演)和他的女儿(塔彭丝·米德尔顿饰演)。她计划通过控制大亨女儿未婚夫(克里斯托弗·阿波特饰演)的身体来杀掉他们。《占有者》一月份在圣丹斯国际电影节首映时,电影网站IndieWire的大卫·埃瑞克表示这部片子“好极了”,并补充道:“看安德丽娅·赖斯伯勒试图控制克里斯托弗·阿波特的身体时二者上演的90分钟超残酷心理战比看现在获得最佳影片提名的大多数电影都要令人满意。” 6park.com

Released on 2 October in the US and 9 October in Canada 6park.com


Still from Over the Moon.  Credit: Mandarin Films

Over the Moon 《飞奔去月球》

One of the first cartoons to be financed by Netflix, and one of the first cartoons to be co-produced by American and Chinese studios, Over the Moon is a musical inspired by the legend of moon goddess Chang’e. When a 12-year-old girl (Cathy Yang) hears the legend from her parents, she builds a rocket ship so that she (and her pet rabbit) can visit her. The director, Glen Keane, has talked about the film’s painstakingly authentic depiction of Chinese family life, although he had an American fairy tale in mind, too. “So much of the story in Over the Moon is like Wizard of Oz,” he explained to Animation Magazine, “and believing that Dorothy goes up in the tornado and visits Oz. Our main character is going to the Moon to meet a moon goddess, and just like Dorothy, she has to go through this experience to be able to deal with the problems she is facing at home.” 6park.com

《飞奔去月球》是奈飞最早投资的一部动画片,也是美国和中国电影公司首次共同制作的动画片之一。这部音乐电影的灵感来自月宫仙子嫦娥的传说。当一个12岁的小女孩(凯西·昂配音)从父母那里听说嫦娥的神话后,她就造了一艘火箭飞船,准备和自己的宠物兔子一起去看嫦娥。导演格兰·基恩讲述他在煞费苦心地对中国家庭生活进行准确刻画时,也在该片投射了一个美国童话的影子。他向《动画杂志》解释道:“《飞奔去月球》的许多故事情节都和《绿野仙踪》很像。多萝西被旋风卷到了奥兹国,而我们的主角则飞到了月球去见月宫仙子。和多萝西一样,她必须经历这一切才能学会如何应对她在家里面临的问题。” 6park.com

On Netflix from 23 October 6park.com


Poster of  Honest Thief.   Credit: Argonaut Entertainment Partners

Honest Thief 《夺金营救》

Liam Neeson plays Tom, a retired bank robber who promises to return his ill-gotten gains in exchange for a reduced prison sentence so that he can settle down with the woman he loves (Kate Walsh). But the two FBI agents (Jai Courtney and Anthony Ramos) assigned to retrieve the money decide to steal it instead and frame Tom for murder. Unfortunately for them, he is a “former Marine, demolitions expert” with a very particular set of skills, hence the explosions, car chases, and shoot-outs. What’s not to like? 6park.com

连姆·尼森饰演的汤姆是一个已经退出江湖的银行抢劫犯,为了和他心爱的女人(凯特·沃什饰演)在一起好好过日子,他承诺归还不义之财来换取减刑。但是被指派去取回这笔钱的两个联邦调查局特工(杰·科特尼和安东尼·拉莫斯饰演)决定偷走这笔钱,然后诬陷汤姆谋杀。可惜他们的对手汤姆是掌握极特殊技能的“前海军爆破专家”,因此就有了爆炸、追车、枪击等种种场面。这样的情节谁不爱呢? 6park.com

Released on 14 October in France, 15 October in Portugal and 16 October in the US 6park.com


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