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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-10-17 1:14 已读 707 次 1 赞  




Tibet Autonomous Region has accomplished the historical feat of eradicating absolute poverty, according to a press briefing held in the regional capital of Lhasa Thursday. By the end of 2019, Tibet had lifted 628,000 people out of poverty and delisted 74 county-level areas from the poverty list, said Wu Yingjie, Communist Party of China chief of Tibet. 6park.com


【知识点】 6park.com

脱贫攻坚中经常提到的四类重点人群是:建档立卡贫困户(households registered as living under the poverty line)、低保户(people eligible for subsistence allowances)、农村分散供养特困人员(individuals who live at home in rural areas in extreme poverty and receive basic assistance)和贫困残疾人家庭(the families of people with disabilities affected by poverty)。 6park.com

西藏是全国“三区三州”深度贫困地区中唯一的省级集中连片特困地区(the only contiguous poor area at the provincial level),是脱贫攻坚之初全国贫困发生率最高(the highest poverty headcount ratio)、贫困程度最深、扶贫成本最高、脱贫难度最大的区域。 6park.com

为此,党中央制定特殊优惠政策,西藏各族干部群众奋发有为,改变了雪域高原千百年来贫穷落后的面貌。 6park.com

Since 2016, Tibet has spent 74.8 billion yuan of agriculture-related funds in poverty alleviation, with an average annual increase of over 15 percent, Wu said. 6park.com

2016年以来,西藏累计统筹整合涉农资金748亿元用于脱贫攻坚,年均增幅超过15%。 6park.com

Since 2016, a total of 39.89 billion yuan has been invested in 2,984 poverty alleviation projects, which helped lift more than 238,000 impoverished people out of poverty and benefited more than 840,000 people, according to Wu. 6park.com

2016年以来,西藏累计投入398.9亿元,实施产业扶贫项目2984个,带动23.8万贫困人口脱贫,受益群众超过84万人。 6park.com

To date, the construction of 965 relocation sites has been completed, and 266,000 people have moved into new houses. 6park.com

截至目前,已建成965个易地扶贫搬迁安置区(点),26.6万人搬迁入住。 6park.com

经第三方评估,西藏脱贫攻坚群众满意度达99%以上。 6park.com

消除绝对贫困后,西藏脱贫攻坚将全面转入巩固提升阶段(consolidate poverty alleviation achievements)。

易地搬迁和职业培训坚持群众自愿 6park.com

Qizhala, chairman of the regional government of Tibet, told the press briefing that there are no forced vocational education and ensuing employment transfers for local farmers and herders. 6park.com

西藏自治区主席齐扎拉表示,不存在强迫当地农牧民参与职业培训和转移就业的问题。 6park.com

With Tibet eliminating absolute poverty and a spate of preferential policies implemented to benefit the people, residents have strong desires to work outside their hometowns and to learn skills. The government answers their desires and demands, Qizhala said. 6park.com

随着西藏消除绝对贫困并实施一系列惠民政策,老百姓有强烈的愿望外出打工,老百姓有强烈的愿望想去学技术,而且政府顺应了他的愿望和需求。 6park.com

Vocational education and skills training are popular among local farmers and herders, with them earning a larger proportion of their incomes with skills, said the chairman. 6park.com

职业教育和技术培训在农牧民当中很受欢迎,劳动力收入中有技术含量的收入比重在不断提高。 6park.com

Local farmers and herders can choose to work within Tibet or in neighboring or other regions, making employment choices of their own free will, Qizhala said. 6park.com



■ “两不愁三保障”:农村贫困人口不愁吃、不愁穿,义务教育、基本医疗、住房安全有保障
Rural poor people are free from worries over food and clothing and have access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing.

■ 现行标准下的农村贫困人口全部脱贫
lift all rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty

■ 贫困发生率
poverty headcount ratio

■ 贫困线
poverty threshold/poverty line/poverty limit

■ 易地扶贫搬迁
relocating the poor

■ 扶贫基金
poverty alleviation funds

■ 开发式扶贫
development-orientated poverty reduction
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