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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-10-21 18:16 已读 705 次 1 赞  


据CBS报道,当地时间19日,福克斯新闻公布了美国总统特朗普与竞选团队成员通话的一段电话录音。录音中特朗普将美国顶级传染病专家安东尼·福奇博士(Dr. Anthony Fauci)等警告大家新冠病毒危险的人士称为“白痴”,还炮轰福奇就是个“灾难”。 6park.com

In a call with Trump campaign staff Monday, US President Trump tore into the nation's leading infectious diseases expert and coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci, saying people have become tired of "Fauci and all these idiots" warning about the risks of COVID-19. 6park.com

特朗普声称,美国人民已经厌倦了新冠病毒,也厌倦了福奇和“所有这些白痴的声音”,“这些人(卫生官员)把事情搞错了。” 6park.com

"People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots, these people, these people that have gotten it wrong," the president told his staff on the state-of-play of the race.

特朗普还疯狂甩锅:“福奇这家伙就是个灾难,如果我听了他的,我们可能有50万人死亡。”不一会儿,他又补充道,“如果我们听了他的话,我们现在就有70-80万人死亡。” 6park.com

“Fauci is a disaster, I mean this guy, if I listened to him we’d have 500,000 deaths.” Trump said if the White House had listened to Fauci, the U.S. would have "500,000 deaths." 6park.com

…… 6park.com

"But Fauci, if we listened to him, we'd have 700, 800,000 deaths right now," the president said. 6park.com

录音中,特朗普还反讽现年79岁的福奇,“他是个好人,他在这儿已经有500年了。” 6park.com

The president at another point called Fauci a “nice” man, but in a backhanded way. 6park.com

“He’s been here for 500 years,” Trump said of Fauci, who is 79 years old. 6park.com

“每次福奇上电视,都会有个‘炸弹’新闻。如果你解雇他,那就会有个更大的‘炸弹’了”。 6park.com

“Every time he goes on television, there's always a bomb," Trump said. "But there's a bigger bomb if you fire him." 6park.com

据CNN报道,该录音曝光后数小时,特朗普又发推继续攻击福奇,称福奇在节目上说白宫不允许他接受电视采访,但“昨晚我却看到他出现在《60分钟》的节目上。似乎他在电视上露面的次数堪比鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope)”(注:鲍勃·霍普是已故美国知名喜剧演员)。 6park.com



据《国会山报》报道,当天晚些时候,对于特朗普在录音中的攻击,福奇在南加州广播电台的采访中回应说: 6park.com

“我不想对此发表评论,我们要做的是继续做真正想做的事情,那就是保护美国人,最终是保护全世界的健康、福祉和安全。美国新冠病例激增,比以往任何时候都要快。很多过去表现不错的州现在都出现了病例增长,这是我们应该关注的问题。” 6park.com

In an interview with Southern California AM radio station KNX1070, Fauci was asked to respond to Trump reportedly calling him "a disaster" during a campaign call earlier in the day. 6park.com

“I would prefer not to comment on that and just get on with what we are really trying to do and what we are trying to do is to protect the health and welfare and safety of the American people predominantly, and ultimately, of the world," he said. "We are seeing an uptick in cases — higher than they’ve ever been. Many, many states that had been doing reasonably well are now showing upticks, that’s what we should be concentrating on." 6park.com

随后,福奇还搬出了电影《教父》(The Godfather)中的经典台词予以驳斥:“这(应对新冠病毒)是我唯一真正关心的事情。对我来说,就像《教父》中提到的‘并非私事,纯粹是公事’。我只是想做我的工作,照顾好美国民众。” 6park.com

“[Addressing the virus is] the only thing I really care about. That other stuff, it’s like in 'The Godfather': Nothing personal, strictly business as far as I’m concerned. I just want to do my job and take care of the people of this country,” Fauci said. 6park.com

注:这句台词出自《教父》中阿尔·帕西诺饰演的小教父麦克·柯里昂(Michael Corleone),原话是:"It's not personal. It’s strictly business." (这不是私人恩怨,这纯粹是生意。)


CNBC在报道中指出,特朗普这次在录音中炮轰福奇,或是针对福奇19日接受哥伦比亚广播公司《60分钟》节目采访时说的一番话。 6park.com


“这太可悲了,就因为发布能拯救生命的公共卫生信息,引发了针对我的恶意和仇恨,最终给我的生命和安全造成了威胁。但是相比起我,骚扰我妻子和孩子更让我困扰。” 6park.com

“That's sad. The very fact that a public health message to save lives triggers such venom and animosity to me that it results in real and credible threats to my life and my safety. But it bothers me less than the hassling of my wife and my children.”


福奇无可奈何感叹道:“我想说,饶了我吧!(Give me a break.)”


During his “60 Minutes” interview, Fauci said he was not surprised that Trump had gotten ill, because of the lack of sufficient precautions against the virus at a White House gathering on Sept. 26.


据CNN报道,当地时间18日,美国明尼苏达大学传染病研究与政策中心主任奥斯特霍尔姆(Michael Osterholm)在NBC采访中表示:接下来的6至12周,将是美国新冠肺炎疫情最黑暗的时期。


“疫苗要到明年年初到三季度才能实际意义上让民众接种,即使未来有疫苗,可能有一半人不愿意接种”。 6park.com

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that "the next six to 12 weeks are going to be the darkest of the entire pandemic.” 6park.com

Vaccines won’t be available “in any meaningful way” until the third quarter of next year, he said – and even when they are, half the US population is skeptical of even taking one. 6park.com


美国每日新增确诊病例数趋势 图源:《纽约时报》

特朗普炮轰福奇的言论引发了舆论的强烈抨击。 6park.com

据CNBC报道,美国田纳西州参议员拉马尔·亚历山大在推特上发文写道: 6park.com


CNN评论则称,特朗普政府嘲笑福奇、用反科学的方法对待疫情,毁掉了缓解美国疫情的最大希望,这将导致更多的美国民众感染新冠病毒、死于新冠病毒。 6park.com

Trump ridiculed Fauci as a "disaster" and an "idiot" who has been around for "500 years" — trashing one of the nation's best hopes of easing the pandemic along with his recommendations to quell an alarming Covid-19 surge. 6park.com

Trump's conduct is typical of an approach to the disease that has rejected science when it doesn't provide answers that are politically palpable and has threatened to cause the sickness and death of tens of thousands of more Americans.

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