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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-11-29 0:18 已读 788 次 1 赞  



Last week, my brother-in-law — who suffers from heart disease and high blood pressure — was having a rant at the breakfast table about “the collapse of civilisation” (his words). My sister, seeing his face redden and eyes bulge as he became increasingly animated, began to worry seriously that he could be about to give himself a heart attack. 6park.com

前一阵子,我那患有心脏病和高血压的姐夫在早餐桌上咆哮大骂“文明的崩溃”(他的原话)。我姐姐看到他变得越来越激动,脸涨得通红,眼睛瞪得很大,她开始严重担心他的心脏病可能要犯了。 6park.com

To check that he wasn’t, she went to fetch his sphygmomanometer. They were both rather startled by what it showed: his blood pressure was the lowest it had been all week. Had his rant actually been good for him? 6park.com


Ranting might have negative connotations, bringing to mind old bores launching into tedious diatribes, but perhaps we are too down on it. If it can bring physical and mental health benefits, maybe we should all indulge a little more — now, in the midst of a global pandemic, more than ever? 6park.com

大吼大叫可能有负面的定义,它让人想起讨厌的老家伙们的骂骂咧咧,但我们或许对它有偏见。如果它能给身心健康带来好处,或许,在全球新冠疫情的背景下,我们都应该比以往任何时候都多放纵自己一点,来点大吼大叫。 6park.com

Richard Stephens, a lecturer at Keele University and author of Black Sheep: The Hidden Benefits of Being Bad, has found that swearing — often a key feature of a rant — can help us cope with pain and improve our performance on physical strength-based tasks. 6park.com

英国基尔大学(Keele University)讲师理查德•斯蒂芬斯(Richard Stephens)发现,骂人(通常是大吼大叫的关键特征)可以帮助我们消除疼痛,并提高我们在体力任务中的表现。他著有《害群之马:做坏人的潜在好处》(Black Sheep: The Hidden Benefits of Being Bad)一书。 6park.com

He is also carrying out research into whether there is a positive psychological effect from losing our inhibitions when we swear. “Our conjecture at the moment is that swearing can bring about a kind of disinhibition . . . that brings a bit of relief. That could also apply to ranting,” he says. 6park.com

他还在进行一项研究,调查当我们大骂失控时,是否会对心理产生积极影响。“我们目前的推测是,骂人可以释放压抑心理……带来稍许安慰。大吼大叫可能也是这样。” 6park.com

The sense of liberation that comes from really letting loose is perhaps what makes ranting feel pleasurable. In a world in which words uttered out of place on the internet risk permanent “cancellation”, it is freeing to be able to mouth off. 6park.com


That’s the thing about ranting in real life: a ranter requires a rantee, who tends to be someone we trust. Since the rantee often finds it hard to get a word in edgeways, the social component might not seem very important (and indeed sometimes feels almost non-existent). But in fact it plays a vital role. 6park.com

在实际生活中大吼大叫有条件:一个大吼大叫的人需要一个发泄对象,通常是我们信得过的人。发泄对象通常发现很难插上嘴,这个社交成分看似不重要(实际上有时感觉几乎不存在)。但实际上,它起着至关重要的作用。 6park.com

James Gross, a professor of psychology at Stanford University whose research focuses on emotion regulation, has found that many common, solitary, forms of catharsis don’t actually lessen the negative emotion, and some — such as just pounding a pillow or aimlessly yelling at a screen — actually magnify it. “Sharing passionate feelings and thoughts that we might have been suppressing, and doing that with other people — that’s not just generic catharsis. It’s going to actually be a helpful version of it,” Prof Gross says. 6park.com

斯坦福大学(Stanford University)心理学教授詹姆斯•格罗斯(James Gross)的研究重点是情绪管理,他发现很多常见的、独自一人的宣泄形式实际上并不能减轻消极情绪,有些形式(例如捶打枕头或对着屏幕没有目标的大喊)实际上会加剧消极情绪。格罗斯教授表示:“与他人交流我们可能被压抑的激烈的情感和想法,这不仅仅是一般的宣泄。它实际上是有益的。”

His work also shows that letting go of suppressed emotions is important for our physical health. Research in his lab found that trying to button-down emotions to keep a “stiff upper lip” increased physical stress. Ranting, according to Prof Gross, is “undoing patterns of suppression” that otherwise elevate blood pressure. 6park.com

他的研究还表明,释放被压抑的情绪对我们的身体健康很重要。他所在实验室的研究发现,试图控制情绪保持沉默会增加身体压力。格罗斯教授表示,大吼大叫是“在消除压抑”,否则会导致血压升高。 6park.com

For those who live and work alone, the opportunities for ranting are few and far between in this year of lockdowns. But the temptation to launch rage on the internet should be resisted. 6park.com


Online venting might feel cathartic in the moment, but without real-world social interaction it could have the opposite effect. Social media expels nuance; online “friends” are unlikely to be as forgiving when your argument veers off-course as the trusted person you choose to rant to in real life. 6park.com

在网上发泄愤怒可能会让人感觉一时的情绪宣泄,但如果没有现实世界的社交互动,可能会产生相反的效果。社交媒体排斥差异;如果你的观点偏离轨道,网上的“朋友”不太可能像你在现实生活中选择的信得过的发泄对象那样原谅你。 6park.com

That being said, it must be acknowledged that the joy of ranting is not necessarily felt both ways — a ranter should be considerate about inflicting too much of it on others. Being ranted at (one is never just ranted to) is usually more stress-inducing than stress-relieving. 6park.com

话虽如此,必须承认,大吼大叫的乐趣不一定是双向的:大吼大叫的人应考虑到不要把怒气发泄到他人身上太多。成为被骂的对象(大吼大叫的人骂人的时候必然会殃及发泄对象)通常会带来更多的压力,而不是缓解压力。 6park.com

But seeing as high blood pressure increases the risk of getting severely ill with Covid-19, and given how much there is to worry about in the world these days, perhaps we should learn to stop worrying and love the rant. 6park.com

然而,考虑到高血压可能加重罹患新冠肺炎的人的病情,考虑到当今世界有很多令人担忧的事情,或许我们应该学会停止担心,爱上那些大吼大叫。 6park.com

So next time a newspaper headline or a presidential tweet really sets you off, perhaps also show some gratitude. Research shows that thankfulness is associated with greater happiness, because through the expression of gratitude a person acknowledges that goodness lies outside themselves. That’s pretty healthy too — and less tiresome than ranting for others. 6park.com


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