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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-01-11 3:24 已读 654 次 1 赞  


对很多青少年来说,暑假兼职是人生的必经之路,他们在父母的劝勉之下,放下浮躁的心态,通过这堂宝贵的社会课堂学习责任感、正确的金钱观,懂得刻苦努力的重要性。 6park.com

不论你赚钱的目的是为了买自行车,购置人生第一辆私人汽车还是买一件毕业舞会上穿的礼服,开始投身到兼职中去时我们总是满怀期待,希望能自由独立起来,我们几乎感觉自己已经是合格的成年人了,可是,现实往往不尽如人愿。 6park.com

美国脱口秀主持人Jimmy Fallon素来喜欢在社交网络上发起各种传奇式的标签话题挑战赛,他为我们做出了一项巨大的贡献:请人们在社交网络上分享他们最糟糕的暑假兼职经历。不用多说,大家晒出的段子里有不少货真价实的经典笑料。BoredPanda精选了一组上述段子,一起来看一看吧!

1. I worked at a historic site once where I had to dress as a bison and be chased by hordes of 5 year olds in a bison hunt. Once after being killed in the bison hunt I was breathing too heavily from running. One of them yelled ”it’s alive” and punched me in the face. 6park.com



2. I was 10 and went to my grandfather farm he gave me 10$ to be a scar crow. I stood there in the sun yelling for an hour until my mom came and yelled at him. 6park.com



3. I was hired at an elderly people’s home for patients with dementia. On my first day I accidently pressed the door button and the old people escaped. We had to run through town rounding them up. 6park.com



4. As a public school teacher in North Carolina, I don’t make much money. So I had to deliver pizzas one summer. My second delivery was to one of my former students. Her first words,”what, you get fired?” 6park.com



5. Working at a nursing home at 17 year old. A woman of 79 year old accused me of stealing and wearing her adult diaper to steal her 87-year-old boyfriend cause It padded my butt and made me appear to have a butt like hers that he loved. She never allowed me in her room after that... 6park.com



6. Had a job walking five chihuahuas. When they got tired, I had to carry them home. Two in my arm, two on my shoulders and one on my head. 6park.com



7. When I had to play Kid (uncredited) every summer for 3 years. 6park.com



8. I was babysitting two kids. One ran out the front door, one went out the back. When I ran around the house to find them, they ran back inside, locked me out, and turned the sprinklers on. 6park.com



9. I earned $30 working construction for a temp agency one day in college. When I finished, there was a $35 parking ticket on my car. I refer to it as the day I paid to work... 6park.com


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