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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-01-13 3:29 已读 779 次 1 赞  



Starting this year, Chinese education authorities will institute random checks on undergraduate theses to crack down on plagiarism, ghostwriting, and other forms of academic misconduct. 6park.com


【知识点】 6park.com

“学术不端”(academic misconduct)的一般性界定为:高等学校及其教学科研人员、管理人员和学生,在科学研究及相关活动中发生的违反公认的学术准则、违背学术诚信的行为。 6park.com

2016年,教育部发布《高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法》,第一次以部门规章的形式对高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为做出规定。 6park.com

《办法》中明确的六种“学术不端”情形包括:剽窃、抄袭、侵占他人学术成果(plagiarism),篡改他人研究成果(fabrication or alteration of research results),伪造数据或捏造事实(data falsification),不当署名(inappropriate authorship),提供虚假学术信息(providing false or misleading information),买卖或代写论文(academic paper selling or ghostwriting)等。同时授权高等学校可以结合学校实际,自行规定六类之外的学术不端情形。

如何抽检? 6park.com

According to the Ministry of Education, provincial education departments should double-check at least 2% of a university’s theses, and graduates with final essays containing irregularities can have their degrees revoked. 6park.com


【单词讲解】 6park.com

这里的revoke表示“吊销、废除、撤销”,一般都是官方机构发出的正式决定,比如,revoke driving license(吊销驾照)、revoke operating license(吊销营业执照)等;此外也可以revoke a ruling/order(撤销判决、命令)等。 6park.com

Each thesis will be reviewed by three experts, who will also check the essays for quality. If two reviewers say the paper is substandard, it will be identified as problematic. Such results will be made public, and universities with a high percentage of problematic theses will be held accountable, the ministry said. 6park.com


【相关词汇】 6park.com

■ 本科教育 undergraduate education 6park.com

■ 考研 national postgraduate entrance examination 6park.com

■ 学分 academic credits 6park.com

■ 辅修专业 academic minor 6park.com

■ 主修专业 academic major 6park.com

■ 学术评价体系 academic appraisal system 6park.com

■ 学术不端 academic misconduct

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