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《Live 互动英语》 2021年 1月号 No. 237
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-02-04 21:28 已读 876 次  


The World of Podcasts
播客:聆聽世界的聲音 6park.com

What’s as interesting as books, as exciting as TV, and as easy as listening to music? It’s podcasts, of course! 6park.com

Podcasts are a series of audio recordings that discuss a topic or tell a story. These recordings, called episodes, can be any length and about anything. The first podcasts were made in the early 2000s, and the term podcasting, which combines the words iPod and broadcasting, was coined by reporter Ben Hammersley in 2004. 6park.com

In the following years, advancements in technology have led to phones with greater storage space and mobile phone networks that can send large amounts of data at lightning speeds. As a result, the average length of podcasts has increased, with one study showing a 40 percent increase in podcast length since 2005. 6park.com

Another key difference in today’s podcasts is they’re created to be, well, podcasts. They’re no longer just edited radio shows. And the radio shows that are made into podcasts are now done so specifically for a podcast audience—an audience that happens to be “going global.” In fact, 45 percent of new podcasts created in 2020 were in languages other than English. 6park.com

什麼和書一樣有趣、和電視一樣刺激、且和聽音樂一樣容易?那當然是播客囉! 6park.com

播客是一系列討論某個話題或說故事的錄音內容。這些錄音內容稱為「集」,可以是任何長度,且關於任何事物。最初的播客是在二十世紀初製作的,podcasting這個詞結合iPod和broadcasting這兩個字,是記者班.哈默斯利在二○○四年創造的。 6park.com

在接下來的幾年,科技的發展使得手機有更大的儲存空間,以及可用極快的速度傳送大量數據的行動網路。因此,播客的平均長度增加了,一項研究顯示,自二○○五年以來,播客的長度增加了百分之四十。 6park.com

今天播客的另一個主要差異是它們是被製作成播客。它們不再只是經過剪輯的廣播節目。而製作成播客的廣播節目現在是專門為播客聽眾而做——而聽眾碰巧「變得全球化」。事實上,在二○二○年製作的新播客中,有四成五是英語之外的語言。 6park.com

All it takes to make a podcast is a voice, a microphone, and something to say. Do you really like ducks? What about ancient history? Well, with over 850,000 podcasts in the world and counting, you can bet these and plenty more topics are covered. Depending on the type of podcast, it can teach you something new, keep you on top of the news, make you laugh, or even make you cry. Is it any wonder, then, that over 115 million people listen to podcasts every week? 6park.com

On top of that, they’re easy to enjoy. Unlike watching TV or reading, podcasts don’t require your undivided attention. So you can listen to podcasts while doing something else like commuting to work or exercising at the gym. In addition, all you need to listen to one is a smartphone and a podcast app or a computer with an Internet connection. Podcasts are also free, with many only having a few short ads. 6park.com

There’s so much to love about podcasts and so many different ones out there. What are you waiting for? It’s time to start exploring the world of podcasts! 6park.com

製作播客只需要聲音、一支麥克風和要說的話。你真的喜歡鴨子嗎?古代歷史呢?嗯,全世界有超過八十五萬個播客節目且在增加中,你可以肯定的是這些還有很多的主題都包括在其中。取決於播客的類型,它可以教你一些新的東西,讓你完全掌握時事、讓你笑,甚至讓你哭。那麼,每週超過一億一千五百萬人收聽播客有什麼好驚訝的呢? 6park.com

除此之外,要享受它們很容易。不像看電視或閱讀,播客不需要你全神貫注。所以你可以一邊聽播客,一邊做其他的事,像是上班通勤或在健身房運動。此外,你收聽播客只需要一台智慧型手機和一個播客應用程式,或是一台有網路連線的電腦。播客也是免費的,很多只有幾則短短的廣告。 6park.com


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