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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-02-27 2:56 已读 1127 次 3 赞  



获得488好评的回答@Srujan Pendela: 6park.com

I used to be so lazy all the day, procrastinating things, sleeping under AC, watching movies and eating all the food available. I hardly found sweat coming from my sweat pores. 6park.com

我以前整天都很懒,做事拖拉,开着空调睡觉,看电影,有什么吃什么。我几乎很少流汗。 6park.com

After a few incidents, I was self motivated doing few things and from then, I am no more a lazy guy. Some of the techniques I prefer are... 6park.com

经历了一些事情之后,我开始积极主动地做一些事,从此我不再懒惰了。我的技巧是: 6park.com

1. If you ever get this thought of laziness , first walk out from that place. Change your ambience , your brain gets active seeing new places. 6park.com

一旦有了偷懒的想法,马上离开那个地方。改变身处的环境,你的大脑看见新环境会变得活跃。 6park.com

2. Have a shower with cold water , remember , only cold water. 6park.com

洗个冷水澡,记住只能洗冷水澡。 6park.com

3. Go out and play some game. (best formula for me) play for one hour , just one hour , you'll get refreshed for sure. 6park.com

出去玩点什么。(对我而言最好是)玩一个小时,一个小时就足够你充电了。 6park.com

4. Engage yourself in some random work like drawing , dancing , writing , reading ,any hobby u possess. 6park.com

随便做点什么,比如画画、跳舞、写作、阅读,你的任何爱好都行。 6park.com

5. Don't prefer bed unless it is sleeping time in the night. Try to sit or stand to do your work. 6park.com

除非到晚上睡觉时间了,否则不要贪恋你的床。尽量坐着或站着完成工作。 6park.com

6. Drink a lot of water.(4 L a day) 6park.com

多喝水(一天4L)。 6park.com

7. Try to organize things around you. Your room , bed , table , books , shoes rack , curtains. You make your surroundings clean and you will automatically feel more active than earlier. 6park.com

整理身边物品。你的房间、床、桌子、书、鞋架、窗帘。保持所处环境干净,你自然就会觉得比之前更有活力了。 6park.com

8. Listen to some inspirational songs. 6park.com

听一些鼓舞人的歌曲。 6park.com

9. Try to write down your situation at present in a few words , read it out loud , I hope you don't like it ,only then you change your own story. 6park.com

尽量用几句话写下你目前的处境,大声读出来,我希望你不喜欢这种处境,只有这样你才能改变自己的生活。 6park.com

10. Everyday in the morning , write all the tasks you have to do on that particular day. If you feel like procrastinating things , use SJF( shortest job first) method , you'll definitely feel more encouraged. 6park.com

每天早上写下当天要做的所有事,如果你喜欢拖延,就利用最短作业优先法,你一定会觉得更有动力的。 6park.com

11. Think of your goal / aim. 6park.com

想想你的目标、目的。 6park.com

12. Take a long ride. 6park.com

来一次长途旅行。 6park.com

These are from my personal experience , that changed my lifestyle. Hope some of these may help you out of deadly monster laziness. Best of luck. 6park.com


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