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Outdoor play every day 每天进行户外运动,你能坚持吗?
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-03 4:45 已读 761 次 2 赞  



Outdoor activities may help us lift our moods and improve our learning efficiency.

How do you usually spend your spare time? Many people choose to be couch potatoes, but not Luo Han, a 9-year-old from Changsha, Hunan. 6park.com

空闲时间你通常会做些什么呢?许多人都选择窝在沙发上看电视,但来自湖南长沙的9岁小朋友罗汉却并非如此。 6park.com

Luo Han completes at least two hours of outdoor activities every day and has raised a wave of discussion online. 6park.com

罗汉每天都要进行至少两小时的户外活动,此举引发了网上的一波热议。 6park.com

Although he is in primary school, he has already mastered sports like kayaking and paddling. 6park.com

尽管罗汉还在上小学,但他已经掌握了皮划艇、划桨等体育项目。 6park.com

His aptitude for outdoor sports is due to his father Luo Ge, who actively encourages him to enjoy nature, rather than focusing only on his learning. After noticing that Luo Han did not go out for enough exercise after school, his father took him to do outdoor activities every day. 6park.com

他在户外运动方面的才能都要归功于其父罗格。父亲积极鼓励他享受大自然,而不是只关注学习。此前,父亲注意到罗汉放学后户外运动量不足,于是便带他每天进行户外活动。 6park.com

Many applauded them. 6park.com

许多人都赞赏父子俩的这一做法。 6park.com

“Exercise can ease brain fog and improve memory. Many students feel stressed about school work, so outdoor activities can help us keep our moods uplifted and improve our learning efficiency,” said Liu Yu, 18, a university freshman. 6park.com

“运动能够缓解脑疲劳,增强记忆力。许多学生都对学校功课倍感压力,因此户外活动有助于振奋精神,提高我们的学习效率,”18岁的大学新生刘瑜说道。 6park.com

Wang Tao, a parent of a 16-year-old, showed her support for the father. “It’s more than a way to relax. It’s a training of willpower,” she said. 6park.com

身为一位16岁孩子的家长,汪韬也对这位父亲的做法表示支持。“这不光是种放松方式,还锻炼了毅力,”她表示。 6park.com

Her son He Xin, from Hefei Thomas School, Anhui, is a fan of outdoor sports. Although facing increasing pressure in his studies, he has joined the school’s athletic programs. 6park.com

汪韬的儿子何欣就读于安徽合肥安生托马斯学校,是个户外运动迷。尽管学业上的压力日益增加,但何欣还是参加了学校的运动项目。 6park.com

However, some have also expressed their concerns. 6park.com

然而,也有一些人表达了自己的担忧。 6park.com

“Two hours isn’t too much for a 9-year-old, but it might be difficult for high school students to guarantee this block of time when school becomes more demanding,” said Huang Xi, 16, from Liyang High School of Jiangsu province. 6park.com

“两小时对于9岁的小朋友而言并不算太多,但对于课业愈加繁重的高中生而言,或许很难抽出这么多时间,”来自江苏省溧阳中学的16岁学生黄希如此说道。 6park.com

Ms Zhu, who has a daughter in middle school, also agreed that two hours is too much for the majority of parents, especially on weekdays. “When I am off duty, I need to do housework. After my daughter finishes her homework, she prefers to watch TV. Neither of us would think of going outside for exercise,” Zhu said. 6park.com

朱女士的女儿正在上中学,她也认为两小时对大多数家长而言太多了,尤其是在工作日。“下班后我还要做家务。女儿做完作业后更愿意看电视。我们俩都没想过去户外锻炼,”朱女士说道。 6park.com

Other parents are concerned about the safety of outdoor activities. Zhang Zhijin has a son in high school. “Sometimes, teenagers can do crazy and risky things. We worry about accidents,” Zhang said. 6park.com


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