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Playing it by ear 全盲女孩凭肌肉记忆弹钢琴
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-03 20:20 已读 595 次 2 赞  



Xiong Linghao relies entirely on the sound to play the piano.

A video clip of a blind musician has captured the attention of many in China. Xiong Linghao, 18, played a Beethoven sonata in the national finals of the 13th Shanghai International Youth Piano Competition in August. 6park.com

最近,一段盲人演奏者的视频在国内引发了众多关注。今年8月,18岁的熊翎好在第十三届上海国际青少年钢琴大赛演奏了贝多芬的一首奏鸣曲。 6park.com

The video, published on China Daily’s Sina Weibo account, has been viewed more than 7 million times. Many internet users said they were touched by Xiong’s bravery and optimism. “This is the song to salute life,” one comment on the post read. 6park.com

这段发布在中国日报新浪微博账号上的视频,观看量已经超过了700万次。许多网友都表示,被熊翎好的勇气与乐观所打动。“这是生命的乐章,”评论区中一位网友表示。 6park.com

Xiong lost her eyesight in early infancy due to a medical accident. Her mother discovered Xiong had a talent for music early in her childhood. At age 3, she could play children’s songs on a small electric piano. At age 6, she started learning the piano. 6park.com

由于一次医疗事故,熊翎好自幼失明。在她很小的时候,母亲就发现了熊翎好在音乐方面的天赋。3岁时,她就能在一架小小的电子琴上弹儿歌了。6岁时,她开始学习钢琴。 6park.com

“The piano is my best friend,” said Xiong, a high school student at the Chengdu Special Education School. “It brings so much pleasure into my life and empowers me with perseverance.” 6park.com

“钢琴是我最好的朋友,”目前在成都市特殊教育学校就读高中的熊翎好如此表示。“它给我的生活带来了如此多的乐趣,并教会了我坚持不懈。” 6park.com

Unlike most pianists, who play by reading music, Xiong relied entirely on the sound of the music to guide her. “I listened to the melody repeatedly and then put what I heard to my fingers. I first practiced with my two hands separately before I could play with both hands together,” said Xiong. 6park.com

与大多数看谱演奏的钢琴手不同,熊翎好完全依靠音乐声引导弹奏。“我会反复听一段旋律并用手指将我听到的弹出来。我会先进行单手练习,再双手同时演奏,”熊翎好说道。 6park.com

“Repeated practice is key because I need muscle memory to find the right keys,” she explained. “I pay attention to each minor step in each phrase and need to be fairly precise with the angle of how I control my hands, wrists and fingers.” 6park.com

“关键在于反复练习,因为我需要肌肉记忆来找出正确的琴键,”她解释道。“我会留意每个乐句的每一处细节,要十分精确的控制自己的手掌、手腕和手指。” 6park.com

Xiong was honored with the Special Jury Prize in the competition. “Through her piano playing viewers could feel the irrepressible vitality of life and a truly strong will,” said Ding Quan, a judge in the competition. 6park.com

熊翎好在上海国际青少年钢琴大赛中获得了评委会特别奖。“通过她的钢琴演奏,观众们能够感受到生命力十足的蓬勃活力与真正的坚强意志,”该比赛的评委丁权(音)说道。 6park.com

“I never pursued prizes or fame while learning music,” explained Xiong. “Like Beethoven, I wanted to express hope, feelings and passion for life [in difficult conditions] through the piano.” 6park.com


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